Posted tagged ‘end times’


January 1, 2016



The image above was created by Cathie and I love it. FYI… I have just started with Part 8 of this poem, around 140 pages so far and I have been enjoying quite a ride writing it… with considerable help. With the pleasantries completed, I wanted to leave a list of links below to what I deem to be significant information. I’ll be concluding with a short update and message from Cathie to all you guys.



China’s emergence from a secretive society to its present-day status on the international scene has been dramatic in some cases. Its reach globally extends even farther than China’s most notable naval explorer named Zheng He.

Aside from the recent signing of legislation, a new anti-terror bill was put into law, allowing China to engage directly and militarily if need be, terrorism outside of its land boundaries. Two other items were not well known but occurring nonetheless and could have definite ramifications.

China has launched an online game, via social media, that will become mandatory in China by 2020, according to the report. The oddity is that one doesn’t gain points by paying bills promptly or behaving in an otherwise “responsible” manner, but rather how dedicated one is to China’s ideology.

Another fascinating yet unsettling piece of news involves the world of physics. Many are aware of CERN and the LHC, and we’ve all read differing points of view as to what CERN was actually attempting, when it was rocked by an explosion that shut the collider down. Hopefully, those in the east will take note of CERN’s headlong rush to find illusive particles. China recently announced the initial stages in the creation of a “supercollider” that would be at least twice the size of CERN.

Beginning February 8, 2016, a cycle passes through time forever, and the Year Of The (Fire) Monkey will commence. It would be unpardonable not to pay homage to likely the most famous monkey ever, a monkey king, known as Sun Wu Kong… otherwise known as Hanuman. 



I will readily admit that I am not a fan of Christian and rapture-believing Lisa Haven but she did bring to light a barely noted event recently involving the Muslim world that could cause significant waves in the middle east. She is a reasonably good researcher, albeit from a strictly biblical viewpoint, and her recent article does have merit. She claims that the “Islamic Nation” has just declared a total unknown to be their version of a messiah. Referred to in the Quran as the Madhi,  she equated this person to be Christianity’s “anti-christ”, even providing a rather comprehensive list of characteristics found in the Quran. She fails to mention that in Islam, their “anti-christ” is known as Dajjal. Interesting also is they believe that Jesus will return and will be at the Mahdi’s right hand and will actually kill this anti-christ in battle. But not so fast… she claims this is not the “Jesus” of her Bible, because she says so. A compelling case is made in an article by Tad Cronn entitled “Was Allah Originally A Babylonian God Of Violence?” in a counter to the evidence found in the Ugaritic texts, that Yahweh was originally a storm god and was “adopted” by the Israelites. It has been claimed that the attributes of the Caananite god El were given to Yahweh by his devotees. Contrary to what some religious believers think, the term El is singular, while “Elohim” is the plural form. The demand to have “no other gods but me” is a tacit acknowledgement that there are indeed other “gods”, or rather beings masquerading as omnipotent entities.

Her article fails to even acknowledge Judaism’s end times scenarios, involving the rise of their messiah. Which is odd because the other two messianic religions are variants and offshoots of Judaism, which in turn was refined by Israel’s interaction with surrounding nations and their religious practices and beliefs. And the Bible extends its association with the Greek and Roman pantheon of gods, namely the Keeper of the Abyss. Named Abaddon, Revelations 9:11 states this as his Hebrew name “but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.” This, of course refers to the only god whose name remained constant during the transition from Greek to Roman – Apollo. What I find odd in this is that what we know of an entity named Apollo through mythology, guarding the gates of a prison would seem an unlikely task and waste of talents. In a strange parallel, the Books of Enoch (which some fervently believe is a true account of what transpired before recorded history) contend that a powerful being named Azazel was captured and then imprisoned in a rock-filled hole until “Judgment Day”. The Israelite Scapegoat Ritual involved placing the sins of the people onto a goat and sending it into the desert to be devoured by… Azazel. How can he be imprisoned by “god” and yet be free to wander the desert? For what it’s worth, some of you are aware that for some years, Azazel has been one of my mentors. When I inquired into this obvious discrepancy, his reply was one word – “Deception.”

Prophecies and predictions are not the sole domain of religious groups any longer, nor are they restricted to gender. Mother Shipton springs to mind and some suggest that even Nostradamus had predictions for 2016. Even more important, however, is a recognition that presently something is taking place on a fundamental level that cannot be ignored. Whether it is citizens with integrity who strap on a weapon to ensure that homeless people receive a good hot meal and warm winter clothes, a man who was so grief-stricken at the failing health of his daughter that he tried cannabis oil – resulting in a near miraculous recovery of the small child – and now risks jail time, to vengeful parents who complained to police that a teenager was giving away free copies of a “banned” book… these all may seem unrelated but I would contend that they are the unique effects from specific stimuli. And it’s not just humanity that is affected. One of my very favorite stories from 2015, was of the surprising friendship between a tiger and a goat, resulting in an outpouring of generosity, as well as understandable Russian pride.

Some ancient pagan systems believed a god died in the deep cold of winter and was reborn in the spring. In the northern hemisphere, cloudy days in winter are far from uncommon, and can take its toll, in terms of energy, our mood and even our thoughts. Don Juan, Casteneda’s Shaman mentor, contended that a spiritual warrior accepted death as inevitable, and hence were truly free to take any action. This naturally extends to thoughts of the afterlife and what one can not only expect…. but actions one can take now to assist in a smoother transition. In The Tibetan Book of The Dead, this after- or inter-life is known as the Bardo, which consists of three distinct stages. With a growing number at least beginning to research ancient and arcane manuscripts, the teachings of the east strike an innate chord. Like Madame Blavatsky before them, these teachings are experimented with and modified by each practitioner but each appear to claim the same thing:

What you know and comprehend at the point of physical death is the sum total of what you arrive in the non-physical realms with. You don’t break free of your physical body and suddenly, you understand everything. Consequently, the more preparation while in the physical, the better prepared one is to enter the “afterlife.”


I am not pushing the above observations on anybody as “the” truth, but it can’t be denied that a sound spiritual practice is never a bad idea. The possibilities and directions one can take are innumerable. As a direct consequence, we tend to experience a fair number of “crossroads” moments, some we’re not always consciously aware of. They appear as possible routes towards a goal… and sometimes, they may be designed to draw us from our central path. Opportunities that present themselves require an initial correlation with any ongoing requests one has with Spirit, or “The Runners” as I term them. Obviously, we must do all we can physically to assist them. For instance, if we’ve requested help, it is not reasonable to assume that one can find a new apartment, while never leaving their old apartment to look.



After narrowing one’s choices to two, is there some way to get a bit of help to determine what choice or direction is in one’s highest and greatest good? You’ll be happy to know that there is a simple and direct way to do that, by enlisting the aid of The Runners. Based on a workshop I have been putting together, below is a very simplified version of “Cosmic Signs And Decision-Making”.

  1. Specify Sign – in simple terms, this should only include things you would generally not encounter on a given day. EG: I request to be shown a caduceus, a spinning earth, an owl etc.
  2. Specify Time Limit –  major consideration must be given to this aspect; one must grant them a reasonable amount of time to manifest the requested sign, using the most direct method. Optimally, 4 – 6 hours is reasonable but the individual must be on a heightened state of awareness for the entire time.
  3. Specify Parameters – requests about taking out a car loan, whether one should go on a date with a certain person, or even for a pile of money lack the specificity required to ensure clean and unambiguous communication and results with Spirit, in its many forms. For this tool to be fully effective, one must request that the choice Spirit indicates is in one’s highest and greatest good.
  4. Specify One Choice – remember, this tool is designed to allow one to make a decision between two distinct choices. EG: Continuing school in North America or studying in Japan for a year. One can choose either for the request, in this case, perhaps “to indicate that it is in my highest and greatest good to study in Japan for a year.” Key to this is always request in a positive way.

Altogether, a sample Cosmic Sign Request would go as follows:

“Runners, I request to be shown a caduceus in any form, within the next five hours, to indicate it is in my highest and greatest good to pursue the mediumship studies.”

This is one of my most valuable tools, and the above request was actually one I made. The sign’s arrival was, in a word, spectacular and left me in deep thought. After using this tool dozens of times, it would be logical to presume that I have had the chance to make a number of observations, based on direct experience. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned:

Offer yourself to be a conduit for Spirit in the physical realm – I call it “pinch-hitting” – and I guarantee you will see some amazing results to your Cosmic Sign requests. I also found that there were ways that we can employ a type of “default setting” that will alert us to opportunities that may be in our highest and greatest good.

In the end, we believe what we believe in a very personal way. Some have suggested that it is this very set of belief systems that may well determine our destination, once freed of 3D constraints. As for me, I’ve got a private little realm that I helped to create that will be my first destination.


With that I’ll conclude this post, written during the passing of another year. As I wrote in the opening paragraph, I did want to give a short update on and from Cathie. After a number of post op side effects, her condition had improved enough to move her to a rehab. One recent ailment was thought to be caused by her pain medication and it was halted. After seeing her doctor today, the cause – a relatively minor one – was found and Cathie is now getting considerable pain relief. As it stands now, she will likely be in rehab for several more weeks.

As for a message from Cathie, it comes in two parts…Firstly, she really misses the interactions she had for so long with so many amazing people and she loves y’all to pieces.

Secondly, she has noted that there seems to be a wide variety of symptoms displaying themselves. One erupts and is addressed, only to be filled by another. So she was thinking and here’s what she would like to request: She is extremely grateful for all the prayers, healing and love energy and positive thoughts. What she requests is that, when you do send those loving, healing energies, please request that they harmonize with the energies already at work healing.



Last winter it was said that a cow floated down the Mississippi River on a piece of ice and caught such a cold, she has yielded nothing but ice cream ever since.

Mixed Emotions: Your brand new Corvette going over the side of a cliff… with your mother-in-law at the wheel.

Middle Age: That time in life where you’d rather not have a good time than recover from it.

Middle Age: The time a guy starts turning out the lights for economical rather than romantic reasons.

“You’ve reached middle age when all you exercise is caution.” Franklin P. Jones

A man wanted to live to be 100 and went to see his doctor. He was told to give up drinking, cigarettes and womanizing. “Will I live to be 100 then?” asked the patient. “No,” sighed the doctor, “but it will seem like it.”

You know the years are adding up if it takes you longer to rest than it did to get tired.

I have never wanted to see anybody die but a few obituary notices I have read with pleasure.” Clarence Darrow

Sign outside a funeral home: DRIVE CAREFULLY – WE CAN WAIT.


Sign in a brassiere shop: WE FIX FLATS



A junk shop near a railway crossing posted this sign: GO AHEAD, TAKE A CHANCE. WE’LL BUY THE WRECK


Sign over the incoming Los Angeles IRS office: “WATCH YOUR STEP.” Sign over outgoing door: “WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE”. Jimmy Starr, Los Angeles Herald


With that, I’ll sign off with my wish of peace, joy and contentment for each of you, in this brand new year.

Namste, Nick xxx





The 2012 Annular Eclipse in Perspective

May 27, 2012

On Sunday, May 20,  the earth, moon and sun slipped into a cosmic alignment with a star called Alcyone, in the Pleiades system, in what many call the end of a 26, 000 year celestial cycle.   Aside from being an auspicious cosmic event, is there a deeper significance in this alignment, with what some some regard as our “central sun?”  This article will not be comprehensive but will provide some insight and understanding and enough links for you to follow up with your own research, if you choose to do so.   This piece will provide some background information on eclipses in general, followed by a metaphysical analysis of what actually transpired in the recent eclipse, and then conclude with several observations I’ve made over recent months, as they pertain to ascension.

One key component that makes this event so significant is obviously an energetic alignment with the Pleiades system, and Alcyone in particular.  Some maintain that the citizens of that system are in telepathic contact with many humans on earth and have been visitors here in the distant past.  They have been revered as gods in many belief systems including Egypt  and the Far East and even much earlier than that.  The Global Illumination Council website provides this added insight:

“Navajos named the Pleiades the ‘Sparkling Suns’, the home of the ‘Black God’. The Iroquois pray to them for happiness. The Cree claim to have come to Earth from the stars in spirit form first and then became flesh and blood. Some Native Americans believed that all tribes in North America came from the Pleiades. That they were actually descendents and had been given a task by the Pleiadians to keep the Earth safe.

As we know them today, largely through mythology, other cultures found them highly significant as well, which has been reinforced over the many centuries by the classic tales, myths and legends.   Amelia Sperevigna, in her excellent discourse entitled “The Pleiades: the celestial herd of ancient timekeepers”  provides this short description:

“The brightest stars of the cluster are named for the Seven Sisters of Greek mythology, daughters of Atlas and Pleione. Pursued by Orion, they were rescued by Zeus, who immortalized the sisters by placing them in the  sky.”

This highlights a crucial fact, if we are to fully understand the numerous threads that surround and affect this most recent eclipse.  All things in creation have sentience and awareness, differing only in degree.  A rock may appear without life and movement, but that is merely what we see through a very limiting filter.  Similarly, even ether itself, often referred to as Spirit, is very aware, albeit on a level our 3D minds cannot fully comprehend.  Celestial objects all have both a creator (or creators) and a contained essence/life energy of an entity.   The ancients attached names to specific cosmic bodies, believing that each was the home of that particular entity.  As a side note – and some shameless promotion –  I had an opportunity to work with  the energy of these Seven Sisters in a poem I called, “Sword of the Seven Stars.”  But that is only one example of what is becoming much more prevalent today, as this ascension continues to gain steam and intensity.  In part because of downloads like this most recent eclipse,  many are opening up to their ability to communicate with non-physical and non-human beings.  In my case it was  a very enjoyable collaboration.  This does, however, require a more in-depth examination, which will reveal insights that some may feel uncomfortable with.

The central component to all that takes place, on any level of reality, is energy.  Gnosticism, a belief system founded by the famed Simon Magus which was reviled by the early “church fathers”,  provides a glimpse into why they were deemed such a threat by early church leadership.  They believed that Sophia, the Mother aspect of the Divine Creator, “birthed” into being an entity named Yaldabaoth  whom they claim also went by the names of Samael, Yahweh and the Demiurge.  He was made to be one of the creator gods for what we know as our solar system, one of several. The Gnostics claim the texts used for our present-day Bible – and even many that were discarded –  contained numerous references which make it clear there are multiple created “creator gods”, on every level of reality.  The most prominent of these is  Genesis 1:26, where “God” says:

 “Let US make man in OUR image, according to OUR likeness.”

Clearly, this entity is speaking with other entities just like It/Him/Her.   The Gnostics further believed that this creator god named Yaldabaoth created 7 very powerful beings called Archons  in an interesting parallel with Christianity’s 7 Archangels.  While hardly a total acknowledgement of this gnostic version of  “angels” it is interesting to note that at least one of them is verbally recognized by none other than King Solomon himself but its reference adds a distinct air of confusion.  In a text entitled The Testament of Solomon,  purported to be penned by him,  he receives a visit from Lord Michael, who bears a unique and powerful gift.  Here’s what  verse 5 says:


“And it came about through my prayer that grace was given to me from the Lord Sabaoth by Michael his archangel. [He brought me] a little ring, having a seal consisting of an engraved stone, and said to me: “Take, O Solomon, king, son of David, the gift which the Lord God has sent thee, the highest Sabaoth. With it thou shalt lock up all demons of the earth, male and female; and with their help thou shalt build up Jerusalem. [But] thou [must] wear this seal of God. And this engraving of the seal of the ring sent thee is a Pentalpha.”

Some scholars contend that Sabaoth was merely one of several names for the entity Yahweh but the Gnostics were firmly convinced otherwise.  They describe Sabaoth as having the head of a dragon.  Of course, the other component that cannot be overlooked is that, if some sources are correct,  there are many, many more archons than simply 7,  who play some role in maintaining and modifying this reality.  Some even believe that they are presently engaged in sabotaging as much of this ascension as they can, in a final mad effort to maintain control.  Magick and sorcery have existed long before recorded time, including wisdom that allowed beings from different realities to communicate with each other.

One such example, that remained locked away for the privileged few for many centuries, is entitled The Book of Sacred Magic of Abremalin the Mage.  The likes of Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard studied and experimented with the operation outlined by the mage.  It detailed an extended ritual, lasting up to six months, where a seeker would build a temporary temple, away from people, with the result being a connection with one’s Holy Guardian Angel. Not only that, but also the allegiance to and/or subservience of a number of demons and spirits to do the will of the conjurer.

While mildly interesting, you’re likely asking for the relevance of this and the recent eclipse.  One component, that must be obvious by now is that there are unseen beings at work, with their own allegiances and tasks. This must be part of the equation when we view the significance of this eclipse, as it relates to this Shift.  Is it possible that some of these entities are trying to interfere with a natural cycle of cosmic creation?

This brings us to another major component, and a natural extension of the above.  Many of these beings are not known to us by name but many are.  The often arrogant view displayed by some “believers” – in many religions –  that early man’s understanding of the universe and beliefs in creator-type gods was primitive  is based om dogmatic bias.  Whether acknowledged or not, every belief system produces a group consciousness often referred to as a “thoughform”.  In magickal terms. called a servitor or construct.  When any group gathers with a common cause, there is a resulting energetic interaction among them, the energy that not only creates but also maintains it with a steady stream.  In the case of a nationalistic thoughtform,  often people who travel frequently and away from their country of birth encounter an inner longing for something more than the just the people/places/things it represents.  Sometimes called “homesick”, we feel  part of us disconnected to something,  and then a unique sense of contentment when we return home.  Everyone reading this is attached to any number of thoughtforms,  to some degree, from a  family one, to a national one and more recently, to a global connection.  As it pertains to belief systems,  they also are intimately connected to specific thoughtforms of their creation and brand of religion.  Before dismissing this, consider also, it is a commonly held belief that the energy we put out to “the universe” is the energy we receive in response.

At present, many of these religious thoughtforms are colliding both here on the physical and on the layer of reality they have been created.  It is no secret that some people in positions of power are using this to foment confusion and anger. We have given these “god” entities an untold number of names over many millenia and names not only have enormous power but also orients one’s focus and energetic intent to a specific target or entity.  Is it possible, as some have contended, that these creator gods have essentially merged themselves with the created thoughtforms of the numerous belief systems? This is  essentially pulling that on as a type of vessel, much like the human body is the vessel for our own Divine Spark.  What some contend is that certain creator gods, who began using their own light to create,  believe that they are the thoughtform, which is akin to thinking that the real “us” is this body we walk around in and not the soul within.

As a quick example of entity creation, on a smaller scale and with willed intention, we need not look any further than explorer and researcher Alexandra David-Neel.  She spent decades traveling the Far East, including Tibet, where she learned a magickal technique from the monks,  knowledge which she quickly put to practice.  Known as tulpas, Buddhist monks have been using them – beings constructed entirely from the monk’s energy and imagination –   for centuries to aid in a variety of tasks.  In  her work, she set about creating one, with the appearance and demeanor of a plump, jolly friar.  It is interesting to note a fascinating description of what happened next:


“David-Neel’s tulpa began its existence as a plump, benign little monk, similar to Friar Tuck. It was at first entirely subjective, but gradually, with practice, she was able to visualize the tulpa out there, like an imaginary ghost flitting about the real world.
In time the vision grew in clarity and substance until it was indistinguishable from physical reality-a sort of self-induced hallucination. But the day came when the hallucination slipped from her conscious control. She discovered that the monk would appear from time to time when she had not willed it. Furthermore her friendly little figure was slimming down and taking on a distinctly sinister aspect. Eventually her companions, who where unaware of the mental disciplines she was practicing, began to ask about the “stranger” who had turned up in their camp-a clear indication that a creature which was no more that solidified imagination had definite objective reality. At this point, David-Neel decided things had gone too far and applied different lamaist techniques to reabsorb the creature into her own mind. The tulpa proved very unwilling to face destruction in this way so that the process took several weeks and left its creator exhausted.”

The objective of relaying all of this is so you have a broad understanding, when it comes to the significance of this recent eclipse.  So far we have energy, creators gods and then constructed beings as all playing some role in/on our reality.  Crop circles often have two distinct camps associated with it – the skeptics and believers, in this case, that these crop circles are actually complex messages being relayed to us by enlightened beings, warning us of future significant cosmic events.  One appeared in a place called Wayland’s Smithy, in the UK on August 09/2005  that allegedly predicted two upcoming events, and was apparently repeated only last year with another stunning crop circle in East Kennet, UK.  Both are said to point at a great event occurring on May 20, 2012, a major eclipse that will have significant long and short term effects on this reality.

In cosmic terms, it will signal the end of an almost 26,000 year cycle of creation, no small celebration.  Many religions contain both a creation myth and some type of  “end of days” account, each of which has had enormous energy attached to see a specific outcome.  Consciously or not, each follower adds their energy.  It must be understood that the cycles of creation cannot be halted but merely delayed.   The Hindu texts provide us with a trinity of gods who are said to rule over 3 distinct periods of the process.  Brahma is “the creator”,  Vishnu “the preserver” and Shiva is “the destroyer”, reflecting birth, life and eventual death, before renewal into a new cycle of creation.  Their texts also indicate that all created beings who undergo the final stage of this process – often after several lifetimes during the birth and sustaining cycles – are then “eligible” to ascend to the next level or density.

The Hindu texts reveal some other slightly disturbing information, made more startling when viewed through a scientific lens. The Spiritual Research Science Foundation  details the following, as it relates to eclipses in particular:

“The first thing that came to light through spiritual research is that physical (apparent to our eyes) eclipses as mentioned above are not the only type of eclipses. There are subtle (intangible) eclipses too. These subtle eclipses are caused by the powerful ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.)  called sorcerers (maantriks) from the 5th to 7th region of hell by the use of their supernatural powers and are only apparent to those with an advanced and active sixth sense.

Powerful ghosts create subtle eclipses by creating a barrier of subtle black negative energy between either the gross, physical Sun and the Earth or between the subtle Sun and the Earth.” and that “…During an eclipse period, the power of distressing energies increases by 1000 times as compared to other times. This is because ghosts harness the excess Raja-Tama generated by the eclipse to amass black energy either by utilising the conditions to do more spiritual practice to gain negative spiritual black energy or by stealing the spiritual energy of seekers of God. “ 

For ease of understanding….  “Tama” is essentially the raw energy that is transmitted and received, in this case during an eclipse,  that has been altered to a “Raja” condition.  Raja is, at its most basic form,  an energy of service to self, while its opposite, “Sattva” is attuned to service to others.  Why is this important?  The effect the energy that this recent eclipse downloaded was/is being attuned to the vibration of the individual.  Each person will be affected in different ways.  If one is in a state where low vibration emotions are prevalent, the energy will magnify that;  similarly, if one seeks to maintain a moderately high level of vibration, that will also will enhanced.

So now we have extra-dimensional sorcerers to contend with? As with all the information and perspectives I have included in this article, my intention is not to force any belief on anybody.  I am writing this largely because, after following the trail of research,  I was truly astounded at the above information.  Consider it merely a warm up act for the underlying metaphysical aspects this eclipse sets in motion.

This energy, according to some sources,  is a crucial element in this ascension process, one which requires a series of downloads designed to slowly “upgrade” us… or push us along the path of human evolution.  According to Maya, Hopi and Inca this new level of evolution is known  “homo luminus”, or illuminated man.  Keep in mind, also, that each of these civilizations believed to have either incarnated from the Pleiades or received visitors from its system, and who played a key role in their development and progress.

The effects of this newest energy has arrived with both subtle and acute symptoms.  Debra Campbell  sums it up nicely:

“Right now many under the influence of this celestial tug of war in May are feeling anxiety, mood deviations such as overwhelming sadness and apprehension switching to elation, inability to sleep, appetite changes, swelling or pain in the body, out-of-body type feelings, unusual dreams, dreams or visitations from people who have passed on, shifts of consciousness, bursts of creativity, visits or memories from past relationships, relationships difficulties, pain in the body especially in the muscles and joints, and irritable buzz and more.”

She is quick to add that if you are unsure about a symptom, seek profession help.

The Spiritual Harmonics  blog breathes a fresh breath of air and positive energy into the effects of an eclipse:

“Eclipses provide opportunities to release This is a bit like deleting an old computer programme, loading a new one, and then re-booting the system. Annular Eclipses have a very subtle effect on the energy grids, releasing, transforming and healing the etheric energy ‘blueprint’ that can enable new spiritual archetypes to emerge into collective consciousness. These negative energy imprints and enable new, positive patterns to become encoded into the Earth grids.”

This examination would be incomplete without at least touching on one other critical factor – in terms of energy and influence – at work right now.  It is known as the Christed Light/Energy,  something which author and alchemist Jim Self   says is not a man, nor a “soul” but rather an energetic template of Primal Source, Sovereign Mind, Infinite Being or even The Great Dreamer… whatever your designation of  “That from which we came” is.  In his work, both personally and through his workshops and seminars,  Jim works very closely with both Metatron and Uriel.  According to Metatron, there are 12 “Christed Worlds” on different levels of reality, the earth being one of them.  This Shift that we are experiencing is an event of great interest to many different entities and “races”.  This Christed Light, which he says is centered in the thymus gland or “Spiritual Heart”,  continues to grow in strength and intensity, as more people awaken and attune to its frequency. It is the critical component that enables this Shift to take place.

An analysis – not to mention consumption – of all the above information can be a daunting task.  And I have not included a number of other considerations including the astrological aspect, but it does require at least a link of its own.  Robert Wilkinson, posting to the Aquarius Papers website,  begins his report (which is well worth a read)  like this:

“This Solar Eclipse will have a huge impact on everyone for 3 ½ years. All eclipses shut something down, taking away elements of our lives no longer true for us. Over the next 42 months many will find “delightful” endings and discoveries!”

I must make a small confession here:  part of the rationale for writing this piece was to provide information and insight that is unknown, overlooked or misunderstood, regarding this recent eclipse. My confession is that a larger factor involves some of the observations I’ve made in the last few months that I feel compelled to share, for a variety of reasons.  Once again, I am not pushing my perspectives or interpretations on anybody.  I have received enough confirmation from viewing events to make some objective observations, coupled with personal experience.  They are listed below, beginning with what I deem to be the most obvious and potentially the most dangerous.

1) Increased Interference/ Influence

As it pertains to this recent eclipse,  this was quite noticeable in the days leading up to this event.  This comes in a variety of forms including nightmares and flashes, out of nowhere, of past events that one associates with guilt, shame, anger or other low-vibrating emotions.  Additionally,  during the day,  people may cross one’s path intentionally or not, seeking to counter a vibration that makes them uncomfortable.  Encounters may occur,  perhaps a disagreement or misunderstanding, that we hold onto and allow to grow in proportion in our mind.  Replaying the encounter several times, each time feeling the effect its energy had on us,  can easily put it into a loop within our mind, that continues to play.  Small slights may seem huge, if given time to germinate and this is where the subtle forces are able to exert pressure.

With the eclipse, and knowing what you know now, is it not conceivable that there was and is a sustained campaign taking place on many levels of reality?  Many of us are accessing 5D and even “higher” through our spiritual work, both awake and during the sleep period.  This can be a time of potential interference but countered by a firm intentional statement when you lay down.  As always,  request protection for yourself, in all states of being you pass through while asleep.

It is important, as well, to not overlook the effect of corded attachments to others.  We can often become attached to people in our life energetically, with the intensity related directly to the closeness we feel to a given person.  This presents a mutual sharing of our very essence; the more intimate the relationship, the greater the intensity of the exchange.  We have often heard people say – or even said ourselves – after a lengthy relationship has ended, that it felt like piece of us was missing.  Truly, a part of us has been removed and is now in their possession.  This can serve the  same as shackles on a prisoner because, even if it has ended, energetically there is very different energy then in play.  If someone we are connected to has little or no control over their emotional responses, we will feel that burst of negative energy.  Out of the blue, we can be hit with ragged and raw emotions that seem to have no cause.  On this, I can provide a few pieces of insight that can help to alleviate or annul the effects.

It’s important to objectively analyze whether a given emotion, at a given time, is appropriate.  You’re in the check-out line, for example, and the person in front of you drops something on the ground. In the process of retrieving it, they bump into you slightly.  Mild annoyance might be a justified reaction but a sudden burst of anger not so much.  The key here is to take an added moment or two to check in with yourself internally before reacting.

Try to maintain a spiritual practice, and just as importantly, daily energy work if possible.  Many claim that we are all being challenged right now to improve our ability to absorb and work with energy with the goal of raising our light quotient.  The result is our ability to absorb more and more of the Christed Light/Energy.  As expressed earlier, this is one of the crucial keys to this ascension process.  Consider the importance of energy work akin to changing oil in a car; stop the engine (still the mind and body), drain the oil, (circulate fresh energy by clearing the chakras) and then start the engine back up and allow the new stuff to circulate. This decreases, of course, the ability for negative energy or “gunk” to build up anywhere.

For corded attachments, Lord Michael is often suggested    as the “go to” angel for removal.  Many contend, however, that any angel we feel an affinity for can cut these cords of attachment, which are no longer in our highest and greatest good.  A suggestion here is to ensure you have some free time when you do this.  Depending on the strength of the attachment, there can often be feelings of intense loss, even sorrow and grief, and assorted physical flu-like symptoms.  Additionally, I highly suggest that you sign up for a free membership at the Mastering Alchemy website, so you can access a vast array of Jim Self’s wisdom, most importantly – as it pertains to this –   a set of 8 webinars outlining 8 fundamental tools for the Shift.  The first one he refers to, and walks the listener through,  is the Rose Tool and I have been using it for several weeks now with some great success. It is highly effective for retrieving our essence back – in purified form – from people, situations or events.

2) Irregular Sleeping Pattern

This has been a constant companion for many of us all along, during this process of ascension.  There are several factors which are at play here and it is very likely each of us is being run ragged by or from a number of different sources.  Different sources means different perspectives and objectives,  some of which may be engaged in sabotaging this process.   Dreams serve many purposes and that time our physical body and mind is unconscious, we are vulnerable. The majority of people consciously do little to affect their dreams, before they sleep, and they are even more susceptible to influence and interference in that state.

Of additional consideration, and a physical symptom, is a type of lethargy, which seems surprising because we feel it after a supposedly good night’s sleep.  As Jim Self contends, most of us are already citizens of 5D, largely because of our nocturnal journeys to that density and even “higher”.  My own recollections have me involved in work of some type so we are expending considerable  energy on tasks during these evening flights and then returning home at dawn, much like the princess in the fairy tale, feeling worn and drawn for apparently no reason.

Another component has been understood and utilized by mystery traditions for millenia.  Some believe that angels are assigned to specific hours of the days and are most available for communication or assistance during that hour. Known as  Angels Of The Hour,  they include names you have likely never heard of before.  It stands to reason that if a particular hour of the day allows the best conditions energetically for interaction with them,  it may also be the best time for them to interact with us.  Each of us is working with at least one angel, many with a large group of them.  When we feel a sudden onset of weariness, at an unusual time, and an overwhelming need to lie down, perhaps this is their way of ensuring we are in an optimal energetic state to interact with them.  Of course, the reverse may also apply – we may be kept up during a time we are normally asleep to perhaps protect us from other energy/entities that seek to influence us during a vulnerable time.  All I can add is if you can nap at your leisure, do so and feel no guilt.  There are a number of factors at work here.

3) Increased Introspection/Self Talk

There was a fascinating movie made some years ago starring the very talented Jeffrey Combs entitled “From Beyond”.   Two scientists build a machine that vigorously stimulates the pineal gland and results in them accessing and interacting with the astral realm.  Of particular note was an idle observation made by the doctor.  She speculated on the possibility of people with schizophrenia and who engage in conversation with “imaginary people” having an enlarged pineal gland, which might result in increased communication with other entities/realities.  There is little doubt that our pineal glands have been getting a work-out and the ancients believed it a crucial element in attaining higher wisdom.  Many of us have made a direct connection with our Higher Self essence, our “Master Essence” and are enjoying, both consciously and unconsciously, the benefits of connection.

You may find you require a bit more time to face the world, when you wake up, and may spend long amounts of time in deep thought, without realizing.  You may begin – or continue – to have conversations that may become verbal on your part. My suggestion is, if you’re out in public, bring along the earpiece for an iPod or cell phone and pretend your talking or singing and save yourself a bit of embarrassment.  Of course, it is not just your Oversoul that is engaging but all of those guides, mentors, protectors and tutors we presently have.  Many are discovering new or increased intensity in their channeling abilities so do not be overly concerned if this appears for you.  As always, apply the appropriate level of objectivity and scrutiny to any cosmic conversation you have or hear.

5) Enhanced Creativity

Much of the past few months have found me a bit withdrawn but not altogether idle.  It provided the needed setting to attain and obtain many new insights, gather together some additional spiritual tools and complete a number of new poems that reflect assimilation of all these elements.  Like most people on a spiritual path, I realize that paradigms must be adjusted or altered as new information, insight, awareness or understanding arrives.  It can often be an uncomfortable process.  Many regard the act of creation, through our expression in the arts, to be a “soul activity”.  We often hear writers or artists say that they left a small piece of their soul in their creation, which allows us, as the observer/reader/listener,  to literally sample that.  There are few better examples of this than the very talented Susan Boyle, who stunned the world, via a talent show, with her incredible rendition of “I Dreamed a Dream.”  The energy of the audience shifted almost immediately as the true beauty of her creative expression reached out and touched them, one that appeared totally incongruent with her physical body.

I’ve noted, over the past months,  that as our abilities to channel increase, there are more and more entities that seek a voice through our unique artistic expression.  In roughly a week, I wrote 4 lengthy and complex poems, at the tail end of months of research and experimentation.  To be frank, I offer myself as a voice to them, a notion that may make some uncomfortable.  For your piece of mind, I have two of my guides  serve as “gatekeepers”, that I have full trust in.  If your interest is increased connection to and cooperation with extra-dimensionals, here are a few suggestions that I  have incorporated into my daily life that have been immensely beneficial.

1) Before leaving your home each day, address Mother/Father Creator, and request the honor and privilege of sharing their Light and Love with at least one soul while out.  This has resulted in truly beautiful encounters for me, with both human and animal souls. I have also noted a positive energetic shift within me,  which feels like a wave of optimism, take place as that connection to Mother/Father is consciously created.

Another component of this is often overlooked when we eat out at restaurants, and ask a blessing on our meal.  Often, I am urged to additionally request a blessing, through Them, on all those who entered the doors, to serve or to receive.  Typically I request health, wealth and happiness or granting each a few moments of peace, joy and contentment, sometime during the day.

2) Before leaving the house, address the realm of Spirit, and offer to be an emissary or conduit for them, if they require it. You may be urged to slip some extra change in your pocket for a panhandler that you encounter later or choose to take a different route to your destinations than you normally would. Those in Spirit really are quite active on our behalf in their respective realities so it seems fair we could offer to do what they cannot,  in our reality. There are few things that can strengthen a connection more than a “service to others” approach with our protectors and mentors.  As with any spiritual relationship, the objective is  not what we can get but what we can contribute.  This can only enhance communication and it does so in a very beautiful way.

One last suggestion is actually work that was pioneered by Dr. Adrian Calabrese.  Known as Sacred Signs, I wrote an article some time ago describing how to use this valuable tool.  In a nutshell, when faced with a decision with two possible solutions, we can request the Universe to show us a sign – a sacred sign – to indicate which choice is in our highest and greatest good.  Like any tool, it takes a bit of practice to master its use but it is highly effective and well worth your effort to learn about.  This is one of my most valuable spiritual tools.

6) Feelings of Abandonment and/or Confusion

If there is an area of our life where we perceive there is a need, chances are that we direct significant energy towards that awareness.  You can be certain that those in Spirit are able to see,  and concerns such as money is a fear that can be exploited in dramatic ways.  As we go about our day, we interact energetically with others, and return home with their energetic dust all over us,  so to speak.  Once again, what we feel may well be from a connection we’ve maintained or it might be direct or indirect influence from extra-dimensionals.  Additionally, we may find ourselves in a learning cycle that comes to an abrupt halt and we settle into the assimilation phase.  In many cases, for many people, the guides are changed. Those who guided you to obtain specific wisdom or insight have completed their task and move on.  This is seldom done with fanfare and it can leave us with an empty, hollow feeling and sometimes a feeling of abandonment that we can’t articulate. So many of us want to continue our transformation without hesitation and ending a learning cycle can feel like we’ve stopped dead in our tracks and no longer progressing towards our goal.

My observations indicate that we experience very distinct symptoms at the start or conclusion of each learning cycle.  Similar to a flu, where there are small indicators of an impending illness, we each have specific symptoms and it is essential we recognize them.  For instance,  I know that when I start to become more  “emotional” than normal, I am about to commence new lessons. What I understand is that – for me – the spiritual heart and the  heart chakra are involved and needed in some way, assisting in the download or assimilation.

Here’s the fascinating part. As we gain more knowledge, we are tasked with greater and greater responsibility, which can show up in our dream adventures.  From what I understand,  we undergo a type of practical application phase and very often it is to assist others.  As you can see,  there is an incredibly complex interaction taking place and if our desire is to assist Spirit, in its many forms,  we are utilized.  We may not remember, but this brings up another point.  We may begin to feel a sense of disappointment at waking up, to find ourselves in this reality.  It makes sense that we have experienced something, during the dreamtime, that brought us contentment and joy in a way this reality could not.  The other observation is that “over there”, we were engaged and active and actually doing something.  Many of us have felt like our momentum keeps getting stalled or diverted and chances are it really is.  A part of us remembers those activities we perform and begin to view sleep as a chance to contribute and experience in other realities, not simply to rest.

Recognize the symptoms and take steps to prepare yourself and ask for help, professional or personal, if they truly concern you.  Employ intent when you lay down, including being able to remember the activities when you’re asleep.  We really do have enormous stress placed on us because we are, essentially, leading two different lives.  Lord Michael, in a recent channel by Ronna Herman , even commented on this by saying,”

The term “walking between two worlds” is certainly applicable for many of you at the present time.”

7) Unexpected Encounters and Experiences

Because the eclipse’s role, in part, was/is to serve as a clearing away of the old,  we may find that issues we had thought we’d laid to rest years ago, suddenly surface.  Sometimes, it can take the form of a person from our past we thought we had “gotten over” and seeing them reignites a flurry of emotions.  You may be confronted, in some form, with reminders of an old habit or lifestyle you had hoped never to see again.  My research indicates that many believe that these occurrences appear so they can be removed from our energy, one final time.  They are things we cannot take with us energetically during this Shift.  Jim Self compares this to being on an escalator.  At some point, you see one moving a bit faster and hop onto it, taking you away from the one you were just on.  The option of going back to the old lifestyle or habits – the other escalator – is no longer an option.

There is much to admire about the ancient mystery schools.  As I’ve written before,  the objective of the student was, in part, to successfully fashion a “Magical Personality” which would essentially be their representative  in other realities.  The Egyptians believed this to be their “Ka”,   and the part of them that stood before Anubis after physical death.  While this is mildly interesting, there is a hidden and well-concealed secret to success and some say Jeshua, among others, revealed their magickal training when they included it as core to their teachings.  A crucial component for any wizard or mage, from these mystery traditions, was developing the capacity to love.  Based on my own experiences with this,  I have realized that part of these incidents might be a chance for us to  finally apply an appropriate degree of compassion to that particular person/event/situation.


May 20, 2o12 saw an annular eclipse take place, as well as an alignment with a very powerful celestial body.  We’ve explored some points of view that suggest this to be only one of several cosmic events leading up to an even more powerful alignment in December.  Additionally, we have a bit of breathing space before we’re hit again, this time with a lunar eclipse on June 04, followed quickly by a Venus transit on June 5/6.  Some researchers have cited crop circles as their source of predicting these dates as significant, based on their interpretation.  Because Mayan script was found within certain crop circles, detailing these events, it has led some to draw on a connection to Quetzocoatl, the Plumed Serpent.  Mormons believed this being was an incarnation of the Christ essence.  Could they be the same energy/essence?  It cannot be denied that there is a great awakening taking place globally, the result being that many more are  stimulating and working with their kundalini.  Often referred to as a serpent, is this another connection?

Many are aware that there are multiple layers of reality. This article has suggested there are creator gods on each of those levels, who in turn, create their own “creator gods” to assist in their creation efforts.  As with Ms. Neel, the magickal wisdom exists to actually create a type of life. In her case,  it began to behave in a very atypical manner, including the ability to make itself seen in our 3D reality.  I read of another account where a magician tried to re-absorb his creation and received numerous bruises and fractures for his efforts.  The point is that there are a multitude of unseen beings with that very ability, and with a much greater capacity for creation.  Jim Self adds an interesting piece of insight derived from his connections to Spirit.

He claims that all creator gods are created with free will.  For those who helped shape our earth, one of 12 Christed planets throughout reality, they began to use their own light/energy instead of Divine Creator’s. They were told if they continued, they would no longer have access to Primal Source energy. They chose to continue and the results were quickly seen. Because their supply of energy was finite, they required a steady re-supply and drew it from their creations.  Jim further explains this resulted in a slow contamination of the energy they were receiving.  We find a hint of this in Genesis 6:5,6 &7 that adds some validity to this suggestion.

5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

If these creator gods were being fed a steady supply of “wickedness’, there is little doubt they would be affected.  On a deeper level,  could you ever decree such a thing on one of your children, one of your creations?  If they are truly creator gods they must possess incredible power. The above verses can hardly be misinterpreted; destruction has been used as punishment before, so it stands to reason they are still very capable of exerting their influence and control over many,  as long as they get what they want.  That may seem a harsh analysis and I am not pushing that observation on anybody.  It is a delicate area because inevitably religious programming is present in some form that riles at the very idea that creator gods are imperfect.

Disembodied spirits, we’ve discovered, are also playing or have the potential to play a role to influence our reality, even our very mood, from their abodes.  The magickal wisdom has existed for a very long time granting a wizard the means to communicate with and engage in activities of mutual profit, with entities from other planes of reality.  If we can do that, with our intent to spread the Christed Light, it stands to reason that there is an opposition working to counter that.  Woven into the blueprint of creation, is the Principle of Polarity, and this reality is truly based on polarity.  Considering a variety of factors, we have a unique view of the world around us and we evaluate each event/person as right or wrong, good or bad, up or down, left or right.  It is important to remember that the Christed Light is powerful but never intrusive and will never require, demand or condone harm or injury or behavior that sows division.  I have actually heard a self-professed Christian tell a radio host that he was considering going down to the station and punching them out “for Jesus”.  He firmly believed that it was “scriptural” – and therefor acceptable –  somehow to threaten violence on one who did not share his convictions. Anybody who has studied the life and teachings of the being we knew as Jeshua – who is supposed to be the central component of Christianity – in even general terms, are aware of his aversion to violence and a preponderance for peace.  I do not claim, in any way, that all Christians have this twisted mindset,  but it must be included as a factor in understanding how all of these components work together to weave our reality, especially during this critical time of evolution.  This energy is, essentially, an “anti-Christ Light” energy and its impact is easily seen and recognized.  It is a counterfeit, and has made its way into religions globally and endorsed from the pulpit by clever manipulation of selected verses, most often out of context.  Oddly enough, their greatest fears, aside from critical thinking “sheep” who actually question dogma,  is giving power back to women. This is core to what is transpiring – a concerted effort to minimalize women in general.

This Shift is not about feminism or seeing women rule after many millenia of  male domination…  a key component is the balancing of both masculine and feminine.  We are inundated with “messengers of God” in religions who claim women are mandated by “God” to simply serve men and support all male decisions. Consider Rev. Jesse Peterson, who claimed that it was a mistake to allow women to vote.  Not only that, but he further stated that it was/is women with loose morals who brought his country to the point of ruin it is in now. Others like Pat Robertson continue to use their bronze-age mentality and mindset by detailing how God “himself” has ordered women to be subservient. The man is the “high priest” and the women is there merely to support, according to him. He believes that society is being destroyed by allowing women equal rights with men.

Throughout our history, we have seen considerable evidence that women are NOT inferior to men, with the possible exception of physical strength. Consider the legends of  Queen Zenobia, General Fu Hao and even Joan of Ark.  One of the greatest philosophers, some say of all time, is likely someone you’ve never heard of.  Her name was Hypatia and she was highly regarded by both men and women, not only for her wisdom but for her personal conduct…. she walked her talk.  People looked to her  – and not the newly formed church – for guidance, gaining the hatred and jealousy of the Coptic pope.  Outright deceptions were fabricated by the church and she died a horribly painful death at the hands of so-called Christians.

The sacred feminine energy is growing in strength and intensity and is a necessary component for this stage of progression we are presently in.  Typically, it is the nurturing and loving component of creation, which has been conspicuously absent from our reality, largely due to religious indoctrination.  Here’s an observation I’ve made that really demonstrates how incomplete and deceptive these religions, originating from Egyptian sun god worship, really are.  Typically, “believers” regard a family unit as a mother, father, and children.  Oddly enough, the center of their belief is a single parent family!  My point in this is to acknowledge that those opposed to the “Christ Light/Energy” will seek to sow division and conflict, and demonize or vilify anything that competes with their propaganda or belief.  Many scholars contend that Mary was actually Christ’s choice to carry on his work, some even suggesting her authorship of the Book of John.  Each of the major religions has relegated women to subservience but that is changing. Unfortunately, this “anti-Christ Light” energy seeks to counter this influence but they will be unsuccessful.

It is no coincidence that religious differences are being used to fuel tension and violence at this time.  We’ve known for a long time that the microcosm reflects the macrocosm, and vice versa.  Some have suggested that there is a real battle taking place on the astral plane,  producing enormous chaos, which is being reflected and directed into our reality.  Numerous religions provide prophecies and predictions regarding end times scenarios,  most of which include a final battle of dark and light.  Some texts, like Buddhism’s Kalachakra, provide a bit of a twist and predict a final king of Shamballa riding forward to destroy the army of this world conqueror.  Others, like the Hopi pahana   achieve the same result with compassion. Oddly enough, the thankga depicting this final king, Rudra Chakrin, went missing some years ago from its resting place at the Ganden Monastery.

Added to all of this, is the ever-intensifying energy especially present during this recent eclipse, leaving its imprint on everything.  Once again, I wish to add that I do not push anything written in this article on anybody.  Some information may resonate with you, some will not.  When we view the eclipse’s significance, with numerous peripheral components,  there is small wonder we find ourselves being tossed around in a cosmic washing machine.  It cannot be denied that something of great significance is taking place that is influenced by – and is influencing –  many realms of reality and their associated inhabitants.

Namaste, Nick Nash xxx

The Abomination of Desolation and The Destroyers

January 6, 2012

This is an enormous topic that has been altered and modified throughout the many centuries and is impossible to encapsulate fully in a single short post.  What I can do, however, is provide a thumbnail of this alleged future event and some links throughout to flesh out the bare bones version this post will detail.  In a  nutshell, the “Abomination of Desolation” refers to prophecy that some claim was fulfilled over 2 millenia ago, the opposition making it a cornerstone in their “Rapture” belief.  From Hebrew mythology, this significant event will be activated by a being known as The Destroyer but as we’ll quickly see, the Rapture mythology quickly crumbles when we realize that many other belief systems – some far older than those based on Egyptian sun god worship – have their own version of the “end of days” and their own unique being known as The Destroyer within their  respective pantheons.  As emissaries of the Light, it is essential that we are aware of the energies around us but especially those that can adversely affect our mission.  There are literally hundreds of  millions of people worldwide who have provided enormous energy to see a specific outcome that involves death and destruction – not to mention eternal damnation and torture –  to any who do not believe as they do.  Knowing about this piece of mythology gives us a glimpse into the mind set of what is seeking to hold onto the old world.

The Abomination of Desolation is claimed to be a highly significant event but interpretation – in terms of timing and entities – has been radically different, even among so-called sages and theologians.  Essentially, it is believed that in the end times “The Beast” will be released from the bottomless pit and will take human form. His “abomination” will be to place a statue of himself in the temple in Jerusalem.  Fundamentalist Christianity is well aware that their “anti-christ” will take up residence at the rebuilt temple but somehow go into reality disconnect when told the Judaism’s “messiah” will do the same thing, ruling the entire world from Jerusalem.  Adding to this atmosphere of selective vision and awareness,  Christianity also teaches that “every knee shall bow, every tongue confess” in these end times, with the death of any who would dare believe otherwise.  Their  “son of God” will arrive with sword in hand to lead the slaughter apparently, even though this directly violates and contradicts  every single teaching  and message we have from that enlightened being known as Christ. It is essential that I digress to provide some essential background knowledge that sheds additional light on the basis of these “predictions” and the systems that created them.

A Trio of Ascensions…  But not one of these incredible beings has a book attributed to them as core to the Bible.

The purpose here is not to malign any religion but to gather facts that can be gleaned from many sources.  Because in the west we are most affected by the Abrahamic religions, it is essential we understand that those same religions have kept ancient wisdom from us that calls the veracity of the same religions into question.  To fully understand, we have to examine what we know of “history” from a religious perspective.  For example, there have been only 3 characters who “ascend to heaven”,  according to the Bible – Enoch, Elijah and Christ.  Do you not find it odd that,  given the fact that these three accomplished what we are each trying to do, there are no writings attributed to them as core texts within the Bible? As a spiritual seeker, I would be be very interested to read their words but that was deemed to prejudice the official doctrine and dogma of the offshoots of Abrahamic beliefs.  While Christ was said to defeat death and then ascend, Elijah was claimed to have ascended in a fiery chariot, and Enoch’s “disappearance” is explained simply as “”Enoch lived 365 years, walking in close fellowship with God. Then one day he disappeared, because God took him.” (Genesis 5:23-24, New Living Bible).  To understand Enoch’s life and the significance of his disappearance, in particular,  other sources must be found to shed light on this enigmatic entity.  What unravels, if we probe further, courtesy of texts that are attributed to this very man,  is a very different version of the so-called fallen angels and his role within their drama in pre-duluvian times, when they walked among humans as living gods .  Incidentally, the original texts that have been altered significantly, often in small ways that have enormous implications,  speak of these hybrids as “sons of the gods” plural, not” sons of god” as it has been conveniently and erroneously translated in the Bible.

According to Christian beliefs, the leader of this alleged rebellion and of the fallen angels is the devil, the beast, son of perdition, Lucifer, Satan or even Beelzebub, dependent on the dogma. When we examine the Book of Enoch, however, we find that the leader of the fallen angels and the one who approaches Enoch to speak to God on their behalf was named Azazel… NOT Lucifer, Satan or  “the devil” as we have been indoctrinated into believing.  Why is this relevant to the article’s subject matter?  The Book of Enoch was rejected when the Bible was being compiled, as were numerous other texts, and remained hidden and unable to interfere with the religious doctrine they ruthlessly enforced for many centuries. With the advent of the printing press, much of this hidden knowledge was shared with the general public for the first time, not to mention playing a key role in the success of Luther’s and Calvin’s Reformation.  If it is readily apparent that the church has kept texts and knowledge that provide an expanded view of “reality” from our past, it stands to reason that its agenda would include jealously defending its version of the end times against other prophecies or predictions.

Let’s Meet Some of These Destroyers… The Contestants are….

A key component of Judaism’s offshoots includes some information on the actual act, the abomination, that is said to take place in the rebuilt Temple of Solomon by an entity often referred to as the “Anti-Christ” or “The Beast”.  A controversy develops when we examine who this beast is supposed to be, an entity that us in the west have been told is the human embodiment of Lucifer or Satan.  Several other sources have grave doubts regarding this belief, as do I.  For instance, Revelations claims that an entity will be loosed from the bottomless pit and have claimed this to be Lucifer or Satan. Whether purposeful or the result of simple ignorance, this contradicts the very same prophecies and again calls into question the veracity of so-called holy texts. The being that is loosed is referred to as “The Destroyer” and is given the name of Abaddon. According to Revelation 9:11, we are told,They have as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek he is called Apollyon  So,  he is known as “THE angel of the bottomless pit”, has been in several texts and known to serve both “heaven” and “hell”, while other sources have regarded the word Abaddon as a place, rather than an actual entity, some even claim a combination and call a part of the spirit realm – reserved for the afterlife of some souls – the Sheol of Abaddon, much like Purgatory.

Translation and transliteration from one writing system to another involves interpretation of words, phrases and references that were common during the time of its writing and of which the translator may well be ignorant. Doing this is akin to explaining a blue sky or dazzling sunset to a blind person who has never seen these events take place.  Being written originally in Hebrew or Aramaic was one prerequisite for being considered divinely inspired, according to those who cobbled the Bible together. Mistranslations can be understood, given that Hebrew was considered a divine language and was literal magic in both its written and spoken form. What is concerning, however, are preachers/ministers/rabbis/imams who are well aware there are inconsistencies in the end times beliefs they impart of their flock. The most blatant of these is a refusal to accept that any other religion has merit or credibility, regarding the end times, and only their assorted versions – which we have a had a steady diet of for hundreds of years – are truth.  Let’s look at just a few other who are called “The Destroyer” by belief systems.

Apollyon or ApolloTo the Greeks, he was a well-loved god arguably most famous for the interpretation of his prophecies by the Sybils of Delphi.  It is highly significant that John specified the Greek god Apollo as the same entity who will also bring widespread fear, terror, pain and destruction.  If little else, does this admission in the Revelations indicate how interconnected through shared mythology all of these religions really are? What we can surmise is that the newly made religions of Judaism and its offshoots rewarded at least one Greek god the status of an incredibly powerful angel or demon and claimed it to be the same entity which held a similar position within their doctrine. Also note that this is the only god who kept the same name in the transference from Greek to Roman gods… both call him Apollo.

Shiva – Known in Hinduism as “The Destroyer”, Lord Shiva comprises one component of the Hindu trinity, which includes Brahma and Vishnu.  Hindus believe destruction of the old must make way for creation of the new and this trinity works in unison to achieve that goal. They claim that Shiva has destroyed the world 3 times already and it has been the necessary catalyst to initiate further changes within and among the species occupying the living earth, leading up to this momentous period.

It becomes even more fascinating when we examine this trinity a bit further and discover some interesting aspects of this being known as Shiva. Rather than provide my perspective, here’s an excerpt from

“Shiva, without any origin or end, is the supreme creator of the universe. He is the only one to be above the bondage of life and death, and the controller of time. He is root and cause of universe; still is inert and inactive. Long before any thing existed there was darkness – complete and omnipresent darkness. Then Shiva thought of universe.

Universe needed a force to run it and somebody to manage it. Shiva separated his Shakti (power) from himself and started the creation. Shiva and Shakti created Vishnu to manage the universe. Lord Vishnu created Brahma whom he entrusted with the job of Creation. Vishnu himself became preserver. Then Lord Shiva incarnated as Rudra to act as the Destructor. Thus the Triad was formed to handle Creation, Perseverance and Destruction which formed a cycle. Shiva decided the life of the entire universe including Triad. The Life span of universe is termed as “Kalp-Chakra” the largest measure of time known to world. (Of late science calculated the average life span of universe which is very close the Kalp-Chakra). At the end of a Kalpa, Shiva disposes the entire creation and starts the re-construction of it which invariably starts with the constitution of the Triad.”

As an aside, there is an interesting correlation between Hindu end times prophecies and that of Shamballa.  According to the Kalachakra and several references in the Bhagavad Gita, Shamballa is ruled by a line of kings, the last of whom will be known as Rudra Chakrin. This prophecy claims that this king will open the barrier that obscures Shamballa from human sight and will launch a war of destruction against the “evil king” and those rulers  who have assisted in bringing and maintaining the high level of negative energy in this reality and caused so much suffering and pain among the people.  His concern seems to be that these rulers have interfered with our spiritual development for long enough and need to be destroyed and swept away to usher in a new age of enlightenment and a further evolution of the human species, once the secret wisdom of Shamballa is shared with everyone.

ApophisKnown additionally as Apep, this entity was also recognized with the title of  “The Destroyer” but, oddly enough, seems to have originated out of thin air during the Middle Kingdom Period.  Like Abaddon, Apophis is regarded as an adversary of light and truth.  Although never worshiped to the extent of his alleged nemesis Ra, he was greatly feared and respected. A text uncovered some years ago, which dates from the New Kingdom Period, is known as the Book of Apophis. It contains numerous magical spells and incantations, one of them known as “Overthrowing Apophis”, a spell granting protection from this entity.  It must be admitted that there are many similarities between the Abaddon of the bottomless pit and this well-known yet enigmatic god known as Apophis.  Considering that Egyptian sun worship predates all Abrahamic religions, we clearly see that it has simply been copied by those religions, altering and modifying as they needed.

As with the desert god Yahweh who worked in collusion with Satan (myth of Job), Apophis was known to be associated with actions that were considered both good and evil, as a god or a demon. The webmaster at Crystalwind describes it like this:

“Apophis was sometimes equated with Seth, the god of chaos, yet the nature of Apophis seems to have always been dark and threatening, while Seth could at times be beneficial. In some texts, Seth was even enlisted by the sun god in order to defeat the serpent. According to some mythologies, Apophis hypnotized Re and all of his entourage who sailed with him, with the exception of Seth, who resisted the serpent’s deadly stare and repulsed him with the thrust of a great spear.

However, in other accounts, Re’s companions and even the dead themselves, who could transform themselves into a form of the god, Shu, were involved in this cyclical battle for the survival of creation and order. Most notably, in the Book of Gates, Isis, Neith and Serket, together with other minor deities and some forms of monkey helped capture the monster with magical nets. Afterwards, he was restrained by deities including the earth god Geb and the sons of Horus, who cut his body into pieces, though each night he is revived to attack once more. In fact, in some myths, the sun god is encircled or swallowed by the serpent who later disgorges him as a metaphor of rebirth and renewal.

Apophis, like Seth, was also associated with various frightening natural events such as unexplained darkness such as solar eclipse, storms and earthquakes. Hence, he was always an underlying threat to the very stability of the cosmos.”

Like the Hindu belief, the Egyptians believed that there was an ever changing condition that was a battle between light and dark. The old evil must be destroyed to make way for the light of truth and enlightenment.

A Quick Note on the Serpent Component:

Apophis is in fact the Greek name for the Egyptian mythological creature “Apep”; the symbol of all things evil, and chaotic in Egyptian culture, he was portrayed as a snake of unbelievable size and length.  Snakes were not regarded as being inherently evil. Apophis is usually depicted in funerary texts and other settings as a great serpent, sometimes with tightly compressed, spring-like coils to emphasize his vast size. He is sometimes described as being over sixteen meters in length, with the first section of his body made of flint. He is usually shown being restrained, dismembered or in the process of being destroyed, often by multiple knives. In the tomb of Ramesses VI in the Valley of the Kings on the West Bank at Thebes (modern Luxor), Apophis is shown with twelve heads above its back representing those he has swallowed who are freed, if only briefly, when he is vanquished.

Crystalwinds explains how this controversy was regarded in ancient Egypt: “…  snakes were certainly not seen always a threatening creatures in ancient Egypt, as they seem to have been in other societies. In fact, they were frequently seen as protective and it was Mehen, another snake deity who helped protect the sun god in the underworld. Likewise, it was the cobra goddess Wadjet who helped protect the king.”

Surt – According the Eddas, which detail the Norse version of the end times, Surt or Surtr was known as the Destroyer and plays a key role when Ragnarok begins.  Experience Festival gives this brief description: “A Norse fire giant, the world-destroyer in the Edda. In the Norse myths Surt will lead the hosts of Muspellsheim (home of fire) at Ragnarok, when the gods depart the realms of life, and the worlds perish in universal conflagration. Surt himself will slay Frey, the bright god, and when all the combatants are slain, Surt will fling his firebrand, and everything animate or inanimate will be plunged into an ocean of fire, and the nine homes will be no more.

Fire has long been regarded as an element of purification and in the context of the Eddas, echoes teachings from the far east and South America, where the old must be destroyed and purified to make way for the new.  Ragnarok signals the end of an age and destruction of the old worlds, and Surt the Destroyer does play a key role, albeit in a different way.

Putting It Together…

There are comparable figures among many religions belief systems, as it pertains to the end of days, but these three share many commonalities, which was a large part of the rationale in providing some information on them.  The offshoots of the Egyptian sun god worship, which has the greatest influence here in the west,  try to claim the status of religions of love and tolerance, when exactly the opposite is being displayed in their end times beliefs.  Whether it is the Imam Mahdi, Judaism’s Messiah or Christianity’s Jesus, the result is the same –  death, terror and bloodshed of all who disagree or refuse to bend their knee.

The Abomination of Desolation is a prediction from a group of religions who have shown through many centuries to be incapable of transparency, integrity and honesty.  This event, according to their predictions, will occur exactly halfway through “The Tribulation” , 3 1/2 years after this entity takes power in Jerusalem.  Here is where my concern for veracity must be seen and acknowledged.  According to several sources, there are roughly 38,000 different varieties – or denominations – among so-called Christianity.  And even within a belief system that claims to hold Christ as the central component, there are between 100 and 200 different paths to salvation.   Why? The answer lies in both human ego and scriptural interpretation.  If their God was truly the one and only, one would think He/She/It would have made it very plain in their words, through their alleged messengers, exactly what each adherent must do and believe to be a part of the family.  As I mentioned, this disparity in core beliefs, or just in doctrine as a minimum,  adds a cloud of skepticism to their prophecies and their belief system itself, needless to say.

Some Notable Components in this Disparity

This whole article would have been much easier, had it not been for a number inconsistencies and outright disagreements  among the Christian religion especially.  The Abomination of Desolation is significant for them because it marks the halfway point of the reign of the Jewish “Anti-Christ” – known as The Tribulation – and they all agree this entity will rule from Jerusalem.  What the Christians  can’t agree on, however, is the Tribulation itself. Some sects believe that an incredible Rapture will take place, others do not, while still others don’t agree with the timing of this Rapture.  “Pre-Trib” adherents believe they will be raptured before all the nastiness begins, “Mid-Trib” believers assume that their rapture will take place partway through, while still others are “Post-Trib”, refusing to believe anybody who does not say that Christ will return only after this period of history is complete when the beast has been overthrown.

So what is “The Rapture” and its significance to the Abomination of Desolation?

According to Linda Vegh, “…At the rapture, those who are in Christ (dead or living) will be changed into new glorified, immortal bodies and then we are “caught up” into the air to meet the Lord. ” The problem with this belief is that Biblical proof is there… but only if verses and passages are taken and used out of context.  These religions have a long history of twisting facts and verses to suit their needs, and demonize any who do not see it their way.  One blaring example that is only recently being looked at closely and critically by an ever-growing number of open-minded spiritual people,  centers on an alleged “truth” that turns out to be a falsehood.  Numerous ministers over the centuries have tirelessly used specific verses, out of context from the Old Testament, and claim they are prophecies of a coming Christ.  Isaiah 7:14 is claimed to predict Jesus’ birth, several centuries later, and yet, in context, has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus’ birth and instead foretells the coming of Isaiah’s own son to a “barren” or “chaste” women. … because of the original language, another variation is “virgin”, as in has not been with a man or has not in a long time, as in the case of Isaiah’s wife.

The belief – simplified –is  that Jesus will return in a cloud of glory and gather up the “believers” and take them from earth. Unfortunately, no matter when this happens in their varied time frames, the end result makes no sense. The believers will have been taken to heaven while Jesus is then supposed to rule the earth with a 1,000 years of peace, after which man’s inherent evil will begin the cycle again.  Does this make sense? The entity that they have worshiped and prayed to for years and is the center of their belief system will be ruling earth while his followers will be in heaven? Not only that but he will allegedly arrive as a conqueror – or a destroyer of non-believers – and commit acts that he expressly taught against but most especially murder.  Why would he preach about love, compassion and tolerance and then return, in the same belief,  as some type of avenger?

Another complication arises within Christianity itself with more division based on interpretation of scripture. Known as “Dominionism“, this association of churches believes that only after they have conquered all aspects of life on earth – the Seven Mountains –  will Jesus’ second coming occur.  One disturbing component to the doctrine observed by Dominionists – claiming a membership of almost 50 million people according to one source  – is summed up by sociologist Sarah Diamond, that,  “…Christians alone are Biblically mandated to occupy all secular institutions until Christ returns–and there is no consensus on when that might be. That, in a nutshell, is the idea of “dominionism.

Keep in mind the numerous and escalating wars and the common theme of “Israel first” in the cavalcade of presidential hopefuls.  This also makes no sense, if you aware that Israel must be destroyed before the 1,000 years of peace on earth. And it gets even wackier when some evangelists have openly stated that Jews will not be required to accept Christ as their savior in order to get into heaven. At the same time, they are supposed to do battle with an entity that their own Bible has told them is the “Anti-Christ” and who will rule from Jerusalem.  According to Jewish teachings,  the Hebrew Messiah will do largely what this anti-christ will do and these same Israel supporters are well aware of this and yet continue to garner money and support for Israel. 

One common element among each of the Abrahamic-based religions of Judaism, Islam and Catholicism/Christianity that is very evident is the need to dominate and control, disposing of  or demonizing those who do not believe as they “should”. 

For those who are here to undergo the ascension process, this is actually good news energetically from one perspective.  The religious paradigm of the end times that has been intact and “accepted” for centuries is now being dismantled and diluted. Almost daily, science has been supplying answers to questions about the state of our true reality that have been dismissed for centuries as being “god’s will” or god working in “mysterious ways”.  The scientific reality is that lightning is not the king of gods throwing bolts any more than the stone age belief that the universe revolves around the earth.  This belief in the prophecy of Abomination of Desolation stands as a prime example not only of how twisted religious teachers have taken their doctrine and interpretations  but also the inter-relation between between the Egyptian religion of Ra or “Sun” worship and its numerous offshoots.

This prophecy, as stated in the opening paragraph, is believed to have already been fulfilled by some when the Romans conquered Palestine, as recorded in the book of Daniel:

Daniel 11:31 (NKJV) “And forces shall be mustered by him, and they shall defile the sanctuary fortress; then they shall take away the daily sacrifices, and place there the abomination of desolation.

Daniel 12:11 (NKJV) “And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Some claim this has happened, some that it is yet to be.  In Matthew 24:15, the Christ said, When therefore ye see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let him that readeth understand)“.  Considering that he was speaking to his disciples and not the masses in general, it can be presumed that this message was for them personally and affected them within their lifetime… not 2,000 plus years later.

Another interesting parallel between both versions is in the use of a sign.  Christians claim they will be marked as God’s people while the devil’s horde will carry his mark.  Based on the story of Job and the clear collusion between the desert god Yahweh and Lucifer/Satan/the devil, which permitted this man’s life to be torn apart on what was basically a bet,  it would not surprise me if these marks were one and the same.  In a world where we are being influenced with doublespeak, where war is peace and love is hate, religion has provided a good foundation to build on, if your goal is total control over the masses, in every aspect of their life.   There is also another curiosity concerning the sign and God’s punishment of Cain for killing his brother. He was given a mark so that no other humans would kill him.  A key question must be, “Who else was there?” We are told specifically by religion that Adam and Eve are the parents of all humans, and personally created by God so there should not have been any other people inhabiting the earth. Once again, as with the exclusion of numerous texts including the Book of Enoch, we have had the full knowledge purposely kept from us for a very long time.

This prediction really is an indication of how detached westernized religious beliefs can be to reality.  The Judeo-Christian mythology of the end times is full of allegory and symbology, making it impossible to interpret in only one way. I believe that the Bible itself was cobbled together in such a way as to render it impossible not to have conflicting viewpoints about the same issue, words or events.  For instance, homosexuality is considered the epitome of sin to many believers and yet isn’t it strange that Christ, the central figure of their religion, never once mentions it?  Certainly Paul did but he never even met Christ so could hardly be in a position to fully understand the teachings of Christ.  If it was such a huge issue, it would only make sense that he would have spoken out against it… but he didn’t.

Additionally, there are prophecies by Jesus as well, some of which throw doubt on other components of these supposed end times. In Matthew, he says this to them about the signs he has given them about the end times: “…Amen, I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation.  (Matthew 23:36 NAB). ”  And how about again in Matthew 16:28: “Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.”  These are always open for interpretation and have been examined by both sides of the aisle, with unsurprising mixed results.

It is small wonder that there is such a variety of interpretations within the same belief systems and the same text.  This how it was designed, promoting the church clergy to positions of authority who were the only ones which could possibly understand the intricacies of the Bible, God and, as it relates to this article, the end times prophecy of Abomination of Desolation. Many believe that this occurred already, when Rome surrounded Jerusalem in a standard maneuver to starve out the inhabitants of the city.  They moved their pagan idols into the temple, once it had been taken, fulfilling other components of this prophecy. In the other camp, it is an event that is yet to transpire.


To be frank, I have no real idea of why I needed to write this except that they have had me researching this topic during the last week or so.  In part, I recognize that there is no “absolute truth” among humanity,  most especially when it concerns religion and its role in controlling the masses.  This controversial prophecy will continue to serve as a reminder to me that the future is not written in stone and no belief system has a monopoly on predictions and future events. Significant energy and resources are being used by the global elite to keep us in a state of confusion, worry and anxiety.  They know we are on the cusp of a great change both personally and as a species that holds the values of compassion, tolerance, equality and integrity as their cornerstone and foundation. This energy is the polar opposite of what is needed for their New World Order and consequently, we see a massive abuse of government power which in part is done to anger the masses.  Vibrating in the frequency of anger and rage is intensely uncomfortable to us, as emissaries of the Light and part of our role is to raise that vibration to a point where  critical mass is achieved and ascension becomes not only a reality but a personal choice.  The belief that “might is right” has been the single most-used rationale for waging war after religion, and it is this same lack of empathy and compassion that we see being displayed by world leaders and business tycoons in their decisions to take more and more for themselves, no matter the cost in human lives and suffering.

We are being influenced by numerous sources, all which claim to be “the truth”.  As we have seen, many of the same entities appear in different mythologies.  Additionally, it is understood that no single system holds all the keys, when it comes to how this age will end.  Each day we read and listen to the lies  and propaganda of the media, all designed to sway the viewer into believing their lies and half-truths as being absolute truth.  Very few are not intrigued or curious about how this scenario will play out.  If the prophecies of this abomination are open to interpretation and even among believers there is no accepted general consensus with this,  then perhaps these are simply possibilities and ensuring they do not come to pass is dependent on our actions. .. if that is what we choose.

As I mentioned in the preamble, this is a huge topic and it is not possible for me to fully explore it in a single short post.  It does graphically depict how even within the same religion, prophecies like these are interpreted in different ways.  Small wonder that people are becoming much more aware of the blatant inconsistencies found within the so-called sacred texts and are pulling away from organized religion.  Any belief system that preaches, promotes or condones harm or injury to themselves or another must be closely scrutinized.

  Here’s a few more links, if you’d like to do some additional research:

The Evil Bible

The Abomination of Desolation website

Book of Enoch Synopsis

Who Is The Destoyer?

Apollyon, The Greek Destroyer

Shiva the Destroyer

I wanted to end by paying my deepest respects to a dear sister who passed beyond the Veil on New years Eve.  Domenica – Dom to her friends – was a source of wisdom and compassion that was unique. As a channel, she was able to paint some extraordinary scenes of life from other realities and dimensions.  I had the distinct pleasure of speaking to her several times on the phone and participate in a number of radio shows together.  Her and her best friend Jack, a Jack Russel terrier, called me on my birthday 2 years ago and sang me happy birthday.  She was a very bright light who radiated integrity, compassion and empathy which made her a role model for me.  I am saddened I will not be speaking with her again in this reality but overjoyed that she fulfilled her contract with Creator for this incarnation.

We love you and miss you, Dom. Can’t wait for the reunion on 5D earth.

Namaste, Nick xxxx

PS:  I finally got around to posting the written versions of many of my most recent poems. It is only a storage site but at least you can now read them here or listen to them here.

I’m in the research segment of my next poem which will be entitled “Agents of the Ancients”.  The basic premise of the plot involves entities known as The Ancients, many who claim them to be the Elohim.  During this phase of ascension, the dark has flouted cosmic law and the Ancients decide to send 3 emissaries to set the timeline right, the main character being a walk in for the most ancient and learned Ancient. I believe that there are 13 in total, as evidenced by the perfection of Metatron’s cube which consists of 13 identical spheres.  As I have come to understand it:

At the top, there is The Originator, which is the supreme intelligence of the omniverse.  To enact creation, The Originator manifested 13 Generators, whose role was to make the visions of the Originator reality.  It is these 13 Generators who make the “aeons”, or the younger gods who assist in creation and administration of new worlds and realities.  This is my simplified understanding, although as many of  you know the hierarchy of the spirit realm is clothed in secrecy.  There are numerous organizations that claim to know but they have always only accessed a very small part of the greater wisdom of the cosmos.

There will be more channeled info in this poem as well regarding the ascension and what will be taking place, but with a very narrow focus. One aspect that was brought to my awareness involved barriers or shields which would be used to surround enclaves of Light and provide protection against the darkness and its forces.  One would need to be vibrating at a consistently high rate in order to enter the protected area.  As the time of the first mass ascension approaches, we will see a renewed and invigorated round of oppression from the status quo crowd and the defenders of the lies and deceptions.  Part of the role of these agents in the poem will be to identify and provide assistance to those who need help getting to those protected areas.

It’s gonna be a fascinating ride writing it.

Namaste, Nick xxx

PSS:  I have been following the writings of Pastor Ted Pike for some years now. If you are unfamiliar with the name, he is a Christian minister who has spent much of his adult life shining an illuminating light on Zionism and Zionists.  I do not agree with some of his beliefs but I regard him as a man of honour and integrity. He has fought an ongoing battle against what Revelations 2:9 and 3: 9 refers to as the “synagogue of Satan” and “Jews who say they are Jews and are not” and it has taken a drastic toll on him but I – and many others who follow his work – did not know the full extent of the price he and his wife were paying and continue to pay to bring awareness and insight to the real danger this ideology and its adherents pose.

His most recent post was undoubtedly the most difficult he has ever had to write, which he entitled, My Wife Died a Martyr For God and Freedom.

If I had any doubts about my own belief – based on considerable research – in the deception that Yahweh and “the devil” are in collusion, it has been settled.  Pastor Pike details many of the methods and means that the darkness can use to scare or intimidate us, as well as the effects he personally experienced, and that of his late wife Alynn.  Please check out the above link to his Truthtellers website.  There is no doubt in his mind that it is actually adherents of the false religious teachings who work directly for Satan/Lucifer/the devil that use dark magic and sorcery to injure others.

On a personal note, I have experienced some of the same type of direct interference from the darkness and am no stranger to the magic and sorcery.  Once somebody understands what they want to manifest or accomplish,  they must next find the most direct way to ensure that their negative energy – or entity –  arrives on-site is able to fulfill its mission.  It takes a minimal of training to learn how to effectively utilize constructed beings known as servitors or tulpas . Check out this site which claims that they can teach anybody how to create and command a genie or jinn.  Once closely guarded by the rich and powerful, these occult techniques are now available to the general public but seldom contain all of the keys.  There are also numerous texts written by many enlightened practitioners throughout the ages that detail how to interact with demonic entities and essentially get them to work for you.  Add to that a  zealot’s fervor that one is doing the will of God and you have the makings of evil incarnate and a possible host to demonic entities who has little or no respect for the sanctity of life.

Bright Demons and Dark Pretenders

October 29, 2011

You can listen to the first part of Bright Demon here.  The call for a one world government is being echoed everywhere it seems, but especially by The Vatican.  You may enjoy reading about one of the characters in my poem, an alleged Buddha called Dorje Chang Buddha III and a sacred relic known as a sharira.

In my latest poem, “Bright Demon 2:  Summoning the Sharira”, (I will be recording it in the next few days hopefully and will uploaded to my Sword of the Seven Stars Album) I interjected a story line that centered on stopping a plot to install Satan as the world teacher or Maitreya.  This entity was brought to public prominence largely due to the efforts of pioneers like Madame Blavatsky and Alice Bailey – and the assistance of The Theosophical Society – through their channeled messages from a number of Ascended Masters.  Blavatsky believed that the coming world teacher was Christ, but not the one we are familiar with… her belief is that Lucifer is the real light bearer and source of wisdom.


If you’re looking for more articles, you might enjoy my work over on Hub Pages, including Armageddon and the King of Shamballa and The Library of Alexandria and the Anti-Christ Agenda.  And, of course, the Sword of the Seven Stars Album is always available for late night listening, especially appropriate with Halloween in the air.


Have a great week.


Namaste, Nick


Spiritual Training and the Default Settings

October 6, 2011

Recent weeks have no doubt been a bit unusual for many, as this Sixth Night, that Johan Calleman calls this period of time, asserts itself fully.  Based on what I have observed, in my own interactions with Spirit, They have us really pushing the boundaries in some areas.  There have been a few days that I felt like I was hanging over a huge chasm, with my feet dangling.  Through a combination of venues, it has been quite an experience fully realizing that old patterns and paradigms can be reset into a pattern that is more attuned to where we need to be, at that given moment.  It is unrealistic to expect to simply jump into a helicopter and proceed to try to fly it, without any type of instruction.  Similarly, I have noted in recent months especially,  that to accomplish some tasks – especially those that involve working directly with Spirit – it is often necessary for energy to be altered for the needed connection(s).  Rather than talk about my boring life, I’ve been “urged” to provide a list of  a few symptoms that are peculiar to this period of time, as the Seventh Day of Mayan prophecy approaches.

Before that,  a suggestion…. I was able to spend some awesome time with our sister Dorthy Holder on a recent radio show, which centered around spirit communication, astral projection and how to improve our “connecting” abilities. It is 2 hours long but well worth a listen, if you have time.  We’ve both traveled different paths, with our own perspectives and experiences, and I always enjoy being able to listen to her insight on a topic she is intimately familiar with.

As mentioned, this is a short list of what I have observed in the past few months, but recent weeks especially.  One fascinating element that you may have noted is an increase in some psychic area, but largely in intuition or claircognizance.  Often they can be fleeting to the point where you lean heavily towards coincidence as an explanation, often brushing them aside.  It can complicate matters by adding discouragement when you act on an intuitive thought, and it turns out to be completely wrong.  Don’t be discouraged…. something is happening within you.  To recognize it, and enhance it, requires only a bit of effort, which is detailed below.

Energy Work

In attuning to the future, of where we wish to be,  we employ a vast number of tutors, mentors and teachers, each with their own unique method of communication.  Just like verbal language, it requires a consistent effort to learn a “spirit” language. And even then, it is essential, at some point, to hold an actual conversation in that newly-learned language.  From an energetic and spiritual perspective,  that also happens.  Chances are your first few hesitant sentences in French, for instance,  was met with a barrage of sentences and words you couldn’t understand.  The disappearing/reappearing claircognizance is what is essentially happening to many of us,  on a spiritual level.  At some points, our energy is receptive to clear communication, while, at others it may be cloudy.  The key to speeding this process up is energy work.  The work I’ve been doing in this area is beyond anything before in terms of complexity but the engine that the key fits into has seen a distinct change in many areas of my life.

Trace meridians or stimulate the chakras…  the basis for what I am doing now began with opening both earth star and lower earth chakras and drawing energy in through each.  Raise both hands above the head and where they meet, you’ll find the earth star chakra – our direct link to our Over Soul and Spirit.

1) Imagine each as a glowing golden ring, above your head and below your feet.  The interior of the ring is a star field that ripples with the fluidity of water. Once you begin incorporating this into your daily activities, you will begin to note that this is usually when one of your guides will assert itself with directions.

2) Initially, begin with the portal overhead, and draw a white beam of light down from it, through the center of the body, down the legs and in to the lower star chakra. Reverse the process and draw a beam of light upwards, the key being to stimulate all chakras, and adding a sensing component, as you visualize the process adds considerable intensity to the effect.

3)  This is the base exercise and you will find that you’ll get guidance on how to work with it in a progressive way.  Use of different colors and symbols, manifesting a rotating tube around yourself  to visibly clear each chakra,  occurs as They recognize our need of the moment and respond accordingly with guidance and suggestions.

NOTE:   In some cases, you may be urged to change or delete some exercises completely, work with different colours and normally in unique ways.  This may mean working with templates, portals or even in a different reality, in a different form.  Follow the guidance but break contact with any being who orders you to do anything.

A strong suggestion... The symptoms listed below include why it happens, but as we continue to place trust in our abilities, it is inevitable that we have to change the spiritual and energetic work that forms a part of our foundation.  Just like weight training, which requires increased resistance of some type to build strength and stamina, when we begin flexing our psychic muscles, it is essential that same type of resistance is present, in a different way.  As we change our energetic vibration, we are better able to “tune in” to other frequencies.  My point is that it would seem that this communication is dependent on only what we view as present limitations.   These gateways – the upper and lower star chakras –  are essential components, if we wish to enhance our communication abilities.  My suggestion is simply to make an attempt at working with them, as I’ve described above or in another way that comes to your mind…. use whatever combination of colors and symbols  you are led to use.

Recent Symptoms

1)  Broken Sleep Patterns –  This has been ongoing, however, there seems to be an added element for many people right now.  Odd snatches of dreams, during a topsy-turvy night, where you find your self looking at a different book or a different message on a piece of paper, each time you turn over… or being in a classroom, watching events unfold as an observer, with specific events seeming to repeat in varying versions, with and without friends and family.  In all, some type of connected feedback loop that seems to be associated with learning in some way.  The “Default Settings” referred to in the title, and explained at the end of this post, provides a means to begin making sense of these “lessons”.   Don’t let this worry you and take naps if you need to.  There is energetic work that is being to done to our physical bodies, that requires a short period of unconsciousness to work its magic.

2)  Sweats and Chill –  You may often wake up with a dry throat,  and the blankets  make it sweltering hot.  Alternately, a chill may overcome you with an instant rush.  Energy is being modulated within our energetic matrix. In either case,  sip a nice hot rum toddy and then slip peacefully back into bed.

3)  Increased Creativity –  Likely you will see a talent or skill become enhanced, that involves some facet of the creative process.  In some cases, new avenues of exploration arrive as newly-formed connections provide an enhanced spark of creation.  Insights which may have eluded you, now spring to mind from nowhere.  Yes, this has been said all along, but my experience tells me that what is happening now  is quite different.  Writing several detailed poems containing great insight, recent weeks have included several articles as well.  They were very atypical of my writing in many ways and the process started within days of using the upper and lower star chakras, as I described above.  I do know that there are a LOT of them that, only now, are really trying to be heard.  They can have a huge impact on our creative endeavors, allowing us to bring through their messages that are very much needed right now.

4)  Pain: Neck, Head, Back, Shoulders  –  I confirmed this with one of  Lauren Gorgo’s messages from the Seven Sisters. Interestingly enough,  I connected briefly with Them, while writing the Sword of the Seven Stars poem.  Our pineal and thyroid glands are being stimulated and altered so we can accommodate the incoming energy.   Tightness/tenderness across the shoulders and neck,  headaches at the crown, left/right side,  back and base of skull is a sure sign that changes are underway within, based on my own observations.  As with all things, always consult with a trained professional if you do experience symptoms that may well only be physical.  Stimulation of these glands is also enhancing our abilities for communication with other realities, through the crown chakra and the earth star chakra, which is why our spiritual and energy work is so essential.

5)  New Body Odor –  For me, this is like the smell of silicon caulking they use for around windows,  but some describe it as tinny, others like rotten meat.  Hard to be delicate about this… sorry.  Along with this, you may note a change in bodily functions that are usually indicative of the body expelling waste.  In some cases,  our desire for foods may have changed as well, like a craving for dates or high fiber, to accommodate a type of flushing of the system.  It’s all connected to the changes occurring within us…. but that is only based on my own understanding.

6) Sinus and Chest Discomfort/ Ascension Flu –  These can often be inseparable companions and largely attributed to the work being done on adjusting our pineal and thyroid glands.  There is also alteration being done to the thymus, in the center of the chest, under the breast bone.  It may be a tightness or varying degrees of uncomfortable, lung congestion or other cold symptoms, including sneezing and nasal congestion.  Our body reacts as if we were just given the flu, along with the aches and pains in the neck, head and shoulder areas.  They have had me focusing energy on a spot midway between the heart and throat chakras, with a visualization of expanding it outwards to encompass my entire body.   Getting the energy moving is essential, so try to take a short walk and, using the default setting prescription below,  get some help from your guides in programming the energy that is most beneficial for you, at that moment. I often include specific requests, dependent on my activity that day, and other times I give them free rein (aspects of Uriel, Metatron and our beloved Raziel).  Because I require a good connection with Spirit for my own work, adjusting the frequency of the energy around me by using different colors and symbols, harmonizes with specific entities that have offered to assist in any given project.

Once again, if you are experiencing physical discomfort that is atypical, please see a recognized professional.

7)   Recognition Of Different Types of Communication –  While it is a skill we all possess from birth, in varying degrees, our earliest work with our guides was simple, often culminating with extended conversations.  What I do understand, regarding this symptom – or component – is that a very specific group of enlightened beings are only now able to interact, on a larger scale.  Dorothy and I discussed this on our show together, the uniqueness of certain types of beings in their communication.  If we are used to a male voice in our guide, for instance, we may suddenly be getting messages in a female voice or even the enigmatic  “zip files”.  Zip files, in this reference,  are entire ideas sent in a burst, along with symbols, words/descriptions and even emotional energy.  Part of this work on our pineal glands is helping us to attune and decode each type of message.   Once you’re aware it’s happening, after a flash of insight, it can be quite an energetically pleasant experience.

There are numerous others that aren’t covered here, but are discussed in great length by Lauren Gorgo.  She has an amazing connection to Spirit and a great faculty for interpretation.

Default Settings

In every area of our lives we have default settings.  We have an autonomic system that ensures the necessary functions of life, without our conscious thought.  Unconscious even, we still live, so…. our default setting is life, our continued existence.  Built into our matrix, our autonomic system has “life” hard wired into it, which only stops, when that system encounters a shutdown.  There are other settings in our spiritual work that can be altered to “default”;  as long as you are aware, at some point, that this “default setting” is being used by you.  Sounds complicated so I’ll be using the real focus of this pos- as an example – my 3 default settings that have assisted in my journey in incredible ways.

Some years ago, I made a pact with Spirit that I would take a moment and consciously request that Spirit set 2 things in place each time I left my apartment:

1) that my protection accompany me, wherever I went and

2) that I would be granted the opportunity to share the love and Light of Creator with at least one soul, while I was out. 

In the last several months, I have been including one other, which is really at the heart of this short article:

3) offering to be an emissary or conduit to those who assist me from the realms of spirit, including and especially those of the elemental kingdom

I have seen more than enough examples of their intervention in my life, at just the right time,  to convince me that we all have an incredible number of beings who work behind the scenes to get things done.  It makes reasonable sense then, that if you ask for their help,  you gotta follow through when prompted to assist them.  One example I have never told anybody…..  on probably a half dozen occasions, usually after rain, I find myself on “worm patrol”.  You may think it ridiculous but is an excellent example of how we can assist, albeit a small way.  Often along the sidewalk, after rain, worms gets washed onto the walkways.  During long stretches, my unconscious task is to spot these worms and then get them safely back in the grass before being stepped on or eaten.  The point is that they are doing things in their reality that benefit us, it makes sense – if we truly do want to improve our communication with Spirit in its many forms – that we should offer to assist them here, in this reality.

I noted one day, after getting almost halfway to my destination, that I hadn’t made the above requests, when I left my apartment.  Having some small magical wisdom, I pondered how I could ensure this didn’t happen again – from a magical perspective.  The insight that arrived when I began this internal query was establishing a default setting.

For magical practitioners, this is a familiar concept.  Prior to any workings, normally a protective circle is cast with a visualization, followed by a statement such as, “I will you to remain in place until completion of the ritual”.  Essentially, you are not only creating the energy for the visualization, you are giving the energy instructions – essentially the default setting. Even when the witch’s attention has turned to the intricacies of ritual, they know that the protective circle will remain, complete with the properties programmed into it.

For my needs, this worked extremely well.  I addressed Mother and Father Creator, as well as the groups of entities that I normally offer to assist, including the elemental kingdom.  My protectors are always close by so they are included anyways.  I made them each aware, that if I forget these 3 requests when I leave my house, the default setting will be to enact them anyways, as if I had verbally proclaimed them, as usual.   It has been made known to me that it is important that you do reconfirm your intent when you realize you’ve forgotten…. and don’t forget to offer gratitude for the chance to help.

Establishing this default setting can be as complex or simplistic as you like and works great for things like dream recall and interpretation but it does require consistent and sustained effort.  You may see a reflection of this in other areas of your life, a sudden interest in a topic or people. If it interests you, at a given moment, follow that interest.  I would not recommend that you establish, say, an entire chakra clearing on a default setting, for a number of reasons, but it would be very suitable for maintaining a personal shield or as a reminder to be aware of something… a certain type of car, bird, name, word, news item, joke etc.

I have enjoyed some incredibly beautiful afternoons of running into friendly dogs and cats around the neighborhood, some old friends, some new.  In a rare example of having a few extra dollars, I was directed to give a teen age panhandler one of the bills and received a very grateful hug in return.

One of the most memorable… After narrowly missing the plunge of sizable sheet of ice over a door – complete with several sharp icicles hanging down –   I was urged to walk to a place some distance away for lunch. It was quite cold and I arrived at a long stretch of road without any cars or people to be seen. Off in the distance, I saw a little figure coming towards me, which I recognized as an electric wheelchair.  Twenty feet from me, the poor guy ran into a big pile of the snow and got stuck. Had I not been there, he would have waited several minutes in the cold, before any help arrived.  Once I got him through, I pushed him over another snow mound at the next street and away he went with a big thank you over his shoulder.  As I turned to continue my walk, I clearly heard Spirit say:  “That was the reason you needed to be here, at this time.”  The point is that when we offer ourselves as emissaries or conduits freely, there is a corresponding urgency and gratitude from Them, which I have found aids in establishing better communication overall.

Some of my other recent articles that mat interest you.

Cosmic Rhythm: Dark Echoes of Job in the Present Day –  Exploration of the Book of Job, which served as a basis for how the offshoots of Egyptian sun religions related to and viewed “God”.  The narrative clearly explains that Job is blameless and yet his “advisors” continue to demand he confess his hidden, evil sins and neg for God’s forgiveness.  Even Job 2:3 has Yahweh ostensibly saying that Job was being punished, “…for no good reason..”   This article draws attention to this same mindset, which seems to be prevalent today among the “Christian” denominations, who have a vested interest in seeing the world suffer a horrific slaughter before a Golden Age descends on the earth, as the son of this same punisher supposedly takes his seat as master of the world.

Armageddon and the King of Shamballa –  Of all the end of days scenarios that I would hitch my wagon to, so to speak, if given a choice, it would be with the King of Shamballa.  The pahana ranks a close second. The point of this article is to bring some illumination to this incredible legend of a final mystical king, leaving the confines of his fabled city, and launching an all-out war on the “evil king”.  We have n\been led to believe that Armageddon is the only end time scenario but it is not.

The Library of Alexandria and the Anti-Christ Agenda – The premise of this article is that the burning of priceless manuscripts resulted in an incalculable loss to our knowledge base and was, I believe, one of the major factors in establishing the Anti-Christ Agenda.  This agenda could not have begun without this inferno taking place, erasing not only wisdom but all record of teachers and practitioners who were adept at using or teaching it.  Some compelling historical evidence to support this, some of which may be a complete surprise to you.

You can also listen to my latest epics, on my Sword of the Seven Stars Album, including my personal favorites, Sword of the Seven Stars and Bright Demon.

Namste, Nick xxx

Sword of the Seven Stars

September 8, 2011

With taking a much-needed break from radio, I have been able to focus on other aspects of my journey, a key one being artistic expression. No matter if that expression means keeping kitchen cupboards neat and tidy, personally ensuring your car remains in top shape through your own efforts, planting and tending a colorful garden or creating a great symphony – these all represent varied aspects of creativity.  Engaging in those activities we often call hobbies draws on the very core of who we truly are – this outside body is merely the vehicle which houses our true identity…. a unique and divine spark of the Creator.  Many belief systems that have risen in modern times subscribe to the idea that a major part of our role and purpose is to experience a very unique reality for the Creator.  It stands to reason, then, when we are engaged in pleasurable, hobby-like pursuits, it is in response to that inner self, a direct piece of the Creator.  In short, our unique expressions of creativity are really the Creator expressing Itself through us, or in the least playing a hand for the benefit of the experience.


Of course I do not expect everyone to subscribe to these ideas but they have arrived after considerable research and personal experience. When it comes to hobbies for me, poetry has always been there, since childhood. I have never considered “poet” as career.  Taking a break from radio, at this time, was not coincidental for me.  My “mentors” had just started me on a very intensive new set of energy exercises and the result was quite dramatic.  This break has allowed me to write 7 or 8 truly incredibly complex poems. It has been – and continues to be – a truly incredible experience when I am “urged” to perform this exercise and then sit down behind my computer.  There is a great deal of evident wisdom in them but even more that is “encoded” so to speak.


On a side note…. One thing I have begun to understand and realize is that the global situation is becoming more erratic, clearly designed to assist only the multi-billion dollar corporations and a globalist agenda.  Strong words and yet the evidence is overwhelming.  And clearly, the “media” is little more than the propaganda arm of these same globalists.

But here’s the interesting part, that I have come to regard as highly significant. There is a new player in town, of inter-dimensional origin, which has been held back from taking actions to aid the Light due to very ancient accords, established among the “star races”.  No, I’m not talking about the Galactic Federation.  These beings are activated, for lack of a better description, when an evident imbalance occurs. The living earth beneath us is in the process of birthing but requires the energy of humanity  to assist the transition.  I do not know the extent to which they will be allowed to intervene, as they have on numerous occasions in recent years, but for those who are here to undergo the ascension process, I believe they will be receiving assistance in many ways.  Even for those with highly developed psychic skills, direct communication with them is difficult but they do seed the dreams of many with updated “programming”.  For several nights, my entire sleep period has been like attending a series of lectures… each time I rolled over, it was as if a new subject was being covered or a new page in a book.  I cannot recall these “downloads” in detail and am trusting that the energy work they have me doing allows the newly-gained wisdom to be accessible to my inner soul.

Once again, I will not push this on anybody as fact.  I have taken note of the oddities and coincidences that have been occurring for me recently,  especially since the first epic was penned several weeks ago.  There is an energy afoot in the background of this mess humanity has created with their greed whose goal is to assist humanity to take this huge leap in evolution.

Aside from the above narrative, a purpose of this post was to provide a link where you can listen to several of my recent “epics’. Dubbed Sword of the Seven Stars Album, you’ll find the dual pieces it is named for, as well as both parts of Heir to Ares, Knight Over Dark and Spell of the Dark Fae and will be posting a new recording later today, part 2 of Cosmic Draft entitled “Cosmic Draft 2: Iron Raven”.  I truly hope you enjoy and don’t be shy to tell your friends.


Hope you’re all doing well. Not sure when I will be returning to radio because I sense they have more writing in my future, among other things.


Namaste, Nick xxx


Sorcery and Sages – Jul. 10/11

July 11, 2011

We spent the lion’s share of this show exploring the shamanic journey and how to establish a “Safe Place” in Otherworld.  Another important component of shamanic belief involves soul retrieval, due to soul loss during a traumatic event in one’s life.

Also took a quick look at the infamous voodoo dolls and how – and if – they actually work.


Namaste, Nick xxx

Metaphysical Musings for Jun. 25/11 – Links

June 25, 2011

A fascinating show, beginning with a short explanation of the Freedom Flotilla II, due to launch in the next few days.  We spent considerable time exploring glitches in the matrix, where reality does not behave as reality should.  The Urantia Book contains some comprehensive wrtitings on our alleged “forgotten” history – out “true” history, its echoes are heard in such texts as the Book of Enoch. The focus was on a group of beings known as “The Midway Creatures”.

The conclusion involved reading a pair of poems, including an incredible collaboration that was completed today and is 8 pages long. Unfortunately, The Heir to Ares II will not be posted online but if you listen to the show, you’ll hear it, in its entirety. I can, however leave you with the links for the other two poems I read, including:

The Heir To Ares  and

The Amazon Principle.

Until tomorrow, have a great night!

Namaste, Nick xxx

Links and Notes for May 29/11 Show

May 30, 2011

This show was an attempt to unravel a thread between established religious beliefs systems, their version of the “End Times” – complete with their own unique “Messiah” figure – consisting largely of the slaughter of any who are not “believers”.  The legend of Shambalha speak of a final king, who will ride forth and conquer the world, leaving behind  two kings to rule as his regents. The Kalki Avatar – the alleged avatar of “God” – also uses a massive army to conquer the world and rid it of “non-believers” or “mlecchas”.  Judaism does not recognize Jesus but do believe in a coming “Messiah” who will rule a world government from Jerusalem.

Additionally, we looked at the similarities between “Christianity” and Islam, as it relates to the “Anti-Christ” of the Bible and “al-Mahdi” in the Quran. In our neck of the woods, indigenous peoples of central America believe in the return of Quetzalcoatl, the winged serpent god.

Where does this all lead? As I have contended many times, the metaphysical knowledge that is available today had to have come from somewhere.  Our awareness of other realities has been documented for thousands of years, complete with a supposed “King List” which details the reign of kings, which begins with.. “When the kingship descended from Heaven.” There are undisputed parallels not only among religions and “End Times” scenarios but also the “Alien Agenda”.  Is there a Master Plan that ties it all together?


That all, guys. Thanks for coming by!


Namaste, Nick xxxx

Links and Notes for May 28/11 Show

May 28, 2011

This component of our exploration of Gods, Legends and Supernatural Oddities picked up from yesterday, examining the purpose of that ringing we often get in our ears.  Often, we  think our angels and guides have no understanding of what we are presently going through, because of this Ascension. Like Ronna Herman, I believe that our angels really do know because they have undergone this process them,selves, as part of their ongoing education.

Rev. Ted Pike has some incredibly open-minded assessments of present-day religion and how far it has strayed from the “true” path, especially in its blind subservience to Israel.  Almost as corroboration – but in a different way – I had to re-visit an organization that claims a special dispensation from “God” to expel demons and even murder and maim other living human beings. This is not a misprint… this is not a joke. This group actually believes that, as integral parts of “God’s Army” it falls on them, as its generals, to take over the “Seven Mountains” of society before Jesus will allegedly be able return.

And we just got started on the “Alien Agenda” info… tomorrow should be interesting.

Namaste, Nick  xxx