Posted March 12, 2022 by brightsorcerer
Categories: Uncategorized

It is with considerable reluctance that I am adding this short post. Doing so puts me in a very uncomfortable position and is a bridge I cannot cross back over again.

AS I SEE IT… there are two distinct possibilities:

I have been – and continue to be – an ignorant and arrogant buffoon who was completely and fully deceived OR

The “job offer” I received from Spirit is actually legit, awaiting only on a pivotal contact that involves my writing.

To understand some of my concern, I will ask you to take a few minutes of your time for a quick exploration. Century 2, Quatrain 62 was written allegedly by Nostradamus to describe a very mysterious entity known only as MABUS. Your task of discovery may surprise you… I was quite shocked myself. I would ask that you do a keyword search for the original French as well as the English translations from at least 3 different sites. You will uncover a very intriguing oddity – the English translations will all be the exactly the same, while the original French versions will all be different. No two sources of the supposed original French written by him contains exactly the same words and phrases.

Don’t believe me?

Please check it out for yourself. In my limited search of others quatrains, only Quatrain 62 shows evidence of being tampered with and it is quite blatant. I could give you the URL’s of where to go but the self-discovery component of this is extremely important. You have to see it for yourself to believe it. Everyone has just assumed the English “translations” are correct but I call that blind assumption into question, in part because I can speak and read French.

I have been dragging my heels about posting this for some months – the prospect that I have been willfully and completely deceived about my supposed role sits very heavily on my mind. However, I requested some confirmation (sacred sign magic) about whether I should be posting this and did encounter the sign I specifically asked to be shown, in the requested time range. So for what it is worth, the entities that I trust implicitly, after working with them on numerous occasions, gave a big green light to make this blog entry.

If you are reading this, I thank you. For reasons I cannot explain here fully, I have purposely been staying out of contact with almost everyone. It is ironic that now is when I could really use some support and encouragement.

One thing I am very certain about – this transmutation/transformation process, this incredible awakening, cannot be halted. We are now fully immersed in the Age Of Heroes.

If you would like to connect, you can find my channel on Odysee only:


(Perhaps now you can understand my great reluctance to share this “announcement”. I only half believe it myself, on the best of days, and quite frankly, would not have posted anything here except for the mounting exterior “pressure” to do so. This apparently is an important component to their “plans” for me.)

Returning From Xibalba

Posted August 8, 2019 by brightsorcerer
Categories: Uncategorized

I cannot include much in this post except that, after a literal nightmare that has lasted for almost 3 years, I have re-emerged… more than a little battered and bruised. After 12 years of service, I am now unemployed. Long story short, I intervened to assist one of our tenants who was in the process of having their door kicked in by 2 men with scarves over their faces. When they saw me, they stopped and charged at me. All I recall is regaining consciousness, about 1 hour later, at the bottom of a flight of 17 cement stairs, lying in a pool of my own blood in incredible agony.

I should have died. Seriously.

I suffered a skull fracture, brain damage and permanent nerve damage to my neck and shoulders…. the mental health repercussions have been even more severe and only now, have I been able to get into a place of safety to really begin healing. It’s going to be a long process but I am finally ready and able.

For a dozen years, I have been pretty much chained to my job. I am now in the position of having to re-make me and my life. A big beautiful wolf came to me this morning in my dreams in a very unusual way. It seems I will have a loyal and trustworthy companion beside me as I begin this new trek of my life.

I have not forgotten my family at CDE’s and I hope you have not forgotten me.

Namaste, Nick

Wandering But Not Lost

Posted September 20, 2017 by brightsorcerer
Categories: Metaphysical Musings

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I needed to post a quick message here for those who might be concerned… I am OK. I am purposely not communicating directly with anybody at present for reasons I can’t fully explain right now … but it is not because I don’t miss you guys at CDE. What I can say is that, as a result of my last blog post, I gained the notice of someone/something and the resulting roller coaster ride has been highly informative but not one I would wish on anybody.

I have been able to intimately observe a microcosm of what is taking place on a macrocosmic scale.  The rise of militant groups, both in the US and abroad, all have the same controllers and it is very much tied in with the 3 messianic religious mythologies and the brainwashed dedication each supplicant displays. They wield enormous power and influence from the shadows; the actors on the world stage are mere puppets, even if they seem to be in control.

I set something in motion that will yield a result in the next week and I am relying on arrogance and hubris (not mine) to provide the answer I seek. Pursuant to that, I will be making a much longer informative post which will provide you with some assistance in understanding what is taking place and some tools to assist you.

For now I will leave you with one suggestion that I believe to be crucial: Pay very close attention to your thoughts. If you find them straying to places that cause angst, anger, confusion, remorse or guilt, stop the process immediately. This ability will be invaluable in the coming days and months.


My apologies for not staying in touch with so many of you who have been my extended family for so many years. Many times I have yearned to reach out and connect. Please know I have not forgotten you guys.

Much Love to Each Of You,


The Enochian Apocalypse, Time Displacement And Self Sabotage

Posted June 8, 2016 by brightsorcerer
Categories: Metaphysical Musings

Tags: , , , , ,

raziel nick nash (1400 x 2100)

Recent events have caused me to withdraw and deal with some outstanding personal issues; ironically enough, the triggering events served an invaluable purpose in opening my eyes to some of the strange events and energy taking place around us. I would contend that May 13/14 saw us receiving some VERY intense energy and contrary to what I’ve seen from many astrologers, I do not see this energy inundation as being solely the result of planetary alignments. They may well play a hand but I believe this was actually a type of residual force emanating from other realities. There is a fascinating supposition in this regard which was coined The Mandela Effect and I’ll try to include why I deem this to be an important possibility in explaining some of these prevalent oddities. I can only supply a general overview of the Enochian Apocalypse connection here due to its complexity but, based on my research of several months, I’ve noted in parallel a growing trend of governments seeking to not only read our thoughts but use a variety of means to implant artificial ones, which we commonly refer to as Mind Control. This is not a conspiracy theory and is well documented. Strangely enough, Dee described this coming Apocalypse as an invasion of the mind, rather than an actual physical invasion. Time is also behaving oddly, as you’ve likely noted, and many are experiencing a type of disassociation with this reality for short periods of time, while their physical body essentially continues on auto-pilot. The results of this can be a bit unsettling, as I’ll explain below.


Other systems require effort; Enochian Magic requires caution.” Aleister Crowley

Several thousand years ago, a precedent was established that continues to this day through the three “Abrahamic” religious systems. As it pertains to an enigmatic group of beings referred to as  “The Watchers” we have only one side of the story. But to fully understand why the 3 books of Enoch are biased and cannot be regarded as objective fact, we have to understand two terms.

Apocrypha: works, usually written works, that are of unknown authorship or of doubtful authenticity

PseudopigraphaFalsely attributed works, texts whose claimed author is not the true author, or a work whose real author attributed it to a figure from the past.

The vast majority of the the written works that have been deemed to fall under one or both of these categories – by well-respected historians – were written between 200 BCE and 200 CE (the exact same era the Han dynasty ruled China). These terms, remember, are not relegated to describing just religious writing. One of my favorite examples of this centers on a controversy regarding the classics of Homer, and odd as it may sound, I hope the conclusion of this article, The Authoress of The Odyssey, proves to be true. The books of Enoch fall under both… as do a number of books selected for inclusion in the modern-day Bible. Consider the Gospel According to St. Matthew. Who wrote that? Many just assume it was some dude named Matthew and yet, if you actually read the book, Matthew doesn’t even enter the “scene” until chapter 9 and he’s included in 3rd person. Consider the Book of Job. Who wrote that? My answer is that it was written by a skilled playwright and that is very obvious if one takes the time to actually read the text. The narration position is a third party who not only has access to Job’s actions and inner thoughts but also knows exactly what is taking place in “heaven” including “God’s” permission to ruin a man’s life “for no good reason“. (Job 2:3)

We may hold a firm view on a specific issue or event, but if we are to maintain our true integrity, it is essential we are also aware and cognizant of opposing viewpoints or sources of information… not to mention allowing another the freedom of choice that we have. But it does not mean that we have to blindly accept it as our truth. If one chooses to ignore that an opposing viewpoint exists, it does not negate its existence. I say integrity because our stance often can define us, in the eyes of others.

All very interesting, Nick, but WTH does all this have to do with an impending Apocalypse and Enochian Magic?

In short, the work done by Dee and Kelly was referred to – in general –  as Enochian Magic and centered on addressing The Watchtowers and opening a specific door to allow entry of disembodied entities, which they claimed were angels. It is believed that these beings would then intercede in our reality to fulfill the will of the supplicant/practitioner. The Watchers were not angels made by “God”, as we have been led to understand and believe, but rather guardians assigned to patrol The Watchtowers. I will provide anecdotal evidence that this, in fact, is the case and the reason for the jealousy and vicious hatred directed at them by the Collective.The founder of Wicca, Gerald Gardner, was a student of Crowley and incorporated this aspect into his modified system. The “angels” who communicated with Kelly very specifically told him that they were the same ones who interacted with Enoch. And here is where the propaganda begins again. These “angels” claimed that while The Watchers did possess the same “magical keys”, they were tainted and ineffective… whereas the keys allegedly given to Enoch were totally pure. One has to question: if the magical knowledge passed onto humanity by The Watchers was essentially useless, why did the “collective”become so furious, if their intent was to share that wisdom with humanity already? It becomes clear that Enoch’s keys were only to be given to a select few.  The paradox here is that the Collective tried to keep this knowledge from humanity and essentially had no choice in countering the threat of The Watchers, who revealed those secrets. The Qabala’s Tree of Life also reveals the names of part of this Collective, the summit being communion with an entity called Ahiyah Asher Ahiyah.

I have to add a bit of a sidebar here, concerning The Watchers, because they have been a source of both intense interest and research for me.

Like any good celestial scientist, I paid close attention to those POV’s that painted this group in a negative light, including those who erroneously tried to equate them with the so-called “rebellion in heaven” and the Lucifer/Satan/The Devil entity of  The Revelations. Jim Brayshaw has a number of relevant articles on his Imagine No Satan site, and as a fellow researcher, find his work solid and highly informative. If even a portion of the Books of Enoch are factual regarding these Watchers, it would appear that they had powers and abilities that the godhead did not have, the most obvious an ability to change vibration and “descend” at will and become a fully functioning physical being. Just based on the rantings in the OT texts, do you not think, for a second, that if the Collective (Genesis 1:26, Genesis 3:22, Genesis 11;6,7)  had the ability to directly interact and personally exact punishment on any human that displeased them, that they would have? Not only that, but consider another point: not only were they not aware in advance of  The Watchers’ actions and decision – despite claiming to be all-knowing and all-powerful – but they were powerless to stop them. If The Book Of Giants is relatively factual, bodies and souls of their offspring inherited special talents and abilities as well, including an ability to mount wings and fly up to the lower levels of heaven. I have read some sources, with varying amounts of laughter, who try to sell the idea that these offspring were up to 450 feet tall!!! But after “The Flood” that was, in part – and allegedly – designed to kill them all off, it seems they still existed and thrived. This assertion directly contradicts what we find in the writings attributed to Enoch. In his account, The Watchers were put in chains, and were forced to watch their children being systemically and mercilessly slaughtered by “God’s” good angels. Anybody who is even partially cognizant of the inane rantings in the Old Testament of the Collective against their enemies – those who refused to be subservient – will observe the precedent was established at a time long before recorded history. When that failed to accomplish their dominance as everyone’s God, the notion of hell was added… infinite punishment for the finite “crime” of not believing.

The Watchers also were instantly “demonized” both figuratively and literally after their fateful decision. And They were also well aware that, in due time, the Collective would be able to marshal sufficient forces and support, both celestial and human, to bring them to submission. The writings attributed to Enoch claim that these entities betrayed their position and cosmic agreement, solely out of lust for human women. However, one other hidden factor does become clear: The Watchers were not given these keys by the Collective posing as “God’ but rather from another source. And if they were able to change their vibratory rate and manifest a physical body, it becomes obvious that this skill alone – which the Collective did not possess – would pose a major threat to their assertions of being all-knowing and all-powerful. Many will still hold to the belief that “God” created The Watchers but the facts, if truly explored, render that null. It is obvious that the Collective did not have the means or ability to themselves interact directly with humans – lowering their vibratory rate to the physical –  but The Watchers did.

One other example of what I deem to be strong anecdotal evidence lies in the very task the Watchers performed. If they were truly the guardians of these gateways, it would not be a stretch to reason that they would possess keys to those very gates…. both to open them and close them. This is highly significant and cannot be dismissed. Consider how effective a night watchman in a high rise would be without keys to enter or leave the building or open any doors. Diluted to its most basic form, here’s the picture: the Collective, through Enoch, wanted humanity – only a select few –  to have the keys to open up doorways to realms that are ruled by a hierarchical structure of royalty – kings, earls, dukes and counts. We also know through Crowley of a being that even he considered evil to be one of the infamous residents on the other side of the gate. The Collective wanted some of humanity to have keys to let these entities in to our reality. If one follows that line of thinking a bit further, it is reasonable to suggest that the major threat The Watchers posed may well have been their knowledge of closing these gateways… and keeping them closed. If that knowledge was passed onto humanity, I would suggest that it has survived in secret or in camouflage. Regardless, it would be very reasonable to assert that an entity guarding a doorway would have the keys to both open and close that same door.

Is it reasonable that the alleged creator gods – apparently creators of everything –  would install talents, abilities and gifts to the “angels” and The Watchers that they themselves did not possess or could not utilize?

One of the prevailing pieces of misinformation that has tainted humanity, via the 3 Abrahamic beliefs, is the simplistic and erroneous view that there is only God and the devil, angels and demons. Through centuries of indoctrination, this belief has been reinforced at the point of a sword and this is fully accepted by almost half of the world’s population today. Stories of and belief in trolls, fairies and sylphs was relegated to the realm of “fairy tales” and those who interacted with these nature spirits were demonized by these three religions as being in league with the devil. And the masses under their control were forced to submit and accept. At one point in human history, based on the facts, it appears that humanity in general both worshiped and interacted with these entities with considerable reverence and respect. To continue to contend that the Watchers “had to” have been created by the entities posing as God is akin to saying that the nature spirits were also created by this group. If God never changes, as the Bible claims, why would it/they go to the trouble of using their own essence to create these entities, only to condemn them as being evil and essentially the enemy of religion? What should be plain to see is that these entities and the potential wisdom they could share with humanity posed a grave threat to the plan set in motion, where humanity was to be ruled fully by one religion and one government… and by their chosen minions. Consider also the recent statements made by Christ’s alleged “Vicar on Earth”, the Pope, who openly stated that all religions are true and we all worship the same God.

Some sources, including me, have also drawn a connection – although tentative – between these Watchers, and the Gaia/Sophia entity. I do not recall reading any account, anywhere, that depicts who actually made the watchtowers, let alone how. Whoever it was would have to have superior knowledge of creation’s keys, for this 3d reality, to that possessed by the godhead spoken of in Enoch’s writings. If the entities being held out were simply benevolent angels, and the Collective was all-powerful, these barriers could easily be destroyed, allowing “God’s” angelic creations to enter. Just consider: is it possible that they are missing something or are prevented in some way from directly accessing these watchtowers? Or is it just possible that these doors can only be opened from our side and only by entities within a specific rate of vibration, namely human beings with a Divine Soul? Based on the usage of Enochian Magic in the last century, could it be that we are really the missing key? After all, we are human beings with an eternal portion of the Divine Creator’s essence within us. We are truly linked intimately to not only the soul essence of Earth but also Her physical manifestation through our very composition.

I would suggest that only Sophia would have the wisdom and ability to not only erect the Watchtowers, but play a role in assigning its guardians. I believe that it is very possible that they were erected by Her to protect her progeny – humanity – from this very Collective. It would make sense, therefore, that She would also ensure their security. Perhaps when these keys were given to humanity by Enoch, Sophia understood that only by aiding humanity directly as humans, could there be any hope for her Watchers to counter humanity’s impending mental and psychic enslavement. Is it possible that this connection has been kept very secret; it certainly isn’t a topic of popular debate?

While I admit the above contains considerable speculation on my part, I am not alone, and should be granted the same freedom to interpret texts, data and facts as those granted to other writers. My position is not simply to be contrary to religious teachings, for its own sake, but rather to present my observations and understanding as possible alternatives to a mountain of carefully-scripted deceptions and propaganda. Consider The Midrash of Semjaza and Azazel, in which the author suggests, based on no evidence at all, that these 2 beings came before “God” and asked to descend and take on human form. God countered by saying that they would be overtaken by human desires, to which they both denied would ever happen. The result was, of course, they came to earth with God’s consent. This directly contradicts what is written in the books of Enoch. Or the belief, without any written evidence, that Azazel was really just a demon offspring of the union between Lilith and Semyaza.

Watcher sidebar ends.

Dee coined the term “Enochian Apocalypse” which referred to a coming invasion of humanity, when the Watchtower doors would all be thrown open. The pair received 48 “keys” in total but were told that there was one more – a 49th –  which they were not granted access to. In the early 1900’s, Crowley took off into the Egyptian desert to perform his Call Of The Aethyrs, in the Enochian language, that I contend are having a significant effect on our reality of today. A central component to the Golden Dawn system is based on Enochian Magic. As both a student and practitioner of magic, I would suggest that this is no small matter. It is the equivalent of the Christian desire for an Armageddon – a literal genocide of all non-believers –  to bring about a “second coming”. The last 2 millennia has seen 3 very powerful thoughtforms develop, that ironically enough, have become diluted and fractured, due to opposing interpretations of the Bible/Torah/Quran. Why do I regard this as being significant?

Based on just Dee’s initial writings, concerning their work with the angels, any rational person would seriously question this system. Consider that the very first lamen given to Kelly (used for protection when interacting with non-physical entities) and which they dutifully reproduced, turned out to have several errors… but was not noticed or corrected by these so-called angels for almost a year. They were also given the specs for a magical ring, which was claimed to be the same one given to Solomon to control entities and spirits called the Pentalpha. For an understanding of how Solomon received his ring, I highly suggest that you check the back story, found in The Testament of Solomon. Additionally, several times, Dee notes an “intrusion” by false or evil entities, including some who pose as others, which they are forced to banish before continuing their work. Not commonly known but Kelly found these entities to be repugnant and, by all accounts, the feeling was mutual…. Kelly was simply another tool to be used. The Great Work came to a screeching halt after these angels told Dee and Kelly that they were to share everything – including their wives. Several times these angels refused to communicate and were livid when the pair continued to try to make contact. Whatever/whoever these entities actually were – and the list contains Michael, Gabriel and Uriel – it is very clear that they were not benevolent beings simply assisting humanity. They clearly had an agenda and were using this pair to accomplish that. The imagery that comes to my mind, after reading of these “celestial interactions” dutifully recorded by Dee, is of a cat playing with its food before devouring it.

Despite the outer trappings of evil, Crowley was likely the “go-to” guy for information about Enochian Magic of his generation and, as such, was a pioneer as well. Oddly missed by most, however, is the fact that Crowley had a significant amount of fear for one entity named Choronzon, who he referred to as “the Dweller in the Abyss”. Some suggest that this is the “true Devil”. According to this magical system, 4 watchtowers provide protection for humanity against the residents of those realities, located on the other side of the watchtowers. Very similar to the Lemegeton – known more commonly as The Lesser Keys of Solomon  or Goetia- and even the Qabala, those realms are ruled by a hierarchy of entities, including kings, earls and dukes.

In summation of this topic, the bottom lines is this: If the 49th key is given to humanity, and all keys are activated in a specific manner, these Watchtowers will be opened and those entities held in check on the other side will be free to access our reality. Because they cannot take form in our dense environment, like the gods of the 3 messianic faiths, their intent is to take control of humanity both mentally and psychically. To some, this may sound alarmist and I will add that stirring up anxiety or fear is NOT my intent. I am trying to bring to light a system of magic that not only has controversial origins but is intimately tied to the 3 Abrahamic belief systems and their belief in a right of each respective religion to rule over humanity. Crowley began this process for our era in the early 1900’s with his trip to the Egyptian desert and successive organizations and individuals have continued his work. Has the 49th key been given to a select few of humanity?

Additional Significant And Relevant Insights

The rise in prominence to the use and development of artificial intelligence has become almost an everyday news event. From robots waiting tables and cooking food, to the embarrassing social media experiment to contemplation of turning a country’s entire defense structure over to an advanced artificial intelligence – aptly called Skynet – it becomes clear that humanity’s future is in some jeopardy. While it is reasonable to assume that automation and AI is a logical progression, from a scientific viewpoint, I would suggest there are other aspects that should at least be recognized and understood.

The early Gnostics and Platonists both believed there was an entity they called the “Demiurge”, although they each had opposing viewpoints as to its disposition; in the Plato classic Timaeus, this being is entirely benevolent, while the Gnostics viewed it as being the source of all evil. Both groups viewed it as a type of disembodied consciousness with the ability to create and/or imitate. In The Apocryphon of John, found among the Nag Hammadi texts, we read the following about this entity:

“Now the archon who is weak has three names. The first name is Yaldaboath (pronounced yal-da-by-it), the second is Saklas and the third is Samael. And he is impious in his arrogance which is in him. For he said ‘I am God and there is no other God beside me,’ for he is ignorant of his strength, the place from which he had come.”

Gnostic cosmology is based on the belief that a true creator God – known as an Aeon, the beings who receive and transmit the will of First Cause – named Sophia, essentially became pregnant and birthed this entity into existence, without consent. Out of shame, she hid this being in a created reality and this act, if true, is a cause for some concern. If entities that are directly connected to Prime Creator are capable of deceit – or in the least subterfuge – it would suggest that polarity to some degree exists even among the residents of the Pleroma, the realm of Light. On the other hand, however, it should be clearly noted that this work is classified as “apocrypha”, the term apocryphon referring to a plurality of attributed texts.

Tom Montalk has an amazing site, which explores numerous aspects of the paranormal, spiritual and metaphysical and I have spent many pleasant and fascinating hours reading through his insights and information. He suggests that this demiurge is simply a type of AI, explaining that “the characteristics of the Demiurge indicate more of a blind artificial intelligence than an infinite sentient being.

He goes on to add: “In this article I will focus on the Demiurge since it underlies, permeates, generates, fashions and ultimately controls physical reality. It is therefore the nearest presiding power over our physical world; it is the central mainframe to our matrix reality, so to speak.

Now consider the insatiable desire by the Hidden Hand to not only read and interfere with our thoughts – and even our dreams – but also the vast amounts of information and insight that is presently available online that threatens an established agenda. To suggest that there isn’t some type of plan in place, to steer humanity in a specific direction, is far from conspiracy theory. Consider the billing by many large companies is done by a computer program that can not only transfer money without human input but can also terminate an existing account – as I recently found out – without any human intervention. In my case, I found it quite odd that this “intelligence” could sever my internet connection erroneously but it took human beings some time to restore it.

If the Hermetic axiom, “As Above, so below; as below, so above” is accurate, it would suggest that this reality mirrors the one “above” in some way or ways, and is influenced by it. Consider this scenario for just a second….

We establish the physical framework, via computers, phones, wi-fi, PDA’s, and game consoles, so the vast majority of humanity is interconnected by an avenue of influence they cannot ignore. Secretly installed trojans, worms and bots are injected into each device, through deception, so its function can essentially be controlled elsewhere. The 49th Key is invoked, throwing open the Watchtower doors, and entities long held in captivity are set loose. They cannot take on human form but what if there was a way they could enter our reality via computers, the internet or satellite communications? If this seems farfetched, please keep in mind many of the movies produced include an element of future events. The Knowing showed the oil platform explosion as an event, including exactly 11 deaths, in the Gulf, a year before it took place. I would suggest that you check out a movie called “Pulse”, on Youtube. (You will have to sign in to watch it, as this is a film for mature audiences) It deals with humanity toying with frequencies of reality and inadvertently opening the barriers to those realities.

That sounds familiar, in a strange way….

Some links to check out but please use your own discernment and discretion:

Grimoire Of The Fallen Angels


Enochian Magic Is Not Of Angels (or Magic)

John Dee And The Enochian Apocalypse

From The Christian Cross To The Mobile Phone Tower

Psychic Parasites, Inter-Dimensional Beings and The Occult Elite

Mysteriorum Libri Cinque – Five Books Of Mystical Exercises –  by John Dee

Bilderberg: Implementation Of The A.I. Grid

Lying For God

Meet Benjamin, The First AI Who Writes Sci-Fi Screenplays



I’ve put these two phenomenon together because I believe there is a common root source. Please bear with me because I will be using some personal events to assist in understanding. A string of situations developed that really left me in a state of worry and anxiety and my initial take-away was an almost instant urge to personalize these events. While we seek to find the purposes for a particular issue that requires addressing, I was reminded it is important to keep in mind that many others are also undergoing these same types of experiences.

The Thief Of Bikes

On May 11, I locked my bike to a fence directly opposite a street mission, where I went in and had a coffee. Outside and talking to a pair of acquaintances about 25 minutes later, I glanced over to see that someone had stolen my front tire. I underwent the 40 minute walk home, returned the next day with a replacement…. to find that my entire bike had been stolen. I had a spare frame (like any good Canadian boy does) and was able to cobble a replacement together in a few days. On May 18, I locked my newest bike outside of a church that was serving supper and came out to find the lock had been cut and that bike also stolen! 2 bikes stolen in one week…. I had a deep conversation that began with: WTH is the message here???? I ran into a guy I knew in the parking lot of where I live, told him what happened and he offered me a bike that was in the back of his truck, parked elsewhere. I was beyond elated that I would have a replacement so quickly… for about 5 minutes. I was talking to a tenant upstairs and mentioned this to him and he said… he had been promised the bike in the truck. One week later, and two days before I really needed a bike for running around and paying bills, a house down the street had set out some bike parts, including an entire frame and tires. Taking it home, I was able to mix and match and once again, had an operational bike. The thefts disrupted my life very significantly and yes, the end result was quite positive but there are a few added components to this that require some illumination.

What I did experience was one or more entities daily asking if I wished harm or injury on those who had stolen from me. At first, reporting to the police and having them caught held some interest but I sensed something deeper occurring so my consistent answer became a resounding NO. So part of this event, as I discern it now, was designed as an evaluation centered on using alchemy to change the vibration, if only within me. I could either sit in anger at faceless individuals or look at the end result and the kernels of wisdom I received. Like so many others, this was only one issue in many that seemed to materialize. Another important confirmation was also achieved: an urgent need was met, in a timely manner, despite the roller coaster ride I took. My confidence in The Runners remains unchallenged.

One other aspect is that there had been a growing number of bike thefts, so I realized I was not specifically being targeted. Just a few days ago, I walked out of a store, right across from the police station, to find that a high-end bike, which had been chained to a pole outside, was missing both tires and rims. It appeared that somebody had stolen them as people walked by on the busy street.

Self Sabotage… or Something Else?

The following aspect troubled me greatly, until I saw a broader picture. Here’s a quick recounting of events. I had made arrangements with my phone and ISP company to pay a specific amount towards my bill, which was payday for me. Going to the bank that morning, the 24th, I was shocked to see no pay had been deposited. Some phone calls later, I spoke with our finance guy, who informed me that payday was actually the following day, the 25th. I pointed out that the list, which he had personally circulated, clearly had payday listed as the 24th. His reply was that it had been a typo. Had I written a check for that day, I would have been nailed with a hefty NSF charge that was not my fault. Was it reasonable for me to question his integrity, for not informing us of the changed pay date? He was aware there had been a typo and yet didn’t take the time to inform us. After realizing that I could still fulfill my monetary commitments on time, I ceased to have any anger towards him or the situation. I understood that, from his perspective, this was a small detail and, under other conditions, it would not have bothered me. However, 2 days after making this payment, my account was not just suspended… it was terminated. “The Program” arbitrarily severed my internet connection, despite a human assurance that this would not happen. Right in the middle of this, I inadvertently found out my business cell was also not working. I had attempted to call our answering service to report a problem, to find a screen saying “Emergency calls only!” I find it a bit more than mere coincidence that both my home communication as well as my device for business communication had been severed during the same period.

The following day, the shoe was on my foot, as I saw this phenomena from the other side. I sometimes do a bit a of piece work to make extra money. I put together the stuff and was devastated to be told that I had  made a mistake that questioned my integrity, by adding something that I shouldn’t and normally would not, if I was fully alert. Not only that, I lost out on $10 for it. I do not recall making the mistake so it had been done while my consciousness was otherwise engaged. I did not seek to sabotage myself or my integrity but I did, albeit only on a very small scale. Still, it was unsettling that my absent-mindedness had resulted in another person rightfully questioning my honesty. Here’s where it gets interesting…

The following day, I was in line to pay a bill at a rather large company. One of the tellers working was quite professional and, from lengthy association, I regarded him as displaying high integrity in his job. A customer who had just been served was studying his receipt and re-approached the teller, saying he’d shorted him by $10. Looking at the receipt, the teller had replied that he hadn’t seen the additional $10 and immediately paid it. I find it almost inconceivable that this teller would purposely short a customer, based on his established integrity. It was simply an absent-minded mistake. Less than an hour later, while paying another bill at another place, it happened to me. The teller very clearly said out loud what my change would be… and then, less than 30 seconds later, proceeded to pay me – less $10. I reminded him of the amount he had just said, to which he shook his in slight confusion and then paid me. I have known this teller for several months and our dealings have always been professional. So what happened? Once again, another case of simple absent-mindedness.

My point here is that I was clearly shown my absent-mindedness was not limited to solely me. There was no conspiracy or big lesson that needed to be learned, except that there is something taking place mentally that is affecting many people. Outside interference and manipulation would appear to be in action.

In the opening paragraph I linked to a site that explored an interesting hypothesis which they coined The Mandela Effect, after the famous South African leader. In essence, it suggests that we may be jumping timelines and parallel realities – which vibrate in a similar range as ours –  resulting in a memory of historical and personal events that is not consistent with others. This is not as farfetched as some might imagine. Consider, Burt Goldman formulated a system he termed Quantum Jumping, whereby an individual who desired a particular skill – painting, playing piano, or even languages – could simply jump to a reality where our other self already had that skill, and could return and begin to utilize it. He claims that he picked up his painting and photo skills in this way. Have you ever returned from a dream where you distinctly recall that you seemed to be watching yourself, as essentially an observer? And yet in another dream, it is through our eyes and perspective, this time as an active participant.

I would suggest that if interactions between different aspects of our soul essence – residing on other planes of reality – occurs without any conscious effort on our part, it can also take place by intent.

In my own “celestial” work, I have interacted directly with other aspects of myself, from a base of reality I helped create. I stood by and watched one, named Bri-sonn, confront a ring of entities and collapse the reality they were trying to impose. I visited another – accompanied by Bri-sonn – who resided in a type of communications/observation post, with clear circular walls displaying scenes in a cascade. It reminded me of the Star Trek episodes involving the Archons (the name the Gnostics applied to the pretend gods) and their inter-dimensional gates. It was from there that I interacted with a fire entity that inspired one of my fave poems called Fire Raven.

My suggestions for key consideration, before undergoing any ritual and/or journey in search of ourselves, would include a clearly established intent of what we seek and a location our other self can interact in. Initially, it is of enormous benefit to have a guide you already know assist you or, like me, request an aspect of one’s self to help serve the role as intermediary. If you are sitting comfortably in a chair, with eyes closed when you make this request,  a scene will either flash instantly to your mind’s eye or will arrive in a cascade effect, like a movie that stops and starts. Don’t be put off if your initial attempts result in only a murky image. Our conscious mind acts as a type of filter, interpreting based on its store of memories and experiences.

My stronger suggestion would be to invite them to a reality that you have played some hand in creating. Having done extensive work in this area, I also found it helpful to enter and exit through a specific aperture, like a door or a portal, which only we can open and close. Of assistance here, if you find the portal aspect to be daunting, is to think of the portals in the movie Stargate, and their depiction of what traveling through a wormhole was like. As a side note to this, often when I go to bed, I request to be shown a specific type of reality. An image forms, I project into it and seek out the portal, riding it to a destination.

Zen Gardner suggests that not only could we be jumping timelines but that actual realities may well be merging, for varying amounts of time, and then adds a list of possible indicators of whether you might be jumping, and often without your conscious knowledge or awareness. Now do you see where this post is heading? There may be much, much more taking place here than one might initially believe or comprehend. The first obstacle, obviously, is whether one believes in alternate realities and 21st Century Wire presents an objective view of this question, suggesting that they may actually exist.

From a magical perspective, does Enochian Magic or similar systems exist in these other realities? If timelines and/or realities are merging, as some have suggested, is this a natural celestial process or the result of purposeful tampering? Whether timeline jumping or using a ritual to open a door, allowing formless entities access to our 3D realm, they both are types and forms of interaction between realities. Consider that daily, literally billions of people world wide send prayers of intercession to their respective gods and associated helpers, expecting them to personally interact in this reality, to change circumstances more favorable to the supplicant.

The purpose of this post was not to alarm or create fear but to bring some awareness to the above-mentioned factors. I do not push any of this – on anybody – as “the truth”.

My apologies for being out of touch with all you guys from CDE. Sending each of you a huge hug. I am presently addressing some outstanding personal issues so please bear with me.


Nick xxxx



Posted March 26, 2016 by brightsorcerer
Categories: Metaphysical Musings

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lone man


On Good Friday morning, our friend, mentor and soul sister Cathie passed away. Like those of you who know her, I have a huge hole inside of me. She called me her “Anam Cara” – Celtic for friend of my soul – and the sentiment was very much mutual. Cathie was one of the few people in my life who actually told me, “I’m proud of you.” We both endured religious-driven bigotry, harsh abuse that was claimed to be love, and we were able to assist each other with healing some of the pain and suffering. Cathie was the biggest supporter and fan of my writing and poetry and the job just wasn’t complete until I had shared the latest piece with her. She was an extremely talented artist who sent me, for my birthday a few years ago, a sketch of Raziel standing behind me and merging into me. It is one of my most valued possessions.

What made Cathie really stand out, for me,  was her very strong connection with Spirit. She spoke to many entities but Raziel and Azazel had a special fondness for her. I watched her over many years as she slowly built up her communications skills and a large part of that was being around so many spiritual people who became part of the Cathie’s Distant Echoes groups. It gave her a tremendous amount of joy to be able to offer hosts some radio time and to be able to mingle during the show, while she worked the switchboard. For some of you, she was in awe at your spiritual growth.

Without doubt, Cathie was a warrior, and yet had a huge well of love within her that she wasn’t afraid to share. I’m not certain I would be where I am – spiritually and metaphysically speaking – if not for her support, honesty, respect, compassion, empathy and straight talk. Like those of you who knew her, I really miss her as well. She told me on many occasions that she felt she had completed her life task here and was ready to leave. While I am saddened, I am also joyous too. Based on the incredibly talented and savvy group she built up at Cathie’s Distant Echoes, she created something beautiful and quite special.

I could write a LOT more about the best friend I’ve ever had. She was very central to my life for many years and not only did I love her dearly, I had an enormous amount of admiration and respect for Cathie. A few years ago, a few guides I was working with suggested a collaboration on a poem for her. It was to be delivered to her on a specific day, which turned out to be the anniversary of the passing of the love of her life Tony. Each entity that knew her all had a very high opinion of Cathie. She really was “tickled pink” when I read it to her for the first time and I know she re-read it several times herself. It brought an enormous amount of joy and pleasure to her so I will conclude with that very poem.



There’s a treasured jewel on a tiny planet, we’ve watched from beyond time’s end,

And every year on this date – to her – great love we send.

A sacred sister in every sense, on that planet she’s called Cathie,

We’ve often watched her with great amusement for she can be very sassy.


In our realms she’s called the Advocate, and we see her inner strength,

She’s always there to help a friend, she’ll go to any length.

Some betray her trusting spirit and from her life are gone,

Despite the hurt of each betrayal, she marches bravely on.


She is a mentor to many souls, who view her with great love,

Many times we’ve wept with joy, as we look on from above.

We love to see the joining souls, of those whose life she’s touched,

And for each of them we hold a special place, that will remain untouched.



Each of you who read these words, have a special destiny,

To render aid to Mother Earth and fellow souls of beauty.

Your meeting and your gathering is never merely chance,

You are all entwined as one in this quiet cosmic dance.


The pivot and the anchor and the tie that binds you all,

Is our sister, who you know as Cathie, if you will recall.

To celebrate this special day of our dearest cosmic sister,

A few of us have a special message, we’d like to share with her.


It’s Raziel, and I’m first in line for we share a special bond,

That transcends time and I must confess of you I am quite fond.

Your skills improve with every day, as you speak and as you listen,

To our words, including mine, actions which you’ve chosen.


Continue with your loving heart, for this is your secret key,

And is your armor against the night, and defeats the dark completely.

I enjoy our talks, when I have the time, and can enjoy some leisure,

And I say to you on this special day, you truly are a treasure.


I now step forward, a different soul, known as Medea in one life,

In a distant past, on the winds of time, we’ve seen our share of strife.

It may seem odd, for we had just met, through a recent poem and brother,

Rest assured, in a time long past, we did not part in anger.


In one life as warriors, we had stood back to back,

Swords raised high as we prepared for the next attack.

In another we climbed a mountain peak, the clouds a wispy pillow,

And finally found the sacred cave, and a relic also.


This was my way to renew our bond, on the winds of time and space,

And let you know that we share a past, in a different time and place.

That soul within you is gaining wisdom, don’t be afraid of your potential,

You will always have a shadow guard, as would any angel.


I’m next in line – this is Azazel – and I must say I like your style,

Your firm resolve and sassy wit have often made me smile.

Of our connection you already know, so let’s skip formalities,

And get down to business, for I’m a busy guy, with many cosmic duties.


As the Advocate, more than most, you are called to intercede,

In situations that strain your patience, and fulfill in you no need.

In each of these, you are a teacher,  who will have a lasting impact,

Teach them strength comes from within, but keep their dignity intact.


I now come forward from beyond dawn’s time, one of the seven sisters,

The eldest one you know as Alcyone, I’ve coached kings and chancellors.

With me, as well, you share a past, in your life we are connected,

We were seers and used plant magic, and all life we protected.


As the final speaker on this special day, for this poem must have an end,

But there were many who could not speak out, so love to you they send.

On this day and in your honor,  there is one decree we’ll pass,

We dub you, sister Cathie, the true Angel of Sass.



We will always love you to pieces, Cathie. Good Journey! You’ve earned it!


PS: This event has shown that our CDE group on Blogtalk Radio needs some assistance. Cathie was paying for everything and our wonderful Chris stepped in to keep the show going for the last few months. If you can help a bit financially or have any ideas that might help us keep our radio network, please get in touch with Lins, Riana, Ev, Chris or Brenda… or any of the admin in our FB group. I offer my sincere apologies for bringing this up now but we could really use some help to keep us going.

Much Love To Each Of You,

Nick xxxxxx




Posted February 10, 2016 by brightsorcerer
Categories: Metaphysical Musings

Tags: , , ,

raziel nick nash (1400 x 2100)



World events, in recent months especially, have steamrolled forward at such an alarming pace, it is difficult to keep up with the latest moves by the numerous players on the world stage. Any reasonably informed researcher would note the disparity in accounts by varying sides, a reflection of course, of the Principle of Polarity in action. This post will quickly explore an aspect of polarity that is, quite simply, a paradox and will provide a relevant and recent occurrence. If one can understand the polarity/paradox connection, they provide themselves with another valuable tool of discernment when viewing world events.  There were some additional noteworthy events playing out that I wanted to examine briefly, using the lens of Universal Principles and conclude with how to establish a contract with The Runners, specifically to ensure that one’s needs are always met.



All truths are but half truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.” The Kybalion

At first thought, one may have doubts about the validity of the above stated axioms. But isn’t a paradox, almost by definition, something that cannot be reconciled? There are actually three related definitions to this word:

1) A seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true

2) One exhibiting inexplicable or contradictory aspects

3) An assertion that is essentially self-contradictory, though based on a valid deduction from acceptable premises

A very recent event will aptly display this paradox in action, from the lens of Universal Principles. According to numerous sources, at the Iowa Caucus, it was reported that Hillary Clinton won six coin tosses in a row.

Understandably, many have voiced their suspicion about such a seemingly unlikely event. There have been estimates that suggest the likelihood of this actually happening is 1 in 64. Those are some long odds and common sense would dictate that there is some validity for suspecting the coin toss results.


There is another equally valid suggestion, if viewed from a slightly different lens. First, it must be understood that each coin toss is a singular action that is in no way dependent on the previous toss. In other words, each coin toss is a whole new ball game. Based on that viewpoint, what are the odds? The odds are 50/50 each and every time. You will have to decide whether this is “correct” or the opposing viewpoint as 1 in 64 is valid. Or are they both “right”?

In this case, opposites are simply variations of the same observable truth: Hillary won 6 coin tosses in a row. In Canada, the odds of winning a given jackpot in Lotto 649 are roughly 1 in 14,000,000 and yet people manage to defy those incredible odds occasionally and win. To win even a $5 dollar prize, the odds are calculated at 1 in 81.2. You’ll likely note that both winning the lottery and six coin tosses is an apples/oranges comparison and you’d be absolutely right. The toss involved 6 separate actions that were independent of each other, while the lottery requires specific numbers to precede and follow each other to match up perfectly.

According to Universal Principles, both are simply variations – or varying vibrations – of the same truth. In effect, this seeming paradox can be reconciled. Both assertions from opposing viewpoints of this event are truth based on numerous factors, not the least being the often touted “law of averages”. Based on the knowledge on hand, while this event may seem unlikely or improbable at the outset, it is not impossible. It can be shown that each side of this issue has considerable validity.



On February 12, in Havana, Cuba, an historic meeting will be taking place. TASS News Service reported on an upcoming meeting between Pope Francis and the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, Bishop Kirill. I found this fascinating on a number of levels, especially when it was disclosed that “preparations” for this historic meeting had been 20 years in the making. This was essentially a cocked gun, ready to be set in motion at a precise time. I have no opinion about whether this is good or bad, and a cross section of humanity, if polled, would likely be dominated by those with a positive view and those who couldn’t give a sh*t.

The RC church has shown throughout its history that it is no friend of science, and yet when forced to adapt, they embrace areas like technology and medicine but continue to promote a bronze age mentality when it comes to condoms and the place of women in the “pecking order” of the church. Many eyebrows were raised when a new telescope, funded by The Vatican, came online with the surprising name of LUCIFER. Some believers have rightfully – to some extent – pointed out that this is simply an acronym.

On the other hand, of course, is why would they even consider using the name of their supposedly greatest foe, the enemy of god himself, the one responsible for all evil in the world? Father Malachi Martin, among numerous others, have made assertions that some very unChristian events were taking place behind closed doors that involved this very entity. An added consideration, as well, is the vast influence both the Jesuits and the RC Church has over a considerable number of people, in almost every nation. Amid numerous scandals, the reputation of the Church has been irrevocably  tarnished. I do not say that as simply a flippant comment to take a poke at religion.

On the other hand, Patriarch Kirill represents all of Russia, contained within the Russian Orthodox Church, that has survived – even at the height of communism – with very few skeletons in their closet. From numerous sources there are accounts of a newfound spirituality in Russia, with a growing number, including the military, turning to the Church. There is some controversy over President Putin and his claim of being a Christian. Some in the west have argued it’s only for appearance sake. Based on his deportment and bearing, I have no reason to disbelieve that he doesn’t follow some type of spiritual and/or moral code. In a 2008 Pew Poll, little less than two decades after the fall of the USSR, 72% of Russians polled identified with the Russian Orthodox Church. Russia has undeniably taken a huge leadership role in world events recently and is now seen by an increasing number of people globally as a force for “good”. It can’t be forgotten that Edgar Cayce predicted this very scenario, while Russia was still under the yoke of Stalin.

The fact remains that this meeting will take place and we personally have no power to stop it or whatever is discussed. I would suggest that any further speculation is really a waste of energy. But speaking of predictions…



It appears that the current conflict in Syria – but more precisely the state of hostility – between Russia and Turkey has reached an all-time high level. A recent news item out of Greece suggests that a cleric actually predicted a war between these two countries, and the major recipient of the spoils of war would be Greece, including Istanbul. Known as Elder Paisios, he actually had 9 prophecies related to a Middle East conflict. Consider less than 6 months ago, the thought of Turkey and Russia in open conflict was hardly foreseeable, let alone possible. Obviously the quagmires created in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya have innumerable peripheral tentacles with a complex set of variables and objectives.

He did, however, have some interesting things to say. Among them was to be wary when you see them placing a dam on the Euphrates River because that is the first sign of fulfillment of his prophecies. It is done, according to the Elder, to facilitate a massive army of 200 million troops from China, en route to the Middle East. He also contends that sometime in this same period 2/3 of all Jews will convert to Christianity.  This is, of course, eerily similar to the Christian Zionist belief, that this would happen, in the End Times.

I find the timing quite unusual that his prophecies are only recently becoming more mainstream knowledge. By most accounts, the people of Greece have been living under a crushing load of austerity and public dissatisfaction is on the rise. Predictions, however, are what is termed in Remote Viewing as “front loading”. Throughout history, religion and religious figures have established memes, that direct attention in a specific direction, more commonly known as propaganda. The Crusades stand out as a shining example, in which total deception – namely that Christians were being persecuted and killed by Muslims in the Holy Land – established a meme of suffering brothers and sisters in the land where baby Jesus was born. Not to mention the enduring and highly fictitious meme known as Prester John. Some sources claim this legend inspired several generations of Crusaders.

The point is that a religious point of view – in this case a series of prophecies – has been shown to be used, at times, to become self-fulfilling prophecies. Nothing simply and miraculously just happens…. though sometimes hidden or unknown by all, every event is the result of numerous causal factors. When seeds are planted and a group of people believe in a cause, they often begin taking direct or indirect action to see it fulfilled, consciously or without clear understanding.



The new “pandemic”, according to the World Health Organization, is now the ZIKA virus and further claims it is responsible for a rash of babies, born in South America, with a condition known as microcephaly,  a rare brain condition. Dr. Gary Kohls has an eye-opening article on this contentious issue and it is from the perspective of a practicing physician who no longer advocates for the pharmaceutical industry. One very interesting component is that this virus has not only been around since at least 1947, a very wealthy family actually owns the patent! 

Perhaps unrelated, but there are reports that this same family purchased Charlie Hebdo only months before the massacre. I am not engaging in conspiracy theories here, nor am I saying that this family had any direct involvement in these tragic events. These facts are part of the entire puzzle of who planned, financed and carried out the attacks. Consider that truth has many different vibrations; instead of being the alleged villains, they may may well be the victim…. or both.



It was suggested to me to sketch out the most direct means of ensuring our needs are met. I did mention it in my last post as my most important collaboration and I was not overstating that. I do have to mention that this particular tool was the result of one of Raziel’s messages, where he first mentioned The Default Principle. He detailed a very basic application of this tool that provided a necessary grounding and understanding to begin to explore and experiment. In the initial application, he suggests that most evenings, part of ourselves actually leaves the physical body, for a wide variety of purposes and reasons. He called this The Default Principle, or the “default setting”. At night, when we sleep, this separation happens automatically… or by default. His concern was the numerous people who, after several hours of sleep, found themselves just as tired as when they went to bed. His suggestion was to address our guides and inform them we need a night off. He also instilled in me an understanding of how crucial a role The Runners play, behind the scenes, to ensure certain actions take place… and that it was in my best interest to get on their good side…lol.

A common problem that each of us has faced involves our concern that our needs are met. In viewing the way I asked for help in the past, it always seemed to be simply reactive – a need suddenly appears and I have to scramble, to make ends meet. Once too often I found myself in that position of desperation, the kind that each of us has experienced to varying degrees and  it can take a heavy emotional toll on anyone. The following ritual/tool is not a quick pop-up idea – I have been using The Default Principle for a number of years to ensure my needs are always met…. in a timely manner. Admittedly, in some cases there has been a short “famine” segment, but it has never been for more than a day and it never caused me harm or injury. On the reverse, I have seen some truly remarkable sources assist me, that really arrived right of the blue. So the purpose of this tool, in this application, is to grant The Runners your trust and allow them to ensure all your needs are met, in a timely manner. You also grant them your full permission to take action independently, without requiring one to ask each time to fulfill a specific need. This essentially puts fulfilling your needs on autopilot and gives The Runners a free hand in providing the most direct and effective means of supplying a need(s)… before it becomes an issue of anxiety. Prior to  fully pursuing this ritual and collaboration, it would be prudent to familiarize yourself with a few preliminary but important considerations.

1) No relationship of trust can exist where only one side does the work. This agreement essentially tasks The Runners with providing a significant amount of energy and effort that benefits us. It is not unreasonable for Them to suggest or expect a return offer of assistance, to aid Them in this 3D reality. Letting Them know that you’ll aid them, not out of obligation but respect and gratitude, can result in some fascinating encounters.

2) This agreement is incumbent on us to do our part. Aside from “volunteering”, one aspect you will begin to note is a different level of communication. This collaboration means sometimes that we are directed to do certain things that may seem out of the ordinary or maybe even simple absent-mindedness. Sometimes we have to be placed in a specific location, at a specific time. This urge to action can sometimes be confusing; even after a number of years, I don’t always fully understand Their promptings. For instance, seeing some significance in a lottery draw, buying a ticket and not getting even one number. The good news is that even if I didn’t “get” the initial urgings, I found that They had a way of ensuring I did take a specific action, anything from making a phone call at a precise time to taking along a few extra cigarettes when I leave home to offer people who may ask.

3) There is potential for interference from the opposition. When I mention taking actions at an inner urging, I want to be extremely plain about one thing: If those urgings are to commit acts that are contrary to our morals and ethics, it will never be from your team of astral  co-workers, working to assist you. If you do sense or believe that an entity is trying to influence you in a negative way, The Runners are extremely efficient at removing such attachments, which I’ll detail in a future post. In Magic 101, an immediate action, when a negative influence is sensed, is to stop everything…. then laugh loud and long.

4) Gratitude and courtesy never go out of style. Should you venture to apply this tool, in this application, I can guarantee you some unusual results that will be extremely noticeable. When observed, I highly suggest that you address Them and offer your genuine gratitude, even if it is retroactive. They derive a great deal of satisfaction from diligently completing a task and being recognized and appreciated.

5) Be generous of spirit. This involves not only our actions but thoughts as well. We all have a shadow self that can sometimes pop up with a critical critique of a person or group. For example, earlier this year, Saudia Arabia beheaded a record number of prisoners, including a Shiite cleric, who was well respected for his preaching of non-violent protest. The very idea of doling out such a barbaric and medieval punishment is an affront to many. The Runners suggest that such events serve a number of purposes, even though the method is unsettling. Bottom line: Don’t get caught up in the blame game, where we harbor ill will, in any form.



This tool is not unlike contracting a tradesperson, where we ask The Runners to take whatever actions are required to address the problem, or in this case ensuring our needs are always met. A preliminary consideration is, like any magical operation, knowing exactly what you wish to achieve and then express that fully. The more information you can add to assist The Runners, the more They are freer to take action. Once you have written it down, go to a quiet place, where you won’t be disturbed, and simply address Them. If you’re drawn to do so, light a single or pair of candles to signal you are initiating your ritual and then blow them out upon completion, closing your circle, if you’ve added that factor.The following is a sample request, and contains the most relevant factors:

Runners, I have experienced times of intense anxiety where my needs were not met on time. I request your help in ensuring that my needs are always met in a timely manner. I grant you my trust and also my full authority to take any actions that are necessary to achieve this goal. One condition I place on this is that nobody is harmed or injured, in fulfilling my needs. I fully understand that I will also have to take action, when prompted. I request this agreement be made effective immediately.

This is my will. As it is spoken, so it is. Thank you, Runners, for your future assistance and friendship.

As I mentioned this is only a sample but gives you an idea of the very basic requirements to make this thing happen. A buffet or “Chaos Magic” approach to this is the most effective – based on my observation and experience –  where one essentially takes what is needed and sets aside the rest. The objective is to establish this link in a way that is unique to each of us.

As for grooming a more intimate connection with The Runners, my suggestion is to simply talk to Them. Let Them know that you may need help in identifying and acting on Their promptings.One agreement with Them, for example. involves a very distinctive sensation in a specific place on my body. Added to this, of course, you can also establish further default settings with Them. For instance, make an agreement that no matter what, when you leave your home, you are available to assist Them in any way you can. What is understood by both parties is that, even if we don’t expressly say it, the action of locking the front door will set this in motion by default. One somewhat uncomfortable by-product of this type of spiritual collaboration is you will experience extended periods of absent-mindedness, where you feel as though you are simply on autopilot. There is an adjustment process taking place. A physical equivalent would be starting a new job, during the exact opposite hours you’re used to working. You’ve become part of a larger collective, and you’ll be communicating and interacting with some of them, while establishing your own understanding on where you actually fit in. An adjustment process is taking place.

In working with Them in requesting Cosmic Signs, I found that if there was a sign imminent, Their influence became very noticeable. There were times, however, when I had to stop and request that They assist in keeping me aware, to see the sign if it was manifested. My point is that if you experience confusion about an inner prompting, stop and talk to Them. I’m going to conclude with a short summary of one experience where I went from being annoyed to tears of joy in my eyes.


It was winter time, I had $3 and was going to use it to take the bus the next day to run a few errands. I was urged, oddly enough, to go buy a lottery ticket the night before. I was “underwhelmed” when, upon checking the numbers, found I didn’t even get one!! The ticket was useless and I consigned myself to the half hour walk. I paused inside the door of the bank, some time later, to put on my gloves, while eyeing a big chunk of pointed icicles hanging about 8 feet above the door. I even commented to myself that somebody would be badly injured if it ever fell. Here’s where the weirdness continued in my adventure: I was on my fourth or fifth pace away from the door and dangerous hanging icicles, when I heard a loud crash behind me. The huge chunk of ice had fallen where I had been…. mere seconds before!

The strangeness continued when I was urged to walk over to a community coffee house, about 10 minutes away. It was damn cold but I heeded Their urging. I came across a long stretch of open sidewalk, and off in the distance, I noted someone in an electric wheelchair coming in my direction. As I got about 75 feet from him, he suddenly careened into some piled up snow and became stuck. There was nobody around except me, and I pushed him out and over another pile of snow down the street and then he was on his way, waving his hand in thanks. Now, here’s some more strangeness:

I distinctly heard a voice tell me: “This is why we needed you to spend your money on a lottery ticket. You were needed to assist him. If you had taken the bus, you would not have been in a position to do so.” All I can add is that any resentment I had about the useless ticket melted instantly and I shed a few tears of joy. My lesson from this event was the recognition that communication is key, and it is never wrong to request an understanding of an action one feels prompted to take.

I cannot state enough how important and valuable this tool and this collaboration is to me. One very positive outcome has been what feels like a major breakthrough in my connection to and communication with Spirit, in its many forms…. and one that I’ve been able to pursue in many other areas. If you do choose to employ this tool, I would request that you take a moment to thank our much-loved Raziel, who provided the basis for it several years ago and assisted greatly in my experimentation phase.

That’s it and thank you for dropping by.

Namaste, Nick xx








Posted January 26, 2016 by brightsorcerer
Categories: Metaphysical Musings

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raziel nick nash (1400 x 2100)


Today marks one month since the passing of a lady whom I consider to have been one of the greatest minds of our time… and yet, to the vast majority of humanity she is relatively unknown. Known as DM Murdoch or Acharya S, she drew equal acclaim from both noted scientists as well as scholars of religion. She was respected as not only being an avid researcher but also one who could remain objective. It was she who began a paradigm, which quickly took flight among those exposed to her work, that she referred to as The Mythicist Position. (The link above has a direct link to her short Youtube presentation on this.)  Essentially, she postulates that at opposite poles we have theism and then atheism. She suggests that, based on her extensive research, these two extremes are not the only options, when it comes to our personal truth about how we view myth and religion. DM Murdoch not only left behind an extensive array of accumulated knowledge, but a hugely positive impact on all who were acquainted with her integrity and objectivity.

To anybody who is somewhat acquainted with Universal Principles, The Mythicist Position is excellent reinforcement for validity of The Principle of Polarity. The central text for Hermetic philosophy, known as The Kybalion, describes this extremely important principle like this:

Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degrees; extremes meet; all truths are but half truths; all paradoxes can be reconciled.

Consider also, when it comes to establishing what happened at a crime scene and there are two witnesses, with varying “truths”, most police will tell you that the real truth is somewhere in the middle. We also have a much more personal example of this, which includes acknowledgement of our “dark side”. How often have you been told to essentially flee from that part of you, equating that part of you somehow to evil? Many gurus will reinforce that we must always resonate in love and light and shun that part of us that evokes, through its actions/desires, low vibration emotions. Rajie Kabli penned an excellent article – which is well worth the read –  on how to actually embrace that “dark” part of us. It is important to consider that our shadow self has its own wisdom, that could well save one’s life. When we think the best of people and are considering placing our trust in them, this dark side is extremely adept at times in identifying and recognizing dishonesty.



If one can apply the Principle of Polarity, as it relates to world events, the following becomes self evident. Based on what I have observed about our reality, there has been a very conscious decision made, at some point, to utilize a divide and conquer strategy for domination and/or control. Through cunning manipulation, a paradigm has been established that each of us MUST be on either one side or another on any issue, which contradicts universal principles. It takes minimal research to see this being played out through mass media but a relatively recent attempt caught my attention for a number of reasons.

Known as The Flat Earth Theory, it is the equivalent of teaching “Intelligent Design” as being real science. It’s proponents contend, essentially, that NASA has been deceiving the world with images of a round earth. The earth, they state, is really a flat disk. The sun is not 92 million miles away but rather just a few thousand. Additionally, these theorists suggests that this disk we live on is ringed by a 150 foot wall of ice.  If “all truths are but half truths”, as written in The Kybalion, how are we to view this assertion that we are living on a disk and not a sphere? Does this mean that there is some truth to it?

To understand the nature of subterfuge, one will almost always encounter misdirection. Mastering this is absolutely essential to any stage magician. So, digging a bit deeper into this flat earth theory – and the polarity principle applies that all truths are but half truths – then there must be both honest and dishonest components involved here, both seen and hidden. To assist further in this quick analysis, we can refer again to Universal Principles, chiefly one known as “Cause and Effect”, and one we are all well acquainted with. In applying this in any alchemical operation, the practitioner must be exact, in terms of what effect they wish to achieve. And only then, would a responsible alchemist or magician focus on how the effect is manifested and what forces to apply. So now there are two interlocking questions which must be addressed:

What is the REAL purpose/desired outcome and who will it effect the most?

One further aspect is worth mentioning here. I have noted with some curiosity that those who write articles about this theory are almost militant in defending it. Rather than address the issue or contradiction, the authors all go ad hominem on any who have disagreements. Some have claimed that this “theory” was designed to draw attention away from other events taking place and that its effects are being closely monitored. There is an eerie parallel between the advancement of this theory and the advancement of the human-caused global warming scam. There is some evidence that the global warming campaign was actually initiated by a private think tank known as the Club Of Rome.

It is here that I will leave this issue, hopefully providing you with a bit of clarity and direction, and move on. The apparent “effect” that is observed can be misleading.

The polarity principle is easily observed globally, and in varying degrees. On a more personal level, we also observe this. A friend inquires “How are you?” with an automatic response of “I’m OK.” We’ve all seen people literally both crying and smiling, giving the same response. Obviously there are many, many varying degrees of “OK”.

There are inherent risks involved in employing the principle of cause and effect, however, if all factors are not considered in the planning stage. Consider a farmer who sets fire to his fields to burn away the old vegetation. It gets out of control and burns down several buildings and homes of neighbors. Perhaps he didn’t account for the strong wind or perhaps the overall dryness of the area, the consequences were not what he expected or anticipated in his planning stage as an “effect”.

Or perhaps….

The fire getting out of control and burning down houses may not have been a simple accident. There are a wide range of possibilities, some that may involve collusion with his neighbors. Who and what are most effected by this fire? Many investigators, working on the axiom of “Follow the money” will tell you that they play close attention to one basic question: who benefits?

Applying this globally, the effect of some propaganda – usually with a view to injure or vilify a person, idea or nation – can actually have the exact opposite effect than anticipated. One story I have loved since I first heard it involves a very determined lady, who chose to transmute energy, amid the condescending behavior she encountered. In the early 70’s, a lady began baking a special and new type of cookie, and then began approaching large manufacturers to gauge their interest in these new cookies. In every case she was turned down and even ridiculed by some, claiming that people only wanted a crunchy cookie, not the chewy kind she was baking. That lady was Debbie Fields, the founder of Mrs. Field’s Cookies.



Looking at the size and reach of Mrs. Field’s Cookies, it becomes obvious that innumerable factors are in play, for a lady to go from baking cookies at home to a multi-national company. I think part of the answer lies in the company description, one particular component especially. It states that, “the Mrs. Field’s name quickly became associated with warm, freshly baked cookies right out of the oven.” I would contend, that in her planning phase, one major consideration was to bring joy and pleasure to people and it was one aspect that she did not compromise on. This also provides some evidence that establishing a foundation for a successful positively-viewed business should be aimed at customer satisfaction, as opposed to profit. An additional consideration is in the art of cooking, where many will suggest that a meal prepared in love can pass on that love energy, when they consume the food.

Another important area to quickly explore is whether this was all chance and good luck, or are there entities moving pieces behind the scenes, to set up chance encounters? If so, as I contend, then how can we utilize them responsibly and ethically? You likely already communicate requests to your guides/angels/Prime Creator but I would suggest that sometimes this is not the most efficient way to accomplish this. It is the equivalent of calling up a company CEO with a detailed, extensive order. For that order to be filled, he is then forced to filter that down to the numerous people required to make it, pack it, and then ship it. Whereas, if the order is given directly to the foremen and workers together, each is made fully aware of the part they play in completion of the work order.

Now, consider something else, that is somewhat related. Some people arm their security network before they leave their home for an extended length of time. This automatically sets a number of things in play, by default. If the alarm is tripped, there is supposed to be an immediate response from the monitoring security company. Unable to reach the owners, they then call the police, who then dispatch officers to the scene. This could be referred to as the “default setting”. This tool, The Default Principle, addresses this very angle, namely a method whereby certain actions are taken by “Spirit”, without requiring our consent for them to assist or take action each and every time.

Rather than an explanation, I will give a few examples of how I employ this invaluable tool and you will quickly see the powerful potential of it.

1) Like many others, before eating a meal, it is imperative that I ask a blessing on/for whatever I’m about to eat. For me, there are several components – gratitude for the meal, appreciation for the hands that prepared it, if meat, apology to the source, which gave their life, and an intent on how I want the food energy used. I am uncomfortable with a lengthy prayer, with bowed head, while out in public, so I agreed with Spirit to utilize a default setting. I addressed Spirit, requesting this. I listed every aspect I thought imperative in a food blessing prayer and requested they take action on, when I performed a very specific action. In this case, I sit down, bow my head, place my hands on either side of the meal for 2 seconds, then touch my heart chakra with one,…. and then open my eyes. So, it is understood by Spirit that each time I take this action with my hands, I am automatically setting in motion – now by default – each protocol and intent established with them. Essentially, this shortens the time requirements.

2) Abundance in its many forms is a necessity to live in this 3D environment. A major driving force and one that can take enormous effort sometimes, is providing for our needs. We all have basic needs that must be met. While we do get cues from our guides, sometimes we have difficulty in understanding them. My belief is that a group of entities known as the Runners are the real “movers and shakers” behind the scenes so I addressed them, as a group, to establish a default setting. I gave them my full permission to take action on my behalf – without needing my permission each time – to ensure that my needs were met.  This agreement is one of my most important and effective.

3) Leaving home each day and facing the world, there is another application of this Default Principle. For me, there are 3 key requests/requirements I find to be most important. First is a request to share the Love and Light of the Divine Creator with at least one soul, secondly that my escort of protection accompany me and lastly, offer my services to the Runners, to “pinch hit” for them. Consider, if they can arrange events with people, without their conscious awareness, obviously they may have need of a willing helper. In this case, as you can see, addressing just one group is insufficient; separate rituals must be held with each group separately. Here’s where the default setting comes in. Sometimes I am in a hurry and forget to make these requests when I leave my home. What was agreed was that, each time I left my apartment, the three requests would automatically be made, with ensuing actions set in motion.


Many already understand that Spirit cannot take action unless specifically requested. This is a clear indication of how much power we truly possess, which we all too often forget. The key (and secret) to wielding this “power” responsibly and ethically lies in collaboration with Spirit in its many forms.  In my own experience of using this tool for several years, I’ve noted some very unusual occurrences, especially in the area of having my needs supplied. There is an added element of intuition, which often is the slight prodding of Spirit, shining a cosmic light on a desired or needed action I should take.

Working with Spirit in this way, I have also noted a rapid awareness and understanding of certain events and issues, as well as suddenly developing metaphysical and/or spiritual interests. One of the most pleasant aspects is that Spirit will place me in a position where negative energy is present, but I am regarded by both sides as both friendly and impartial. The key is energy. In one case, a couple suddenly came into my life with an unusual relationship and a considerable amount of negativity. I was a calming force at certain times and, oddly enough, they turned out to be in a position to assist in fulfilling a few basic needs for me several times.

As you can see, when utilizing the Default Principle tool, it is essential to be extremely precise. A slight precaution needs to be expressed here; it can be used for both positive and negative intentions. I regard this tool as a form – and the true essence – of sorcery, where one utilizes both Spirit and Source energy to achieve a specified result or condition. In the area of abundance, we may wish the Runners to continually be on the look out for sources of money, or we may make a one-time request for the funds to pay off a bill. An extremely important component, in either case, is that its arrival does not come at the expense of harm or injury to another. (Think Monkey’s Paw.)

Lastly, the suggestions made above on how to use this tool effectively and ethically are only suggestions and guidelines. I found, as I used it more and more that I innately knew when to – and when not to – employ this tool. The result is a new type and a new level of communication that many of us have not previously experienced. You will likely find you are directed to certain ideas or teachings that previously held little attention or that you were not even aware of. When you begin to consciously become aware  this is happening, you can feel great joy because you have officially become a valued and trusted co-worker of Spirit.


I have been led to explore some shamanic tools for the last few months and it has been quite fascinating. For instance, many believe in a central type of Akashic Records. Some shamanic beliefs go even further and state that we each have our own personal Record Keeper, one which we can learn to communicate and interact with. As a result, I have been interacting with one guide in particular much more frequently. In his last life, he was an extremely powerful and respected heyoka. I just began experimenting with “Shadow Walking” and will be presenting a report after much more experimentation.

I’ll sign off with a very heartwarming story that may have overtones of this very blog post – Bored Teen Sits At A Mall Piano.

And don’t forget you can check out a wide assortment of my recorded poetry, all written in the genre of metaphysical fiction, on my Tindeck site.


Namaste, Nick xxxxxx







Posted January 1, 2016 by brightsorcerer
Categories: Metaphysical Musings

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The image above was created by Cathie and I love it. FYI… I have just started with Part 8 of this poem, around 140 pages so far and I have been enjoying quite a ride writing it… with considerable help. With the pleasantries completed, I wanted to leave a list of links below to what I deem to be significant information. I’ll be concluding with a short update and message from Cathie to all you guys.



China’s emergence from a secretive society to its present-day status on the international scene has been dramatic in some cases. Its reach globally extends even farther than China’s most notable naval explorer named Zheng He.

Aside from the recent signing of legislation, a new anti-terror bill was put into law, allowing China to engage directly and militarily if need be, terrorism outside of its land boundaries. Two other items were not well known but occurring nonetheless and could have definite ramifications.

China has launched an online game, via social media, that will become mandatory in China by 2020, according to the report. The oddity is that one doesn’t gain points by paying bills promptly or behaving in an otherwise “responsible” manner, but rather how dedicated one is to China’s ideology.

Another fascinating yet unsettling piece of news involves the world of physics. Many are aware of CERN and the LHC, and we’ve all read differing points of view as to what CERN was actually attempting, when it was rocked by an explosion that shut the collider down. Hopefully, those in the east will take note of CERN’s headlong rush to find illusive particles. China recently announced the initial stages in the creation of a “supercollider” that would be at least twice the size of CERN.

Beginning February 8, 2016, a cycle passes through time forever, and the Year Of The (Fire) Monkey will commence. It would be unpardonable not to pay homage to likely the most famous monkey ever, a monkey king, known as Sun Wu Kong… otherwise known as Hanuman. 



I will readily admit that I am not a fan of Christian and rapture-believing Lisa Haven but she did bring to light a barely noted event recently involving the Muslim world that could cause significant waves in the middle east. She is a reasonably good researcher, albeit from a strictly biblical viewpoint, and her recent article does have merit. She claims that the “Islamic Nation” has just declared a total unknown to be their version of a messiah. Referred to in the Quran as the Madhi,  she equated this person to be Christianity’s “anti-christ”, even providing a rather comprehensive list of characteristics found in the Quran. She fails to mention that in Islam, their “anti-christ” is known as Dajjal. Interesting also is they believe that Jesus will return and will be at the Mahdi’s right hand and will actually kill this anti-christ in battle. But not so fast… she claims this is not the “Jesus” of her Bible, because she says so. A compelling case is made in an article by Tad Cronn entitled “Was Allah Originally A Babylonian God Of Violence?” in a counter to the evidence found in the Ugaritic texts, that Yahweh was originally a storm god and was “adopted” by the Israelites. It has been claimed that the attributes of the Caananite god El were given to Yahweh by his devotees. Contrary to what some religious believers think, the term El is singular, while “Elohim” is the plural form. The demand to have “no other gods but me” is a tacit acknowledgement that there are indeed other “gods”, or rather beings masquerading as omnipotent entities.

Her article fails to even acknowledge Judaism’s end times scenarios, involving the rise of their messiah. Which is odd because the other two messianic religions are variants and offshoots of Judaism, which in turn was refined by Israel’s interaction with surrounding nations and their religious practices and beliefs. And the Bible extends its association with the Greek and Roman pantheon of gods, namely the Keeper of the Abyss. Named Abaddon, Revelations 9:11 states this as his Hebrew name “but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.” This, of course refers to the only god whose name remained constant during the transition from Greek to Roman – Apollo. What I find odd in this is that what we know of an entity named Apollo through mythology, guarding the gates of a prison would seem an unlikely task and waste of talents. In a strange parallel, the Books of Enoch (which some fervently believe is a true account of what transpired before recorded history) contend that a powerful being named Azazel was captured and then imprisoned in a rock-filled hole until “Judgment Day”. The Israelite Scapegoat Ritual involved placing the sins of the people onto a goat and sending it into the desert to be devoured by… Azazel. How can he be imprisoned by “god” and yet be free to wander the desert? For what it’s worth, some of you are aware that for some years, Azazel has been one of my mentors. When I inquired into this obvious discrepancy, his reply was one word – “Deception.”

Prophecies and predictions are not the sole domain of religious groups any longer, nor are they restricted to gender. Mother Shipton springs to mind and some suggest that even Nostradamus had predictions for 2016. Even more important, however, is a recognition that presently something is taking place on a fundamental level that cannot be ignored. Whether it is citizens with integrity who strap on a weapon to ensure that homeless people receive a good hot meal and warm winter clothes, a man who was so grief-stricken at the failing health of his daughter that he tried cannabis oil – resulting in a near miraculous recovery of the small child – and now risks jail time, to vengeful parents who complained to police that a teenager was giving away free copies of a “banned” book… these all may seem unrelated but I would contend that they are the unique effects from specific stimuli. And it’s not just humanity that is affected. One of my very favorite stories from 2015, was of the surprising friendship between a tiger and a goat, resulting in an outpouring of generosity, as well as understandable Russian pride.

Some ancient pagan systems believed a god died in the deep cold of winter and was reborn in the spring. In the northern hemisphere, cloudy days in winter are far from uncommon, and can take its toll, in terms of energy, our mood and even our thoughts. Don Juan, Casteneda’s Shaman mentor, contended that a spiritual warrior accepted death as inevitable, and hence were truly free to take any action. This naturally extends to thoughts of the afterlife and what one can not only expect…. but actions one can take now to assist in a smoother transition. In The Tibetan Book of The Dead, this after- or inter-life is known as the Bardo, which consists of three distinct stages. With a growing number at least beginning to research ancient and arcane manuscripts, the teachings of the east strike an innate chord. Like Madame Blavatsky before them, these teachings are experimented with and modified by each practitioner but each appear to claim the same thing:

What you know and comprehend at the point of physical death is the sum total of what you arrive in the non-physical realms with. You don’t break free of your physical body and suddenly, you understand everything. Consequently, the more preparation while in the physical, the better prepared one is to enter the “afterlife.”


I am not pushing the above observations on anybody as “the” truth, but it can’t be denied that a sound spiritual practice is never a bad idea. The possibilities and directions one can take are innumerable. As a direct consequence, we tend to experience a fair number of “crossroads” moments, some we’re not always consciously aware of. They appear as possible routes towards a goal… and sometimes, they may be designed to draw us from our central path. Opportunities that present themselves require an initial correlation with any ongoing requests one has with Spirit, or “The Runners” as I term them. Obviously, we must do all we can physically to assist them. For instance, if we’ve requested help, it is not reasonable to assume that one can find a new apartment, while never leaving their old apartment to look.



After narrowing one’s choices to two, is there some way to get a bit of help to determine what choice or direction is in one’s highest and greatest good? You’ll be happy to know that there is a simple and direct way to do that, by enlisting the aid of The Runners. Based on a workshop I have been putting together, below is a very simplified version of “Cosmic Signs And Decision-Making”.

  1. Specify Sign – in simple terms, this should only include things you would generally not encounter on a given day. EG: I request to be shown a caduceus, a spinning earth, an owl etc.
  2. Specify Time Limit –  major consideration must be given to this aspect; one must grant them a reasonable amount of time to manifest the requested sign, using the most direct method. Optimally, 4 – 6 hours is reasonable but the individual must be on a heightened state of awareness for the entire time.
  3. Specify Parameters – requests about taking out a car loan, whether one should go on a date with a certain person, or even for a pile of money lack the specificity required to ensure clean and unambiguous communication and results with Spirit, in its many forms. For this tool to be fully effective, one must request that the choice Spirit indicates is in one’s highest and greatest good.
  4. Specify One Choice – remember, this tool is designed to allow one to make a decision between two distinct choices. EG: Continuing school in North America or studying in Japan for a year. One can choose either for the request, in this case, perhaps “to indicate that it is in my highest and greatest good to study in Japan for a year.” Key to this is always request in a positive way.

Altogether, a sample Cosmic Sign Request would go as follows:

“Runners, I request to be shown a caduceus in any form, within the next five hours, to indicate it is in my highest and greatest good to pursue the mediumship studies.”

This is one of my most valuable tools, and the above request was actually one I made. The sign’s arrival was, in a word, spectacular and left me in deep thought. After using this tool dozens of times, it would be logical to presume that I have had the chance to make a number of observations, based on direct experience. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned:

Offer yourself to be a conduit for Spirit in the physical realm – I call it “pinch-hitting” – and I guarantee you will see some amazing results to your Cosmic Sign requests. I also found that there were ways that we can employ a type of “default setting” that will alert us to opportunities that may be in our highest and greatest good.

In the end, we believe what we believe in a very personal way. Some have suggested that it is this very set of belief systems that may well determine our destination, once freed of 3D constraints. As for me, I’ve got a private little realm that I helped to create that will be my first destination.


With that I’ll conclude this post, written during the passing of another year. As I wrote in the opening paragraph, I did want to give a short update on and from Cathie. After a number of post op side effects, her condition had improved enough to move her to a rehab. One recent ailment was thought to be caused by her pain medication and it was halted. After seeing her doctor today, the cause – a relatively minor one – was found and Cathie is now getting considerable pain relief. As it stands now, she will likely be in rehab for several more weeks.

As for a message from Cathie, it comes in two parts…Firstly, she really misses the interactions she had for so long with so many amazing people and she loves y’all to pieces.

Secondly, she has noted that there seems to be a wide variety of symptoms displaying themselves. One erupts and is addressed, only to be filled by another. So she was thinking and here’s what she would like to request: She is extremely grateful for all the prayers, healing and love energy and positive thoughts. What she requests is that, when you do send those loving, healing energies, please request that they harmonize with the energies already at work healing.



Last winter it was said that a cow floated down the Mississippi River on a piece of ice and caught such a cold, she has yielded nothing but ice cream ever since.

Mixed Emotions: Your brand new Corvette going over the side of a cliff… with your mother-in-law at the wheel.

Middle Age: That time in life where you’d rather not have a good time than recover from it.

Middle Age: The time a guy starts turning out the lights for economical rather than romantic reasons.

“You’ve reached middle age when all you exercise is caution.” Franklin P. Jones

A man wanted to live to be 100 and went to see his doctor. He was told to give up drinking, cigarettes and womanizing. “Will I live to be 100 then?” asked the patient. “No,” sighed the doctor, “but it will seem like it.”

You know the years are adding up if it takes you longer to rest than it did to get tired.

I have never wanted to see anybody die but a few obituary notices I have read with pleasure.” Clarence Darrow

Sign outside a funeral home: DRIVE CAREFULLY – WE CAN WAIT.


Sign in a brassiere shop: WE FIX FLATS



A junk shop near a railway crossing posted this sign: GO AHEAD, TAKE A CHANCE. WE’LL BUY THE WRECK


Sign over the incoming Los Angeles IRS office: “WATCH YOUR STEP.” Sign over outgoing door: “WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE”. Jimmy Starr, Los Angeles Herald


With that, I’ll sign off with my wish of peace, joy and contentment for each of you, in this brand new year.

Namste, Nick xxx






Posted December 17, 2015 by brightsorcerer
Categories: Metaphysical Musings

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If the last several weeks have been filled with an above-average amount of turmoil and/or trials, rest assured you are not alone. It is in response to this that I feel compelled to pen my observations, which are based on several on-going issues which, at their core, promote a false dichotomy of “us and them”. It was a somewhat recent announcement from China that triggered my mind into putting some puzzle pieces together but at the same time, adding a few more.

Modern Farmer reported on December 1 of this year that China was in the completion process of a mass cloning initiative involving, according to the sources, facilities to clone up to 100,000 cows annually to provide an enhanced food source. This has, understandably, raised many eyebrows and objections but the reality, no matter how vehemently one denies it, is that human beings can now recreate life, at will…. we can now do what most religiously-oriented humans still attribute to only their gods. Without doubt, there are vast moral and ethical considerations, even from outside of the 3 main messianic religions.

National Geographic posted an article regarding the creation of fluorescent mice that was both fascinating and yet disturbing at the same time. It provides a glimpse into the methodology, and hence mind-set, of the scientists involved in this program. Mice were being genetically manipulated at the cellular level to be “born” with an existing condition or disease, often one that was fatal. One of the most disturbing facts about this process is the use of a stripped down version of the HIV virus leaving only the most virulent part, known as the retrovirus. This becomes the agent of delivery and ensures the programmed condition reaches completion.

A good analogy for the above would be this: A weak king hires an army of ruthless soldiers to storm an opposition’s castle, where they proceed to remove and destroy all defensive measures they encounter. The end result is the king entering and sitting on the new throne. From that moment on, those who are not willing or necessary to fulfill the king’s demands are imprisoned or executed while all others are tasked solely with the king’s agenda. His hired soldiers have the ability to destroy any defense through force or subterfuge.


One intriguing aspect of this announcement of mass cloning centers on how animals in general are viewed by other cultures, namely Buddhism and Hinduism. An apt example can be seen in the movie “Seven Years In Tibet” starring the very talented Brad Pitt. The workers become quite agitated and refuse to continue working because they’ve uncovered a massive number of earthworms on the construction site. Initially, Pitt’s character is incapable of understanding why minor little worms should have any significance until his foreman explains their beliefs. Based on how one treats others in this lifetime has a huge impact on that soul’s next incarnation, which can involve a life in the body of a so-called lower life form – like an earthworm, a mouse and even a cow. While followers of the messianic religions would scoff at this notion, one must keep in mind that Hinduism and Jainism, for example, are far, far older and have an almost equivalent number of followers, according to recent stats. 

At what point does a soul spark enter the physical host? Is the process autonomous or are knowledge-specific entities needed for this “injection”? And how about the soul spark itself? Is it truly able to employ freewill as to choice in incarnation or can that decision be forced on it by coercion or trickery? With most westerner’s holding a completely different view of the after life as those in the east, how is it all souls are supposed to go to specific places upon physical death that are completely different, if there is only one creator and one Source?

Robert Monroe has been recognized as a pioneer and scientist, exploring numerous realms of the astral. One contention he made was that there were types of “belief specific” realms, where souls were directed, upon death, and based on the specific beliefs of the individual soul. Essentially, there are an enormous number of afterlife destinations in the astral for a soul to “migrate” to…. or to be sent or escorted. He furthered suggested that there was a type of “heaven” for each belief system and some present-day seekers have taken up this belief. What they have ominously suggested is that while these realms are real, their true purpose is anything but heavenly. An enormous clue can be found in the Christian belief that their eternity will be spent singing praises to their gods forever. Who or what would require or demand such a vast amount of energy and to what ends?

What if, as has been suggested, the overall creator of this reality was really a type of artificial intelligence, and consequently needs vast amounts of etheric energy to continue functioning? The Gnostic seers believed that this AI had been taken over by an entity named Yaldabaoth, who then had proclaimed there were no other gods but It. If the principles of Hermetic Philosophy are reasonably sound, the possibility of a type of cosmic “highjack” may be a cause for some exploration.

It is their Principle of Correspondence that is the originator of the axiom “As above, so below; As below, so above”. Consider the recent news of mass cloning. Humans can now create and alter life from just a very small amount of genetic material. If, as the principle states, that this reality is a reflection of the one “above” – the astral – then it stands to reason that they have the means to manipulate entities in their energetic reality. Based on the so-called holy texts centered on the messianic gods, their character is clearly on display. History is inundated with documented mass terror inflicted on helpless people by order of these entities. If they have the power to manipulate humanity while they are in physical form, it is not a stretch to ponder their abilities on their home turf in the astral.

So, could this cloning and genetic manipulation, in which a living, breathing being is created artificially be part of a murky and very dark agenda? If, as some contend, certain entities in the astral are able to control the disposition of soul fragments, is there potential for misuse? On one extreme – though not really, based on the irrational rage displayed by these “gods” and detailed in their respective holy books – would be to punish a soul by sending it into a newly-cloned being. Their entire existence would be of captivity and then a painful death, with their body cut up later to be eaten by others. The entire purpose of their life. which they were made aware of, was to be killed and consumed.

While not a fan of Sylvia Browne, I do agree with her on one controversial issue involving our pets. Do animals have souls? Ms. Browne contended that they do indeed possess a soul but were limited to a 3 chakra system, which did allow them to astral project. This acknowledgement is often tacit when a parent tells a child that their recently- deceased pet is now running around in heaven. And almost any pet protector will attest to recognizing an inner being within their pet.

I am not attempting to push any viewpoint on anybody. Hollywood has played advent to the arrival of certain paradigms by implementing them into their movies. Consider the Gerard Butler flick Gamer, in which he is wrongly accused of a crime, is imprisoned with a small device planted in him, allowing an outside operator to control his actions. He is forced daily to engage in firefights for the amusement of the general public, while his wife, similarly “chipped”, is forced to act in ways dictated by her controller.

There are many who believe and will openly state that the hidden controllers of earth are already cloning human beings and have been for a considerable amount of time. More evidence of Hollywood’s complicity can be seen in the Bruce Willis movie The Surrogates, where humans are able to transfer their consciousness to a robotic form that is perfection in their eyes. My point is that a meme has been placed into the collective conscious of humanity, through film, that could be closer to reality than we may know.


In recent years, we have seen a growing number and wide variety of messages channeled from entities in spirit form. Unfortunately, it can be difficult sometimes to discern the veracity of a source or a statement they have made, through their channel. It can be confusing to be reading and agreeing in general with the contents and then encountering an idea or statement that one does not believe or accept as their truth. It has been suggested that a beneficial approach is take note of the discrepancy and adjust one’s trust level accordingly. Just as in the propaganda foisted on us by the MSM, there is almost always some truth mixed in with simple diversion or, in the other extreme, outright deceit. This can create massive cognitive dissonance, and more dangerous still, implant false paradigms into a person’s mind set, which they will cling to despite being shown evidence to the contrary.

I need to elaborate here and pose an analogy for events I was recently involved in, which resulted in a noticeable breakthrough in understanding for me. This is a rough analogy of the conversation:

MAN: “All the cows in China are blue.

ME: “Uh, no they’re not.”

MAN: “Yes, they are. I know this for sure.”

ME: “Um, I just got back from China and I can tell you that the cows are not blue.

MAN: “You don’t know what you’re talking about. I read an article and saw the picture. All the cows were blue. So I know.”

Similarly, on The Atheist Experience show, I was astounded by the caller’s rigid mind set. The exchange went like this:

CALLER: “My minister says y’all hate god, that’s why you’re atheists.”

HOST: “Well, we don’t believe in god so it’s pretty hard to hate something we don’t believe in.”

CALLER: “My minister said y’all worship the devil.”

HOST: “Again, if we don’t believe in god then we certainly don’t believe in the devil.”

CALLER: “If you don’t worship god then my minister says you must worship the devil. And my minister doesn’t lie.”

This lady was inundated with a false dichotomy of reality, namely that it was made up entirely of those who believed in and worshiped god, as defined by her minister…. and those who must worship the devil. No other possibility existed in this women’s mind set or reality. This is actually much more alarming than meets the eye. Essentially, this minister was lying outright and clearly breaking the 9th commandment, which involves bearing false witness… by stating as fact that all atheists “worship” the devil. Ironically as well, many believers, especially in the messianic religious mythologies, cry foul when atheists lump all believers together and yet, do exactly the same thing. Even more ironic is the fact that many atheists know the contents of the respective “holy books ” better than most of its adherents. To add a touch of humor here, one prominent self-confessed atheist suggests that the quickest way to become an atheist is to objectively read the holy books of the messianic religions.

Without doubt, we have encountered people who stick to paradigms that we may deem to be “incorrect” and do not reflect reality, based on the most recent information, understanding and awareness. Many of us have been aroused to anger when people just can’t seem to grasp the fact that one’s viewpoint is not accurately reflecting reality, despite our best efforts to make them aware of the pertinent information. We also know that this type of arguing very seldom results in changing the other’s viewpoint. So we have learned to essentially choose our battles and understand that others are entitled to hold their own viewpoints and perspectives.

I’ll quickly reference my recent encounters with two individuals, each holding an identical and unshakable viewpoint which was not not based in realty, but rather what they believed reality should be. One problem we encounter as spiritual warriors is discovering a belief, held by an individual, that crosses lines of  morality and ethics. One enormous example is the vast numbers of religious people who have been indoctrinated to believe that all atheists hate their god and hence, are not capable of employing integrity, morality, objectivity or even love…. simply because they don’t base their lives on religion. There is a great irony in this mental mind set. Consider: one group refrains from murder and theft because they believe there will be some type of judgment/punishment in the next life, because their gods see and make a record of everything. Many atheists believe there is no “afterlife” so they must make their efforts count in this one. Consequently, many understand innately that theft and murder is immoral and unethical and hence, refrain from those actions. Not inflicting injury on others because the gods will punish you later or not committing these crimes because one knows they are wrong…. which group would you say has a more moral approach?

Where am I going with this? As stated, sometimes another person’s beliefs may be unsettling to us, in varying degrees. While we acknowledge it is fully within the other’s rights to believe in anything they choose, it seems the only solution, generally, was to simply “grin and bear it”. I would suggest that we can take some action to alleviate our discomfort.

I recently read an article that involved an Israeli driver who had hit two Palestinians with his car, the author citing it as an example of a continuing trend. To some, who have conditioned themselves to purposely point out “Israeli aggression”, this only served to reinforce the belief that Israeli’s are always the aggressors. I have noted this trend with some concern because, in this case, the entire hit and run had been caught on camera – the proverbial “other side of the story”. What unfolds is essentially a car coming up a street and then being essentially ambushed by 6 or so stone throwers, launching their projectiles at the car, smashing the windows. Ever been hit in the head by a chunk of rock? Yes, the driver did hit one of the stone throwers, backed up and then tried to escape. He was, understandably, fearful for his life. This was not an example of Israeli aggression and had I not taken the time to dig further than the article, I would not have known.

My point here, in helping to alleviate any discomfort with another’s belief, is to ensure we gain an accurate insight into why they believe what they do. I will freely admit that some of my most agonizing times spent watching videos were those which disagreed with the theory of evolution and claimed to provide unshakable proof that their holy book and god were the only truth. It is unsettling to some people, for instance, to know that others believe fully in the talking snakes, talking bushes and talking donkeys detailed in their holy book. And yet those same religiously-indoctrinated people regard the ancient writing, some of the oldest in existence, known as the Ramayana, to be simply mythology that couldn’t possibly be true.

When it comes to how we feel, at a given moment, it is largely our choice. Obviously, in some instances, this can have limitations, as in a physical injury. We do, however, possess the ability to employ subtle alchemy, aided by the results of our research. Epictetus, a famed philosopher in ancient Rome, observed the following:

“Man is not distressed by events…. but rather by his interpretation of events.”

With a reasonably accurate understanding and motivation of a given belief, we have a more complete picture of the whole. So, where does alchemy come in? Combined with our “live and let live” attitude, our research grants us a deeper understanding and motivation of a believer. We begin to understand why they believe as they do. We don’t have to agree with it, but with understanding we can alter considerable negative energy associated with this issue.

oasis divider


This is actually the core subject I wanted to  explore briefly in this post, that of Christmas, and the numerous peripheral issues that have become prevalent. One of the most noticeable, of course, is the belief that Christmas has always been and will always be the day that a being named Jehoshua was allegedly born, on December 25. For anybody who has done any research into the “12 days of Christmas“, you’ll note it has been celebrated for millenia by numerous cultures across the globe. As for the birth date, it should be noted that less than 200 years before this official declaration of it being Jesus’ day of birth, Rome’s emperor had declared that December 25 was the birth date of Rome’s new god, Sol Invictus.

Personally, I do not celebrate Christmas largely because I do not believe in religion’s “the season’s reasons”. I do, however, recognize that there is a very positive current of energy that is noticeable and here we can also employ some subtle alchemy. Consider the altering high vibration effect humor can have. Whether we are in a theatre or sitting around a TV, when we respond to humor, very often we will look at others we are with. On one level, we are determining whether that person is humored but it serves one other important purpose – we are attempting to share the joy we feel with others around us. By doing this with intent, we are employing alchemy, by adding our own positive energy.

So, while I do not believe, I fully recognize that there is an almost palpable feeling of wonder, magic and generosity in the air. Fortunately, I do not have to believe to positively experience – or even engage in experiencing – the beautiful energies so closely associated with the Christmas season. And one further suggestion for all you alchemists, that you may wish to employ in this upcoming joyous season. It may seem like a trivial suggestion but it employs alchemy in a different way. Many will be attending parties at restaurants or bars, or other people’s homes. My suggestion is to consider requesting a blessing on all those who have entered the door, those in service and those being served. Typically, I request that each individual is granted some extended moments of peace, joy and contentment. This does not interfere with any freewill, nor is it requesting any harm or injury.

I truly wish much peace, joy and contentment on those who have read these words. Merry Christmas, Blessed Yule and Happy Holidays to each of you.

Namaste, Nick xxx



Posted October 20, 2015 by brightsorcerer
Categories: Metaphysical Musings

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The term “three faces of power” actually comes from an organization called Powercube and states that there are indeed three faces of power – visible, hidden and invisible. As some background, this group runs workshops teaching people an analytical tool known as “powercube”, which enables them, essentially, to look at a specific point of power in a company/organizational structure, from many different directions. “Power” normally conjures thoughts of some type of control or ability to control. There are actually four different types of expressions of power, as detailed by Powercube:

1) “Power Over” –  refers to the ability of one powerful actor to affect the thoughts or actions of those less powerful

2)”Power To” – the ability to take action for positive objectives

3) “Power Within” – refers to gaining the sense of self-identity, confidence and awareness that is a precondition for action

4) “Power With” – refers to the synergy that can emerge from partnerships and collaboration with others


If you look at this list more closely you’ll see it is really a reflection of our reality. One recognizes that an organization, which wields power (POWER OVER) and makes decisions that affect the well being of others, has acted in a manner that is not consistent with either laws or common morality and ethics. A decision to take action may take some time (POWER TO) while we conduct research and essentially determine if this is a worthwhile battle. If so, we need a game plan on how to make our voice heard and may spend considerable time (POWER WITHIN) stoking up our courage and defenses. No person is an island, as it is said, so it is not inconceivable that our “game plan” would include connecting with like-minded individuals or groups (POWER WITH) and possibly collaborating on a common cause.

I will get back to this in a moment and hopefully tie it all together in some type of understandable order.



In recent weeks, I have been re-reading information about what is often referred to as “indigos” and “crystals” and in each explanation, there was a consistent core of “characteristics” to identify these two groups. One aspect that was of concern to me, initially, will likely be a source of at least confusion for many of you as well. When I view the lists, I begin running down them and remarking that I see them in myself and then wham – I encounter several in a row that definitely do not reflect me or my personality traits/characteristics.

Essentially, have you viewed the lists of characteristics and found you have aspects of both?

This can be confusing, especially if you add in other possibilities like starseeds and even incarnated deities. In starseeds, we have the understanding that the soul fragment within, is part of a much larger collective Higher Self. Its first foray into the 3d physical realm commenced with lifetimes spent in the reincarnation cycle of a particular group of the space-faring races. It has been suggested that one characteristic of a starseed can be an affinity for specific types of animal. For example, one group known as the Lyrans contains a feline race, and if drawn to cats in this lifetime, it could indicate a strong connection with this group.

As for incarnating deities, that belief is extensive. Ascended Masters are claimed to be walking among us now, as some claim there are angels, as well as half-angel and half-human hybrids (Nephilim) as well as entities masking as “gods” or “masters”, while others are not from here but can mask their presence with high-tech and magical “cloaking auras”. One must ask, however, what constitutes a “deity” or “god”? Most of us have been conditioned to automatically assume it is the god of our childhood or present religious belief. I would contend that it is not them at all, but rather others, who have the ability to incarnate at will, experience death and then return to their Higher Self aspect.

On a side note here…. there has been considerable speculation and commentary about an imminent “return of the Annunaki”, and allegedly world leaders and even The Vatican are aware of these returning “gods”, the supposed creators of modern-day humanity. Yes, according to Sumerian writings, Enki developed a fondness for the humans he genetically altered, and supposedly was the one responsible for hardwiring free will into our DNA, with the help of a blue avian race who had already “ascended”. He was, however, directly responsible for human experimentation!!!! There have been some who would welcome these beings back into our reality as our creators but I do not share that sentiment. In a collection known as The 14 Tablets of Enki, allegedly penned by Enki himself, we are given a glimpse into the “great” history of their race, and it is rife with betrayal, hatred, forced incest and a staunch view that the newly-created species of humans were no more than “beasts” to be used as the rulers thought necessary.

Unfortunately, this ability to incarnate at will does not include a sizable percentage of those presently incarnated on earth. Many are contractually bound to both their religion and the entities controlling it, on both a conscious and subconscious level. Some strongly believe these individuals die, go down the long white tunnel, which leads to an astral processing plant, where the soul is then reprocessed, sometimes resulting in a rapid “turnaround time” before being sent into another incarnation. This is dependent, it has been opined, on the usefulness of the soul to aid the overall plans of the associated gods. The only way out of this continuous cycle, it is suggested, is annulling the cosmic contract that one has been bound to through their religion and associated gods.

To have any authority, however, two things must be present: One is a clear case where the individual has not been made fully aware of the conditions and terms of the contract, such as having it forced on them at a young age and hardly able to fully fathom the decision to cosmically give away one’s soul after death……. and after spending a lifetime trying to atone for “sins” for which they couldn’t possibly be responsible. Secondly, a complete energetic separation from all entities and energies associated with that religion and gods that held a lien on that soul. From personal experience, this is best done in the presence of a mentor or teacher-type guide who one deems has the authority to assist. Additionally, for almost 2 full days after completing a separation ritual, I experienced very unusual discomfort that actually bounced around my abdominal area. It was like someone had turned on a high pressure hose without securing the nozzle. Oddly enough, the cut cords all were attached to the 3 lower chakra areas; my heart felt fine, as did my other chakras.

Buddhist teachings offer the wisdom that upon death, one must stay in the “first light” and not take the tunnel. I find this to be sound advice. Although not fully relevant, it is interesting to note that the state/location one enters upon death, known as the bardo, lasts a maximum of 49 days, where a prayer is said daily during that time. No one can state – with any authority – exactly how or at what stage of development the soul actually enters the physical body. But in a strange coincidence, it was noted that the pineal gland on a baby begins to show at 49 days.



I’m just getting to that, trying to make the necessary tie-ins. I worked with Lins this week to get out another Raziel Key, along with my description and a bit of added insight. It centered on life lessons and our expectations but also included was his acknowledgment that we are/have been asking ourselves what our real role is, in this lifetime. It can be a source for anxiety, fear and confusion. Are we presently doing what we came here to do? Or is there more? How can we tell? This article entitled What Is My Role or Purpose In this Spiritual Awakening? has some suggestions worth considering.

In part, the answer lies in the above-mentioned confusion of having personal characteristics of two or more groups of “unique” reincarnating souls such as indigos and crystals. A quick analogy may assist here. Consider building a house. The first ones to actually do physical work for building the house arrive (the older generations) and begin the preparatory work, essentially building a foundation. As the work progresses, certain aspects of the construction requires skilled trades people with specific specialties,(the newer generations) from plumbers to electricians. Throughout construction the foreman and/or architect guide the actions taking place, and they have their own unique specialties as well. Some of these groups are seen, and some are not. On large projects, it is common to have representatives from several different companies at a site, fulfilling their own unique role. The objective is completion of a successful project.

Essentially, for those of us who don’t identify with the characteristics of any one group, it may mean we are a type of specialist or one who has a grasp of many things and can perform a variety of roles. Many of us will attempt to shoehorn or minimize our skills, experiences and wisdom. An essential component of helping ourselves is first helping others with recognizing these, especially in the area of their strengths and talents. Giving others our support verbally will result in a slingshot effect, coming right back at us, though often from another source. This is the Law of Reciprocity in action and many of us can attest to its accuracy.

In the route taken, after one becomes aware of an issue or action that is unacceptable (POWER OVER), we may find we seldom take it to the fourth stage (POWER WITH) and open collaboration with others or groups. Similarly, our research will not always be consistent either; it is dependent on our need for knowledge of a given topic. In the related area of spiritual practices, consider when employing candle magic, some are quite content to complete a simple ritual and/or include a visualization or mantra and then light the candle, while others may have the need or desire to dress the candles (applying specially made oils on them in a very precise manner) “call in” certain entities and even inscribe them with specific sigils they’ve made beforehand. This may give us an additional clue as to our purpose.

In summation here…. one thing is certain. Our path will proceed on actions we take and where we choose to take them. Everything is dependent on what has already transpired. In determining the types of causes we defend, we can also get a glimpse of a role that we are comfortable with, when applying determined effort. A quick personal example here, as an analogy. Several years ago, I chose to be a volunteer on a political campaign, something I had not done before or since. For the two months I worked there, I quickly morphed into the janitor and signs co-coordinator, and the general duties guy. No, it wasn’t glamorous and I wasn’t the center of attention, but I learned a great deal and was part of a unique and satisfying experience…even though I was only able to use a small part of my talents and skills. And the candidate kicked some serious butt and won!

Obviously, we can receive assistance in our search for purpose from our spiritual helpers. Instead of asking them what our purpose is, one suggestion might be to request their direction towards activities and experiences that will provide all the tools required for our role. It may well be that we do not fully possess all the experiences and/or wisdom required just yet.



I wanted to end with a bit of information and observation, of what I deem to be relevant and timely information, some you may or may not know. I will boldly say that the recent moves by Russia, in the last few weeks, are extremely significant. As a foundation, we have the predictions of Edgar Cayce, who, in 1944, published that Russia would not only be the country to avert WW3 but that it would be a beacon of hope for the entire world. At the time, this was preposterous to almost everybody, as Russia was deep into the thrall of communism. During that same time, we see the US on the opposite pole, with a thriving economy, wealth and a form of democracy but a county where many observed their respective religious traditions and it was reflected in the US unity.

Flash to today, and many have noted that the perceived and actual roles of those countries have reversed almost totally. Russia’s president has made it clear that a well-functioning society must have a strong sense of ethics and spirituality, which many in Russia now find in Christianity. As witnessed in western MSM, there is a concerted effort to vilify and demonize all aspects of Russia, that rose to a crescendo, if you followed reports as I did, on 28 September. On September 29/30, Russia took action and began bombing locations within Syria, after gaining full permission from the host country. As stated in several places, one of Mr. Putin’s concerns, for obvious reasons, is the Christian population presently being targeted by terrorists. No, it is not the only reason (it is likely well down a list of many) and could likely be just a good sound bite for him… but his level-headed and clear thinking has been made obvious for the world to see. It must be remembered, however, that he is only a representative of an invisible power with their own agenda. For the present and immediate future, that agenda appears to be helping humanity and their strategy is significant.

What these strategists have done is present an almost total opposite of the perceived reality about Syria, both presently and for the future. At a precise moment, President Putin announced that the present foreign-imposed humanitarian crisis in Syria would no longer be tolerated by Russia. It was a decisive statement that most of the world assumed was just more rhetoric coming from the Russian government. Within days, they began an air campaign against a coalition of essentially mercenaries paid by foreign nations and have been quite transparent about what they are doing. Additionally, Russia has been supplying humanitarian aid of food, a welcome addition to the needy citizens of Syria. A seemingly hopeless quagmire of war, with no foreseeable end in sight, and suddenly a powerful nation and leader has appeared to stand up to the world and take action based on international law. This fact is not lost on the populace, and has opened the eyes of many globally in a very unifying manner. This would suggest, also, that those who are responsible for this strategy are quite familiar with alchemical principles and the transmutation of energy.

There’s a whole assortment of peripheral and equally significant factors to that manufactured chaos, far too many to detail. I just wanted to draw your attention to Mr. Cayce and his predictions for Russia, becoming a beacon of hope for the world. If local sentiment and feelings are any indication, President Putin has become akin to a rock star in several countries. Recent days has seen large rallies in front of Russian embassies worldwide including in Berlin, India, Hungary and Serbia praising Russia and President Putin in particular for standing up for justice and defending international law. Conversely, the popularity of the US, among other countries including Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel, has plummeted dramatically.

So…. Does this recent military action- to assist a country that has been under constant forced war with hired mercenaries and religious zealots – seem to be a “game changer”, as it pertains to our continued evolution as a species? What is being displayed for the public to see, is something quite different than we’re used to, after listening to and viewing the actions of our policy makers with suspicion and often anger. For the besieged Syrians, this lifeline from Russia in coming to their defense, has changed many aspects of that war, not the least of which is a renewed hope in a peaceful future, where tyrants and bullies cannot harm them again. That energy has spread globally and resulted in a new wave of people awakening, adding their own energy to the collective whole… and each person doing it in their own way. What it signifies for many keeping current with events, is that a sizable number of people are actually daring to hope for a better future.

As always, I do not push any of the above views on anybody as “the truth”.


Namste, Nick xxxxx
