Posted tagged ‘Hermetics’


January 1, 2015


So, have you noted any change in your sleep patterns lately? When you look at the sky, does it appear far less blue than you remember as a child? Is the quality of that sleep, when you can get it, of lesser quality than you feel that you require? Have you found yourself awakened between 2 and 4AM, and utilized that time for creative purposes? Have you come across information that altered or expanded an existing paradigm(s) and found yourself inexplicably having past events – some from even childhood that you had all but forgotten – being replayed in your mind that have an attachment of anger, fear, confusion, powerlessness or even grief?

These questions may appear at odds with each other but the fact remains – based on my own experience and many others – that sleep patterns are being changed dramatically lately.  I would suggest, based on several sources, that this oddity has a basis both in the physical and metaphysical. I would also add that they are very much interconnected. I will state that if you are experiencing difficulty in your sleeping patterns to first see a doctor, if you feel the need.  If some sources are correct, this disruption is only temporary, although they regard a year or two as temporary, which it may well take for some to re-establish a consistently healthy and enriching period of sleep. There is a fair amount taking place, especially during this time period of very shifting energy. Consider the very noticeable confusion, anger and anxiety that is present globally with neverending wars, killing, enslaving and displacing millions, just in the last few months.  As spiritually aware beings, we can’t help but be affected by the intense suffering.

I won’t be covering all aspects of sleep, obviously, so more information on the physical aspects of sleep can be found at The National Sleep Foundation.


According to The National Sleep Foundation, each of us does require a session of sleep over a given time period. Sleep is essential for many of our physical processes and lack of good quality sleep can lead to serious medical problems including diabetes and obesity.  They suggest that teens often require 7-9 hours of sleep to be fully functional, as an example. But they also contend that their minds are quite active late into the evening, which can present very physical problems. Some schools begin classes early in the morning, making it difficult for a teen to balance turning off the active mind and trying to sleep. The consequence is a difficulty in concentration, memory problems and greatly reduced ability to consolidate or retain new information. All too often, there is accompanying depression and a follow-up prescription of antidepressants for the teen.

Each of us has experienced “insomnia” of some type, essentially an inability to fall asleep when we lay our head on the pillow and simply toss and turn.  But The National Sleep Foundation suggests that there are actually four components to insomnia: waking up too early and not being able to get back to sleep, frequent awakenings and waking up feeling unrefreshed. Of course, a physical ailment like an oncoming flu bug might be occurring or there may be an element of pain or discomfort to account for these symptoms so, once again, if broken sleep patterns are happening to you over a considerable duration, seeing a doctor might be a serious consideration.

Another aspect to this topic is in the area of dreams and their purpose.  Secular psychologists will tell you that this dreamtime period is when our mind tries to make sense of the world around us. This is aptly demonstrated by the often used phrase – “Sleep on it. Things will look differently in the morning.” The same principle is being utilized when we come to a stuck point in a project and set it aside for a time and concentrate on other things. What happens is our 3D analytical mind sends the problem or issue into a type of cycle, searching for a solution. What is being used is a combination of both the analytical  and creative aspects in  tandem. But here’s the catch – in order to access our “creative” or imaginative part of the brain, it must be able to “join in”.  When we spend our time concentrating fully on a solution, it is very difficult for us to tap into our creative aspect, which is actually the key that we need for resolution – essentially solving a problem with a creative solution.

There are many who contend that, aside from a physical need for dreams, there is a distinctly metaphysical purpose as well.  Dreams can be harbingers of future events, communication with entities that we’re only able to access in the REM state and even with ourselves, either in a parallel reality or our Higher Self aspect. There are also many who contend that the sleep period allows parts of our energy bodies to detach, and enter another reality of frequency to be recharged.  Additionally, this detachment and return may also include energetic information bundles – somewhat like a ZIP file – that are opened over time, in response to specific stimuli.


Some years ago, I attended a lecture by a prominent psychiatrist who claimed to specialize in Dream Interpretation. I asked him, “How many of our dreams are actually astral projection?” His response had been a cold, “There’s no such thing as astral projection.” before moving very quickly to another question. At the time, I had been heavily involved in learning about energy work, exploring and experimenting with astral projection and remote viewing. Sources like the well-known occult writers Denning and Phillips,  whose book on astral projection I used as my first guide, contend there is a direct association between our solar plexus chakra and our astral body. In fact, the method they taught – consciousness transfer to a created “astral vehicle” – utilized this chakra exclusively.  They also taught, as part of the exercises leading up to actual projection, formation of created entity called a servitor or thought form, that one could send to another point in space/time and return it. But a key part of this process was “downloading” the information it had acquired into the 3D physical brain. There must be a mechanism in place to facilitate that, it doesn’t happen automatically. As this pertains to dreams,  this may account for us recalling only scattered pieces of a dream, often one that seemed and felt quite real.  It seems ironic: Robert Bruce, a man who has taught 1,000’s of people to AP, including designing an exit method specifically for blind people called the Rope Technique, suggests that AP is a natural process that works when we’re sleeping but requires significant effort and concentration to actually do, while we’re “awake”. The limitation of this type of travel is said to only include our 3D physical and the astral levels of reality.

There are many ancient cultures that firmly believe that our “soul” and/or our “spirit”  are also capable of taking flight, referred to by some as the “shamanic journey“. The largest benefit, in my estimation, to spirit travel is that one can access higher-vibrating levels of realities than just the astral. Shamans believed that the soul was free to leave the body during sleep but also had varied methods of “inducement” ranging from chemical means like ayahuasca or physical stimuli like repetitive drumming. It was claimed they could step into “otherworld” and converse with the archetypes of plants to concoct a cure, assist in finding and retrieving lost soul fragments and returning them,  and even use it as a means of psychology. In this last, it was believed that some problems faced in a present incarnation have their origins in a past life. The shaman would put a person into a trance and guide them to the Lower Worlds to a place known by some as the Cave of Wounds. There, the individual would view that action – the “first wound” – that was now bleeding into their present incarnation and causing difficulty. By acknowledging it and accepting it, the healing could begin under the shaman’s guidance.

The point here is that first of all, soul or spirit travel is innate for us… at least it is for many.  (Explaining this last addition is beyond the purview of this piece and would take considerable time to explore.)  While we sleep, it is believed that soul travel is commonplace. Most have an image that these realms of higher vibrating energy are way “out there”, when in fact it can be accessed as if it was only inches away. I contend, based on my own experience and research, that we can open doorways and interact directly with other entities, without even leaving our bodies.  To do this, my strong suggestion is to work with our chakras and kundalini energy, as well as develop specific “seeing” skills like remote viewing. There is an excellent site that I go to often to work my “psychic muscle” called The Ten Thousand Roads Project, which provides a huge number of targets, an active forum and an opportunity to discuss results/observations with other RVer’s. If you have never tried to remote view, you can test your ability at another site with a series of targets. On a personal note, it was incredibly exhilarating for me to take the test and discover that, on roughly 80% of the targets, I was somewhat accurate. I knew that I had seen something.

The point is that part of this broken sleep pattern might have to do with us accessing a higher level of awareness, courtesy of the spiritual work we’re doing.  Whenever there is an alteration in either the physical, spiritual, emotional or mental aspect of us, it is reflected in the other areas.  Consider a tooth ache and the effect it has on our ability to concentrate,  which affects the emotional and may well affect the spiritual as well. Similarly, an emotional problem or issue looming over us, which we may try to put off, can have have a noticeable effect on other areas of our lives.

One other consideration here before moving on is worth noting. I have experienced this on occasion and you likely have as well. During periods of spiritual change, we may be haunted by hurtful, embarrassing or even shameful events from our past. It happens when it happens because only then do we possess the needed skills, time, appreciation, understanding or tools to deal with them effectively. Sometimes these “clearings” can take the form of nightmares, which we may not fully recall because this has taken place in the astral realm. Remember, there must be a mechanism or process in place to download those AP’s.  While we may not recall them, a part of us does and reacts. I have found that, during periods of great learning, this can happen and it is a needed and desired action.  As a result, we have an unconscious reason for not being able to sleep, namely that some part of us is aware of what is happening or happened in the dreamtime and is responding by keeping us awake, when we want to be asleep.

I will add one other suggestion to this that has assisted me greatly. Often, when we can only snatch an hour or two of sleep, like an afternoon nap, the dream recall is significantly higher. If the dream ended in a way that upset you in some way, go back and change the outcome. You’ll know when to do this when you can recall a general location and landmarks eg: trees, field, buildings, parking lots.  The next time you lay down, try your best to bring up that fragmented image, rearrange the players, and alter the outcome. I will add that this has sometimes been a type of test for me before moving to another stage of spiritual awareness. I’ll give a quick personal experience to orient you.

In the dream, I was walking beside a building with a fence, apparently aiming for the entry to the soccer field below. A group of 6 men confronted me, took my ticket and began to rough me up for no apparent reason. It was here that I returned to wakefulness, not at all pleased.  I got up, had some water and a cigarette, troubled that I had allowed myself to be bullied. When I laid back down, I did some rhythmic breathing and then brought up the location on my inner screen. I entered this other reality, confronted by the same group. This time, I took back my power and I began to lay the boots to them! And then I stopped short. A thought process was taking place I didn’t identify at that time but I sensed I needed to change how I reacted to their violence. Instead of kicking and punching, I simply used thought to wrap each of them in a web they could not escape. That, for me, was the test aspect. Would I respond in kind, as if I was still in 3D, or use my powers as a spiritual being to resolve the conflict without violence?

It has been my experience that we are under scrutiny almost always.  Simply being on a spiritual path does not automatically mean we will progress in our development towards our actual role or purpose.  We have to do the work, and it can be both painful yet very uplifting. Some suggest this applies even to perspective guides or specialist guides. It is often said that with great wisdom comes great responsibility. Essentially, some guides want to know for certain, beforehand, if the candidate has achieved a required level of proficiency in some area. These tests can be quite unorthodox, may be implanted into our awareness during the REM state, and result in an action – or inaction – on our part, in the 3D waking world, in a type of subliminal programming. It would be similar in nature to the tapes available for learning a new language or improving memory, designed to be used while we sleep. When we wake up, we obviously can’t remember the subliminals. On a personal note, I picked up one for improving my memory, many years ago. I recall the fascination I felt when I really saw a noticeable difference in memory and recall, after less than a week, and it was quite significant. Explained in this way, you will likely see the ties here and why some guides might want to test us in this way… if only to see how connected we truly are to Spirit.


In exploring this aspect, as it possibly relates to our segmented sleep patterns, there is a certain amount of cause for concern. Most people take it for granted, but when we’re sleeping there are billions of other people wide awake, across the globe, and are experiencing dire levels of impoverishment, brutality and dislocation. The energy that created the present chaos we see engulfing the countries of the world’s leading powers, is amplified and reinforced by the resultant misery, terror, fear and pain of those who are on the receiving end.  Some schools of thought, including the Gnostic mystery schools, believed that the true receivers of this created negative energy were entities that were unable to enter our reality, and instead used their mind control abilities to enslave an entire species so they could siphon off the energy for themselves. As inorganic beings, they were unable to  materialize in an organic environment, and were not able to truly create in an organic universe – they could only imitate.  Others believe that a central hidden aspect of the 3 messianic religious mythologies involves the planet of Saturn, some going so far as to contend that Saturn is actually the central “mob boss” of those religions. Obviously, this planet stands out as quite unique, with an eye on its south pole, a swirling hexagon at its northern pole – which some claim is imitated by the Muslim ritual of walking slowly around the Kaaba Stone in Mecca – and its innumerable rings.

Belief in supernatural beings can be found in almost every religious belief system, often including the notion of dark fighting light, and often for the prize of human souls.  The nature of Saturn itself is also very unique for our solar system. Essentially, it has no surface and is made entirely of numerous gases interacting with each other and yet we regard it as a planet. One other oddity to include here is that NASA, in 2016, will be crashing the Cassini space probe into Saturn, upon completion of its mission by then. Some have raised an alarm that this probe may carry nuclear or fissionable material that will explode in the atmosphere, and turn this ball of gas into a second sun.  Is it possible that this “planet” is simply a created entry point into our reality or a type of portal?

I don’t have to articulate many of the insane actions taking place globally, as you’re well aware, if only on an energetic level. And this is an important point that I mentioned in my last post. As spiritually aware beings, we are touched to varying degrees when we become aware of suffering.  A side effect of pursuing a progressive spiritual path is an increased capacity for empathy and compassion. This is the good news. The other side of the coin is that it is not a far stretch for energy to be altered or manipulated so our reaction is also changed. For instance, a horrifying aspect of the ISIS threat involves the many reports of a growing slave market, selling women into sexual slavery.  Our reaction will be mixed; horror and even anger at the men, and great distress for the poor women. Consider also, that much of this is actually taking place when we are normally fast asleep. The bad news is that we are in a prime state to have that energy of pain, sorrow and despair impact on us directly, just like the subliminal tapes. Is it possible that this may play some role in waking us for no reason, as we experience an overload of emotional energy?


This is hardly comprehensive but I hope it does shed a bit of light on what can be a troubling phenomenon. Obviously, there are many factors to consider.  On a personal note, I have seen an increase in “progression symptoms” in recent weeks, including significant research into another poem.  Like when one is about to get a full blown cold, there are certain advance symptoms that, if recognized, allows a person to take the needed preventative actions.  I’ve found progressing to another level of awareness or understanding has its own unique symptoms.  Like building anything, a solid base is essential but it requires specialized knowledge and wisdom to see it to fruition or conclusion.

I’ve detailed a number of thoughts and suggestions above, from both a physical as well as a metaphysical perspective. I don’t believe that one can find a complete answer from a single source. One of the most painful experiences we can put ourselves through is when we hold strong to one side of an issue…. and then try to objectively examine an entirely counter view.  Often, we will continue to be defensive as we try to understand an unreasonable argument – from our perspective – and tend to disregard much of it due to our own understanding.  Part of this stems from our ego at work, and it can be a momentous obstacle to navigate. It does not suggest a deficiency in us but rather an area where we can progress.  I worked in the hospitality and entertainment industry for many years and encountered a fair number of “disgruntled” clients.  Responding in kind was obviously not in my best interest but I did develop, owner time, an ability to calmly talk to angry customers. I would suggest that our ability to not allow ourselves to be played with, by these created energies, can also be developed with patience and effort.

One thing that has aided me enormously is rearranging the context of a given event.  In recent months, more and more reports are surfacing that indicate a collection of nations are sponsoring ISIS secretly, while overtly pretending to be fighting them as well. The whole war on terror was supposed to be against a mysterious group known as al-qaida, and we are now told that tax dollars are being sent directly to al-qaida because they are now somehow our ally. They are allegedly our enemy in Yemen and Afghanistan but not in Syria or Iraq. The consequence has not only been cognitive dissonance on a massive scale but a global awakening and awareness of the deceit taking place. Essentially, the more actions taken that make no sense to the average person, the more suspicions are raised. And that initial suspicion of deceit can often become a newly-opened door to awareness, understanding and awakening. A painful admission must be made here and I do not push this on anybody – some actions must take place, for this age to reach its crescendo and conclusion.

One aspect that I wanted to acknowledge was also the possibility of outside “influence” or interference from malevolent sources. Often, when a cycle like this takes place, I will change up my sleep periods entirely. If technology is being used to interfere with the public in general it is always on a specific timetable, ie: over an entire city or area simultaneously, essentially blanketing it for a set period of time to affect as many as possible. Some sources suggest that our REM state is the best for susceptibility to energetic programming but what is effective in the REM state has an extremely diminished effect in a non-REM state, such as being fully awake and conscious. Because of my work schedule, like many of you, I can’t always initiate this – sleeping in the day and staying awake all night. But I do when I can and have actually stayed in bed for up to twelve hours, and sometimes with even a few hours of sleep all strung together.

In conclusion, take what you want from this piece. There is a vast combination of energy at work, some we can detect and much that remains hidden to us. I asked, in the opening paragraph, if you recall the sky being bluer when you were a child than now.  One often overlooked item that was hyped some time ago involves the star known as Alcyon and a massive Photon Belt, that some believe the earth is now on the outer fringes of, accounting for the shallow blue of our skies. If this is a factor, we are reacting to much more energy than we realize. I have experienced bouts of odd synchronicities and great intuition, followed by a seeming lack, only to have the cycle repeated. Small things you may recognize… having a phase or idea come into your mind, seemingly random, and then encountering that exact phrase or idea in the immediate future or a day later.  What I understand is that this can be a type of communication. My suggestion is that when you recognize a synchronicity occur, like that random meeting with somebody you needed to see or uncovering information that you needed to understand an issue or event, quietly acknowledge that to Spirit. If you want, ask for more and go one step further, if you’re comfortable with the idea. If it has been an unexpected meeting, for example, you might offer to “pay it forward” so to speak. Arrangements were made to position that person specifically for us to meet them, so you might consider offering to be of service to Spirit to do the same for somebody else.

The last point I’ll touch on centers on those old movies of our life, we’ve hidden away, and even felt we came to terms with. At each level of our progression, we are granted proficiency in a limited measure based on our efforts to apply the knowledge we uncover. Sometimes, we are not ready or may lack the right clearing ritual or technique to ensure that that past painful or shameful event no longer can influence us or be used a a tool to influence us. It can be used, according to some, to keep us in a state of feeling helpless or confused. Essentially, it can be regarded as a type of attack. Instead of an outside stimuli, like world events, the energy that these energy parasites feed on can be harvested by one reliving the same event. One suggestion made to directly confront this is to change, like the dream I mentioned earlier, the outcome of the event. How often have you heard people say, “They actually believe their own lies!”?  When a variation of a memory is induced and reinforced regularly, a new reality can overwrite the old memory. One other consideration I will make to you is Raziel’s Sphere Of Confluence tool, which I have used and continue to use for special issues. It is quite powerful and has been of enormous benefit personally to me, for a number of years.

Segmented and broken sleep patterns are taking place, this is a reality, if it has become noticeable in your life. As to the cause of this effect, there are numerous possibilities. I draw no conclusions for anybody but myself and try to take appropriate steps to keep balanced and grounded.  While I have offered personal opinion and experiences involving this subject matter, I do not push those views on anybody. If this piece has been of interest or benefit, I am gratified. No matter, whatever transpires, try to recognize that it is a passing phase, and may well be a crucial one in order for us to achieve our potential.

You may derive some comfort and understanding from this article entitled “Have Your Sleep Patterns Changed Lately?” They have a fascinating piece on “shadow people” that, while I did not address it in this article, may well play a role in our broken and segmented sleep patterns over a given time period.

Another article on ascension, with numerous links found here, might also present some fascinating perspectives that may or may not have relevance – the Photon Belt, Solar Flares and Planet Nibiru.

I extend a very Happy New Year to all. Thank you for being a part of my life.

Namaste, Nick xx


Energies And Urgencies

July 7, 2014



If you’re reading this, chances are above average that you have noted a strange sense of energy, which can be almost overwhelming at times.  Numerous sources have suggested that, for varied reasons, this shifting and unfamiliar energy has caused considerable worry or urgency. Common symptoms seem to be mood swings – including bursts of irrational anger – headaches, memory loss, irregular sleep patterns, vivid dreams or a total lack of dream recall, sensing we may have lost contact with our guides or even “God”, and greatly increased self talk or inner dialogue.

Lee Harris sums up the energies that are/will be prevalent during July and August.  Even if you don’t believe in this energy nonsense, I would highly suggest that you check out Lee’s description and see if there are any pertinent factors revealed, that you may observe in your own experiential reality.


That was really the lead-in to the purpose of this post, namely a show where I’ll be a guest, tonight at 9PM EST on  The Brenda Tennerelli Show, where we’ll be discussing the energetic shifts and DNA changes that are being reported globally.  Recent news reports  have made global headlines of what they deem to be the first human born with 3 strand DNA.    The report also suggested strongly that humanity in general was undergoing a change at the cellular level.  Dr. Barranda Fox concluded, in her report, a sobering yet fascinating observation.  Scientists and geneticists who are studying this phenomenon cannot predict what this mutation’s end result will be but Dr. Fox contends it may well see humans developing and utilizing abilities deemed as “supernatural”.



There are going to be numerous topics Brenda and I will be discussing but I wanted to take a few minutes to address one issue that most of us have at least considered, namely the status of black magic and psychic attacks.  First off, what is “black magic”? This term is entirely subjective and is determined by the individual.  What is a birthday or anniversary ritual that almost everybody in the western world observes repeatedly? Would you be surprised to know that this is indeed a magical ritual hailing back to pagan roots known as “candle magic”? Candles on a cake may seem harmless to many but consider that the ritual is identical across many cultures.  Make a wish, visualize the want, need or desire and then blow out the candle, symbolically sending your wish to the ether.  An entire branch of magic,  more advanced rituals involve additional actions including carving a sigil or name into the candle to achieve very specific results from very specific entities.

Is this “black magic”? For a devout religious believer, who is aware it is an ancient magical ritual, this could well be considered “black magic”, while others would not bat an eyelash at this revelation.  It is no secret that untold numbers of black magicians observe a creed set forth by Crowley, namely, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”  Late in his life, too weak to perform rituals, he tasked three of his followers to perform an energy-intensive and very dangerous ritual called “The Babalon Working“.  Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard and Marjorie Cameron intended to literally open a hole in time/space and allow an entity named Babalon to enter.  Unknown to Crowley, the trio had an additional objective – they wished to create a “moon child”, using sex magic, whereby the entity would enter Parsons and impregnate Marjorie.

From a magician’s point of view, this is a fascinating concept and some may consider this ritual merely grey. Incidentally, the working had considerable negative side effects for each of the participants. L. Ron Hubbard, for example, became paralyzed down the entire right side of his body.  When he recovered, he found he was able to access incredible genius in his writing. Jack Parsons died a short time later in a mysterious chemical fire, while his mother also died under cloudy circumstances.

One might chuckle and draw a parallel with the infamous “King Tut’s Curse”, where numerous members of the expedition seemed to die within a short time span, under strange circumstances.  What is interesting to note is that Howard Carter, one of the first to enter the tomb, lived on for an additional decade.  The question to ask would be: Were the spores a natural phenomenon or were they purposely placed there, thereby validating, to some extent, this was indeed a “curse” with actual physical results?

Is it truly possible to place a “hex” on an individual, as Voodoo and Makumba adherents believe? Robert Bruce has been teaching 1,000’s of people over two decades how to have willed astral projections, maintaining that this is a natural process that almost everybody can do with some practice.  He places great emphasis on “psychic self defense”, as does occult researcher and author Dion Fortune.  On a personal note, my own research and education has involved the teachings and writings ranging from Abremalin’s Sacred Magic to the Ogdoadic tradition’s emphasis on “The Magical Personality”.  In the former, he outlines in great detail a lengthy, six month ritual whereby the magician or sorcerer connects directly to his “Holy Guardian Angel”.  Sounds almost religious but don’t let the holy sounding name fool you. He reveals that the direct connection includes some interesting fringe benefits, namely the services of the four princes of Hell, a number of their servants, as well as lesser entities to be used to charge talismans and amulets.  Establishing one’s own “Magical Personality”, as taught in Ogdoadic traditions, is essentially building up an image of how one appears in the spirit realm, when they interact with entities of that reality.  One aspect is what weapons or defenses that one’s spirit representative will have.












Most children in the west grew up believing that, even as a mere child, they could actually communicate with a reality outside of 3D through a mechanism called prayer.  The vast majority of practicing magicians and witches, based on my own experience and research, regard their workings to be the equivalent of prayer, where they can both interact and request specific wants/needs/desires.  Add to this, there are Hermetic traditions observed in texts like The Kybalion, which outlines the 7 Universal Principles they claimed to be present on all levels of reality.  One of their most well-known axioms, based on the Principle of Correspondence,  is “As above, so below; As below, so above.” Just like “prayers” prevalent in almost all religious and magical systems, it is a commonly held belief that one can ask for and receive some type of “divine intervention” – or whatever one wishes to address it as – in this reality.

In a related belief system, Buddhist monks in Tibet were witnessed and filmed moving an enormous rock several hundred meters, using a precision placement of varying types of horns and human voices and tones.  Obviously the vibrations were responsible for the anti-gravity effect but is there a possibility the same result – or much more – could be achieved with much less noticeable tools? Reiki and most types of energy healing systems share a commonality with Mukumba and Voodoo – they both believe they can interact directly with a person’s energy, albeit for very different reasons.  The term for this type of “Black Magic”, whereby a witch places a hex or curse on an individual, is sympathetic magic.  In brief terms, the premise is this: if an object has been in contact with the individual being cursed – hair, nail clippings, pictures as a few quick examples – it remained energetically attached to the host. It is through this connection – known as a secret sympathy – that the actual black magic spell would flow.


What About Psychic Attacks?

This is really the conclusion and focal point of this piece and it here is here that I’ll attempt to render my own observations and insights. As always, I force no single truth or my observations on anybody.  There appear to be two distinct camps, rival sides of polarity, in terms of black magic and psychic adversaries having an ability to interfere with an individual. On one side, some contend that a failure to believe in ill-effects from a spell renders the curse useless while others firmly and fervently trust in the process.

Here’s my “two cents worth”.

I believe fully that each of us can be unduly – and sometimes subtly – “influenced” by forces that we cannot detect with our physical five senses, whether good or  ill intent.  Add to that, we have advertising filled with both sigils and secret symbols, which impact each of us without our conscious awareness.  Any name brand product, that gains popularity, enacts a process that few are truly aware of – creation and continued life of a “meme” or “thought form”.  Consider McDonald’s arches for a second and likely your mind will draw an image and/or feeling immediately.  Another good analogy, of a different type of meme,  would be a German man who has watched all of Sylvester Stallone’s movies, albeit only dubbed in German. He gets the chance to meet his idol and is slightly disappointed to see he is only 5″6″ tall, doesn’t carry pearl handled revolvers nor chew a matchstick.  Globally there are literally millions of Sylvester Stallone fans (in varying degrees), who arrive at his films with certain expectations. This is the meme, which was\is established and maintained solely by the thought energy of the “fans”.

My conclusion is quite simple and you are obviously not obligated to accept it.  Based on my own studies,  the key to at least lessening a negative force that is directed against you and has a detrimental or unwanted effect,  is one’s own vibration. … essentially the mood that we maintain.  If we slip into a negative emotional cycle, for whatever reason,  the “spell” or attack  is a sympathetic vibration to our lowered emotional state.  Additionally, I believe this can be manipulated through both intent and through technology.

The key is is to clear, when we detect ourselves slipping into dark waters.  The methods for this are numerous.  Readjust by taking time out from everything and engage in high vibration activity.  My favorite is using laughter, so one of my tools for coping is taking time to watch comedians.  Some “attacks” may serve to exacerbate a present condition like a headache or flu-like symptoms.  Another area of concern, which is prevalent in most spiritually-aware people,  is our compassion, empathy and sympathy for any living breathing being in pain.  As a consequence, I would suggest limiting one’s exposure to MSM and their “interpretation” of global events.  There is much more to this “infotainment” than meets the eye…. literally.

A final suggestion is to take regular showers or baths –  or when you feel unusual discomfort – and include a pinch of salt.  I can determine when a bad headache is fully internal or is being “assisted” by an outside force and that is simply to immerse my head under the salted water.  More often than not, the pain quickly fades away if the headache isn’t very intense.  When it is migraine level, standing under a strong and pulsing hot shower will sever the connection from outside.  What you’ll most often find is that the headache will seem to bounce around your head, staying for several minutes in one place then switching to another area. To underscore how effective a shower can be,  Robert Bruce’s first action, when he senses an attack, is to quickly hop into the shower. According to him, the flowing and moving water presents a type of dampening field that absorbs and reflects certain vibrations of energy.

If numerous reports and observations from the spiritual community – both modern and ancient – are to be believed,  periods of shifting and intense energy like now provide an ideal medium to speed up our spiritual progress,  through tests and evaluations.  A quote by the present Dalai Llama sums it up succinctly: “The period of greatest gain in knowledge and experience is the most difficult period in one’s life.”

Here’s to the ongoing journey!


Namaste, Nick




The New Intuition

December 6, 2013


Looking at global events unfolding, it is not difficult to see that they are a reflection of what has been taking place within each of us, the micro reflecting the macro.  We can also get a glimpse of energetic polar opposites at play. A recent article suggested that there was an epidemic of mental health problems being reported in growing numbers.  On one side we observe the common cure of a mind or mood altering substance being prescribed while on the other end one minister suggests that it is essentially forbidden to take drugs but rather the individual needed more faith in the Bible and God.  It cannot be denied that there is some type of shifting energy that is affecting all of humanity and it would appear that observing and walking a spiritual path is the essential deciding factor in how this energy impacts on us individually. Each of us finds our own method of energetic transmutation, which often involves increased research into clearing, raising our vibration or defense.

So where is this energy coming from? An initial surface glance might indicate that this chaotic energy is originating in our reality, due to the actions of a few who control much. It is common knowledge that our financial system is riding a very thin rail, and some claim that this is an indication of the old 3D reality crumbling away to make way for the new. Add to that the recognition of seeded souls and walk-ins, and some  terms including Crystals, Indigos, and Rainbows.  Jennifer Hoffman echoes what many other channels and mediums have been suggesting in that, the Indigos are here to break down the old system, while the Crystals and Rainbows are here to essentially pick up the pieces and begin their specialty – creation or rather re-creation.  Based on the evidence, a strong case could be made for the idea that the “elite” are not only well aware of these souls, but are also cognizant of the incoming energies.  And this is an important point.  From alchemical and magical perspectives, advance awareness of incoming energy allows the practitioner to alter it to his/her benefit.  The bottom line: traumatic events transpiring in our 3D reality are one method that this select group, due to their knowledge and etheric connections, can use to transmute the incoming energy for a variety of reasons and purposes. They are, however, only the “effect” component in the Hermetic Principle of Cause And Effect.

After a period of relative inactivity, our sun has begun to behave in very unusual ways.  Noted alchemist and teacher Jim Self suggests a parallel to upgrading our computer’s operating system is taking place within the sun.  There has been a dramatic increase in both CME’s and X Flares, which some contend all contain both energy and information. If the latter is true, as I believe fully, then each of us are likely undergoing an upgrade to their system, enabling them to energetically “decode” the information.

What is developing is what I refer to as The New Intuition and, just like learning to use an entirely new operating system, on an energetic and spiritual level, we are doing much the same with this new energy.  Is it a coincidence that the sun’s increased activity accelerated with the approach of Comet ISON or that some Ufologists claim they have detected some type of huge craft “floating” around the sun, some with obvious wavy tendrils attached to its surface?  Some suggest that they are responsible for re-programming our sun or altering it in some way, some say for good, some say for ill intents.  I would contend, based on my own research, that our sun also serves as a portal between different vibrating realities, and can capture and re-direct energy sent from what is often called the Central Sun.  The energetic changes to our 3D reality are inevitable so long as our sun continues to act as a portal.

Last Saturday, I hosted a show with the delightful Lins Harrison, from The Lins Harrison Show.  One issue we addressed was a recent increase on “invading” thoughts and the need to take very quick action when they arrived. There are numerous sources broadcasting a wide range of energetic emotions and intents, and part of this “upgrade” involves an increased sensitivity to them.  Because of this, it is imperative we find and apply new strategies and defensive measures when we recognize our old tools are no longer assisting to the degree they once were.


This short piece is really just a teaser for my upcoming show on Saturday, December 7 @ 5PM EST of the same title as this post.  Events of the last 2 months especially have been highly instructive but the issues I faced not the most pleasant, something that you have encountered as well, if you’re reading this post.  Adding to the emotional component, many face considerable physical discomfort on a daily basis, compounding the emotional. I’ll be exploring some aspects of shamanic traditions including power animals, levels of reality and its view of how important it is to be able to discern when Spirit speaks. Our animals guides, whether they are our totems , messengers or shadows, do not communicate in English; it is considerably more subtle, especially now, but we can learn to become aware of their messages and purpose.  This also includes our communication with Spirit in other forms that may not be verbal either.  What seems to be taking place, based on my own observations, is a very subtle type of direction or suggested action, that results more and more often in some fascinating “coincidences”.  And even the way we are beginning to interpret is subtle, where we begin asking less questions and simply act.  Something of note is clearly taking place within us that we can’t fully describe or conceptualize fully – just yet. This is part of our” upgade” package and is determined by our need and mission of service.  I’ll be including some of my own observations and insights as well as some new tools that you may find of value.

Sorry for the lack of links but my computer is being testy today…. maybe this energy is kicking her butt as well.

Namaste, Nick




Updating Ascension Symptoms

August 29, 2013



This post is really some shameless promotion for my upcoming show on Friday, August 30, where ‘ll be exploring this topic from a number of perspectives.  It would be a significant task to write a post on these new ascension symptoms and rather lengthy so this show is a much better medium for transmission of this type of information.  What really urged me to set this show up had involved Steve Rother and an event that transpired earlier this month. In one of his channeled messages from The Group, he suggested that August 19 was given as day of great significance. You may recall that was roughly two days before the full moon.

On a personal note, I felt this very strongly. I’ve been working on a project, largely in the mental visualization stage, and I was literally overcome, for a number of hours, with a new dimension to this project. My own observation and understanding is that often our migraines revolve around our pineal gland, and are followed by a noticeable level of clarity in communication with Spirit. One of the symptoms listed by a few researchers indicates an increased level of self talk. This aspect is highly significant and can be accompanied by a shifting of the discomfort to other areas of the brain, including brow and third eye.

I do not push any of my views on anybody or claim to be the only one who knows “the truth”. But it cannot be denied that our bodies are taking a pounding and we can often physically see changes taking place in our personal realities including, of course, sometimes letting go of people from our lives. It can and is unsettling at times, with that tinge of guilt that often seems to be riding on the coat tails. Even activities we once found enjoyable or stimulating – as near as even 6 months ago – no longer seem to hold our interest and we may go through periods where absolutely nothing holds our interest for very long. The result can be a feeling of intense restlessness. While I don’t force any views on anybody, these are observations that have been made from all over the globe, so clearly something of importance is taking place.

If you do wish to pursue this further, here are some suggested links:

oasis divider


I will also be welcoming a special guest named Carolann Crowley, on Saturday, August 31, who will be sharing her own unique poetry. We’ll be discussing the context of each, as well some of the insights contained within them. It should be an enjoyable and insightful show and hope you can drop by.



As Above, So Below

April 4, 2013

lone man

“For good people to do evil things, that takes religion”.  Steven Weinberger, physicist and Nobel Laureate

Recent events both globally and in my personal life have compelled me to pen this short piece with the hope that it will provide – in the least – some insight into the chaos we see playing out daily.  In many ways, it is an extension and addendum to my short series on The Nature Of Our Reality.  While the initial quote by a Nobel Laureate may indicate this will be an attack piece on religion or religious people, I will state up front this is not the case.  Given the insights shared already in previous articles involving mind parasites, this will play a key role in what I see to be transpiring, not only in our 3D holographic reality but also in 4D, more commonly referred to as the astral. Practitioners of Hermetic Philosophy were well aware that there is a direct correlation between what transpires on the higher vibrating realities and what takes place here, in the “physical” reality – essentially the microcosm reflecting the macrocosm and vice versa.

Carlos Castaneda referred to them as “fliers”, while the early Gnostics coined the term “archons”, with their chief being identified as the Israelite war god Jehovah.  Even Buddhists in the far east were cognizant of inorganic beings who could subtly enter a person’s mind and alter their personality and hence their actions. Each of these associated systems prescribed measures one could take in defense, ranging from emptying one’s mind completely to complicated “mudras” or hand gestures that were said to send these parasites packing.  One thing is certain – the Gnostic were convinced that “salvationist” religions allowed these parasites to implant a type of virus within the physical matrix, with an attachment to what are sometimes termed as “jinn”.  One must objectively ask how it is possible that a person who allegedly follows the teachings and example of The Christ can commit heinous acts that would turn Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot green with envy? As we’ll discover in this article, what is transpiring in the astral at present is a mirror to the chaos we see taking place on our living earth.

It must be understood that there is a long-term plan that was set in motion thousands of years ago for the complete subjugation of the human species. While Zionists will continue to cry “fake”, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion lays out this blueprint in detail. Without committing himself too fully, when asked about the veracity of these protocols, Henry Ford could only remark the following:

“The only statement I care to make about the PROTOCOLS is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. THEY FIT IT NOW.”

In fact, however,  he was so convinced of their authenticity that he personally paid to have almost 1/2 million copies printed and distributed, including printing portions in his own newspaper.  Additionally, Albert Pike, a top Mason and “Illuminati” in America in 1871 penned a letter to his superior in Europe, which described the purpose and proposed outcome for 3 World Wars. Of particular note to us, in the present day, is his description of World War 2:

“The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.”

Remember, this was written almost half a century before this second great war.  Has the outcome “predicted” by Pike become reality? Either he was a great seer or he had access to information that was kept extremely secret.  Now also consider the state of Israel in present day. Even “holocaust” survivors are mortified at the lack of humanity and outright cruelty displayed by the IOF towards Palestinians. And yet, salvationist religions like Catholicism and Christianity hold “Jews” to be special and “chosen” and continue to turn a blind eye to the suffering and torment visited on Palestinians.  To add a further twist to complicate this enormously, a recent study by Israeli-American geneticist Eran Elhaik contends that the vast majority – up to 80% – of those who call themselves Jews are not descendants of the patriarch Abraham but are, rather, European Khazars, whose ancestors chose to convert to the Judaism several centuries ago.

Where does this leave the denizens of Israel? If we look to the Torah, Pentateuch or Books of Moses, the covenant said to be created between Abraham and Yahweh/Jehovah in Genesis 17 clearly identifies that his “seed” or direct descendants would inherent the promised land, not merely followers of that religion. Once again, where does that leave the inhabitants of Israel? It is well beyond the purview of this piece, or indeed my place, to answer such a question. Israel is a strong state with almost incomparable patriotism that is established firmly. Despite the above information, the reality is that Israel is a thriving nation state that has overcome numerous obstacles to remain intact.

There is a further consideration that must be acknowledged, however, that involves Judaism and its offshoots of Islam and “Christianity” and it deals with “End Times” prophecies that have Israel playing a pivotal role.  Jews believe that their messiah will arise in Jerusalem, while, ironically enough, Christianity contends that this same being will be the “anti-Christ”, known as “Ad-Dajjal” to the Muslims. Many Christians believe that followers of Judaism will convert to their savior – Jesus – and yet John Hagee, founder of “Christians United for Israel” (CUI) has stated that all humans MUST accept Jesus to enter heaven…. except Jews.  Clearly, there is some type of disconnect that has occurred here and I contend it has absolutely nothing to with Jews, Christians or Muslims in general.  I would suggest, instead, that it has everything to do with the “mind parasites”, the “archons” who are controlling the minds and bodies of  their ensalved hosts.

Recall that I have written at length about “soulless beings”, “tainted souls” and “young souls” and this is the crux of my post here.  According to Dr. Joseph Chiapalone,  there are roughly only 8% of the entire world’s population that are “viable”, or capable of completing this ascension journey that many of us are presently engaged in.  He adds that the rest are simply there as background people who have the sole task of complicating the process and are essentially serving these inorganic entities  by undertaking the tasks that a rational individual, with a modicum of conscience, would consider heinous. I reference the initial quote by Steven Weinberger. Is it possible that those caught up in salvationist religions are being duped into taking actions that are not only anti-human but also directly contradict the core teachings and beliefs of their respective religions?


What we see taking place on a global stage is clearly being directed and imposed by those whom we consider to be the “elite”.  All of these conflicts center on acquisition of both resources and energy and this is where I suggest there is a direct correlation between “above” and “below”.  In 3D, the pursuit for acquisition is relentless and ruthless.  Even – and especially – the financial system based on debt, displays this aptly with the recent developments in both Cyprus and even in places you’d least expect like Canada. In order to maintain this artificial system, more and more money “energy” is being confiscated by the bankers just to maintain their illusion of wealth and control and it will prove futile. Many who study what is transpiring have openly stated this, as well as many other observations that are chillingly frightening. In times past, like WW1 and WW2, the solution has been to initiate wars, where the average human suffers while the “elite” reap rich rewards by funding and aiding  each side. And this is a crucial point in understanding and comprehending their “game plans”.

Often, we are presented with false paradigms through the MSM. When an unfavorable or unpopular action is taken by a government, inevitably we see a token group of elected officials pretend to stand up and oppose it/them. The reality – and my key point here – is that these are almost always simply a show for the public.  The most obvious must be the present US president, who rode to victory on lofty campaign promises, even received a Nobel Peace Prize, on a platform of change and transparency, protection for whistle blowers and numerous other “promises” that can now be seen as empty words.

What relevance does all of this have to “above and below”?

The inorganic entities, the mind parasites, require considerable energy in order to survive. Ever wondered why Jehovah’s first three “commandments” involved him/it solely? This being had an opportunity to set in place a series of laws that could be used to ensure equality, dignity and tolerance among all peoples and yet its/his first three rules involves worship and praise of it/him. In that light, does this sound like the actions of an omnipotent and omni-benevolent deity to you? Or does it appear that this being may have insecurity issues or perhaps, NEEDS the energy of its followers to survive, as observed by Buddhists, Gnostics and Hermeticists?

Many contend that the constant wars and acts of barbarity committed on a daily basis are in actuality, a type of sacrifice that serves the agenda of the controlled puppets, leaders and business tycoons, as well as nourishes these mind parasites.  From the parasites’ perspective we are both resources and energy sources. Another component to add here comes courtesy of Dr. Chiapalone and it is mind boggling.

He contends that this entity known as Jehovah/Allah/ Yaldabaoth was captured and imprisoned in 1999. The very idea is outrageous…isn’t it? Consider the pace of these atrocities, committed solely to benefit the “elite”,  since then and it could be suggested that something of great – and grave – importance has taken place. In the banking industry alone, it appears nobody has the answers to “solve” the urgent ongoing financial crisis except to continue to pound the square peg in the round hole, while telling the world, through their owned MSM, that continuing their actions, at an increased pace, will solve the problem. Taking the time to listen to real experts like Gerald Celente, Max Keiser and Mike Rivero will show a completely different side and reality…. there is no 11th marble.

Based on my research and conversations with my own guides, there is another, much more compelling reason for the drastic and frenzied activity of the “elite”.  Some claim that there is a type of cosmic treaty that allowed the forces of these parasites – the “archons” – to control this planet and its inhabitants for a set period of time.  This time is fast approaching. Ironically, many Christians are well aware of this cosmic agreement but, like the dual “fallen angels” deception propaganda, “the devil” is none other than their own corrupted “god”.  Revelations talks about this “fall”, allegedly involving “Lucifer”, but it has been revealed that this name was created by Jerome purposely in his translation work we know as the Latin Vulgate. Similarly, “satan”, with a small “s”, in its original meaning in the original texts, referred to a human being and not a celestial entity.  What has transpired, however, is the creation of thoughtforms which the energy parasites have used as an outer covering, much like they do with “soulless beings” – humans born without a Divine Spark – which allows them to receive energy from their followers and also direct their actions.  Feel free to disagree with this until the end of time but consider this:

When you read the Bible/Torah and “Satan”,  “Lucifer” or “the devil” is mentioned, observe their actions, And then, read about the demands and commands of Yahweh/Yaldabaoth to its supplicants. There is hardly a comparison for maliciousness, perversity and genuine evil.

A quick note here regarding the alleged prophecies, as detailed in Revelations and Daniel especially. These were all dreams and visions, where the symbology is only fully understood by the dreamer. Unless one has a comprehensive knowledge of dream interpretation,  all attempts at interpretation of these dreams are both useless and dishonest. Also consider that within “Christianity”, there are said to be close to 38,000 different variants or denominations, each believing that only their interpretation is the “correct” one.


It may appear that this article has taken a ride, with the vehicles being observations and events that are widely varied and have no connection to each other. I will attempt to sum up, based on the facts at hand, but I will refrain from drawing any conclusions for you.

As the title states, the Hermetic axiom of “As above, so below” recognizes that whatever actions take place on a higher vibrating reality will be mirrored on a lower. This is an essential component to the man-made “Law of Attraction” system, which incorporates this principle and yet fails to include other, equally crucial universal principles like Polarity and Rhythm.

In our 3D reality, it appears that Zionist Israel, fueled by a belief in superiority over all other humans, is the central focus. In fact, the Talmud teaches that Jews are as far above “goyim” as “goyim” are above ants. This belief was alleged to have come from their own tribal deity Yahweh/Jehovah through their “sages”.  The Gnostics considered this entity to be an inorganic being that could not survive without the energy created by humanity and that salvationist religions were its major resource to obtain that. Consider how angered “god” became, prior to the deluge, because his creations were not worshiping it/him.  I would suggest that the energy that it/he had counted on was being absorbed by other “gods” and its/his solution was a global flood to kill everything and everyone, except one select group that it/he knew would continue to supply the needed energy. Additionally, the amount of suffering created by this alleged flood would be a rich food source.

In these religions, there is a very obvious mindset that we, as humans need some type of “savior” to save us. In close parallels, we see the “elite” employ the action/reaction/solution where the very ones who created the problems, would have us believe that only they can save us.  Of additional note, and another distinct parallel, we also have groups like the Galactic Federation of Light, who promise to be our saviors.  Sananda claims that 144,000 humans are imbued with the Christ essence (singling out a solitary “special” group; sound familiar?) and, when they arrive, will save us from the nasty “elite” and usher in an new Golden Age, with them as our teachers and directors.  To me, it is quite evident that the same intelligence and play book is being used in both dimensions.

It must be understood, additionally, that there is ample evidence to suggest that these same “elite” control both sides of any major event or issue. For example, it is no secret that the Rothschild banking cartel financed both Hitler and the allies during WW2. Today we see the same play being enacted with token individuals appearing to be at odds, when in fact they are controlled by the same group. This has also been glaringly obvious in the US government, where both sides are owned by the same “lobbies”. More recently, the OPPT has emerged with claims that the “elite” have been foreclosed on. Very odd that their “new” financial system will utilize not only the same courts which the “elite” control but also the same imaginary money that was created out of thin air.

In the astral, these parasites are well aware that their time is at an end and are striving to grab as much as possible before that transpires and they can move on to other realities and worlds to do the same. In this 3D reality, we see the same type of frenzied activity by big business, to the point where the “powers that were” are desperately attempting to get all they can. It is no secret the world economic system is on its last gasp and they have thrown caution to the wind. I reference the recently approved Monsanto bill, written by Monsanto and passed in Congress, that essentially makes it impossible for them to be held liable for any of their actions. Additionally, regard the very controversial issue of gun ownership, where hoaxes like Sandy Hook, which was planned well in advance like 911, are fed to the public with obvious signs of deception.  The UN also recently passed a small arms treaty, which has the potential to eliminate the 2nd Amendment and strip Americans of their right to defend themselves and their loved ones against a tyrannical and paid-for government with an allegiance only to the money changers.

The fear, terror, pain, desperation and outright hate  being stirred up is ambrosia to these parasites. And this isn’t just being done en masse, but on a personal level. Those humans with a spark of the true Divine Creator within them are now definite targets, especially if they have the potential to wake up the sleeping souls.  I underwent over a week of sustained attack that has left me feeling great emotionally and spiritually but my body feeling like I’d gone 10 rounds with Steven Seagal.  And because of this attack, I have gained some extremely valuable insight, not only about how these parasites and their slaves operate but also have been forced to implement new defensive strategies which allow me to continue my training and research…. essentially allowing me to continue on the path to fulfilling my small role within the Divine Plan.

The biggest insight was a much more comprehensive understanding that all of these groups – religious, political, business and ET – share the same play book, although their methods may differ slightly. And it is all about acquisition of both resources and energy.  In the astral, they are panicking to get as much as they can, and in the physical the same thing is transpiring and the sanctity of life is not even a consideration.


I will conclude with one singular insight that you can receive or leave, as you please.  These mind parasites, like governments, work slowly. When they find a weakness, they will initially nudge it gently until there is resistance and then appear to withdraw.  In my case, I realized that part of this  “back door” was – believe it or not – my compassion for humanity. I review the news on a daily basis and a day doesn’t go by where there isn’t blatant evidence of wrongdoing by the “1%” and acts committed against helpless humans by those with superior strength. If one has, in the least, compassion, it is easy to even momentarily get “lost” and wish for harm or “justice” of some form on the perpetrators.  While it may be only momentarily, they understand fully that at some point, we may not clear those negative thoughts. And this gives them the back door entry that they slowly or quickly build upon.

It is essential to keep in mind that we each play a role, including – and especially – the victims of such acts. We may understandably weep or swear at loss of life or injury but always remember the Hermetic principle of Cause and Effect. In magic, we learn that we first seek the effect we wish to create and then form our workings around how to achieve the desired result. If one regards integrity as a crucial element in the process, as I do, then it is essential I am VERY aware of all the possible effects that will be created by my magical working.  This is, quite frankly, the greatest weakness that both the astral masters and human slaves have to contend with.

Several years ago, as an example, the US financed a coup in Venezuela to oust Hugo Chavez, after failing miserably to close Venezuela’s major oil refinery through sabotage and a massive strike.  He was kidnapped and brought to a secret location, while the finance minister went on live TV to declare himself the new president. Unknown to the US and its puppets was that Mr. Chavez was already aware of the plot and took actions in secret. On the day of the kidnapping, he had secretly hidden a large contingent of special forces within the Presidential Palace.  Chavez plainly told his captors that either they release him unharmed or his forces would execute every member of the coup within the palace. He was airlifted to front lawn within 2 hours safely. What was revealed was the extent that the US was covertly supporting the opposition and then it became known globally, but more importantly, by the Venezuelan people. The effect – removing Chavez – did not succeed, despite the “brilliant think tank” that was behind the planning and implementation.  They did not consider anything other than success in their arrogance and it drastically set back their foreign policy not just in Venezuela but in South America. More recently, the events at Sandy Hook – the “official” story – makes a sieve look solid.  They are seeking an effect but fail to factor in the other possible effects, as a result of the “cause”. And now, it is revealed that it was to be used as type of 911 to remove guns from the hands of American citizens, which had been planned years in advance.

My point is simple. Remember that the puppets of these parasites are desperate and desperate people miscalculate. They own each side to any major issue that has the potential to divide the populace.  Divide and conquer has been a tactic of despotic rulers since recorded history began. It may have an altered outer package and mouthpiece but it is, undoubtedly, the same old, same old.

Don’t harden your heart to injury or the despair or pain of others but try to keep in mind that these acts serve an extremely valuable purpose, especially now that they are clearly going to desperate lengths to succeed in their consolidation of resources and energy – both here and in the astral.  Each time their machinations are uncovered, more people awaken to what is taking place.

Don’t ever lay blame on a group or wish for harm to come to them. Another sneaky method they will use is our language and intent. If we speak of a group or individual in an insulting manner, they can use that as an entry point. In our use of language, we may have derogatory names we assign. Our intent consciously may not be to physically harm that group or individual but we may as well have said those words to their face.  Whether it is said face to face or not,the fact remains that we seek to injure and insult them, if only in a minor and seemingly innocent way. This is VERY important to keep in mind;  in the reverse, if we acknowledge that the act serves a purpose, ask the Creator to send a measure of love or compassion to the individual or group. NEVER send it yourself directly because you run the risk of establishing an energetic connection with them.

Lastly, it is imperative that we continue to “upgrade” our defenses. What was effective last year will not necessarily remain effective as they change their tactics. Ironically enough, the start of this last sustained attack began after co-hosting an excellent show with Brenda Tenerelli, where we discussed this very aspect.

As always, I do not push any viewpoint on you. What I have presented here are observations and evidence, not simply ramblings of my over-active mind. This is a crucial time and it easy to be side–tracked and deceived.  Ensure you have at least one person that you trust whom you can openly discuss issues and events. If not, ask for it. If this is a need, be assured that the need will be fulfilled. Continue to develop your gift of discernment. An easy way to begin actively is to take a news item of interest, draw an initial observation  and then follow the story in its twists and turns. Quite often our initial reaction/assessment will be correct and will be accompanied by some type of sign internally. When you begin to recognize this “sign”, you are well on your way to applying it with almost any issue you read or hear about.

With that, I’ll sign off. I will add, I did have some difficulties in writing this and encountered some unusual problems, forcing me to save and refresh several times. This is highly unusual and I am getting that feeling inside….

Namaste, Nick


The Nature Of Our Reality – Part 3

March 22, 2013




My apologies for the delay in posting Part Three.  My research has taken some fascinating twists in recent weeks and it seems fitting to usher in the energies of  the equinox with a creation, namely this piece.  There are two distinct areas that will be addressed in this article and the next that have had – and continues to have, in some cases – a direct impact on our 3D reality.  One centers on the belief that we are not all alike, that there are some people who seem to be missing something.  It has been further suggested by such well-known individuals as Delores Canon that this “something” that’s missing is a soul.  The second variable, which I’ll explore in Part 4,  involves the use of advanced technology by seemingly primitive people.  The original “Grail” legend actually centered on a stone which fell from the sky and had miraculous powers, similar to some extent as the other infamous example known as The Ark of the Covenant.


At first thought, the very idea that some humans who walk among us are spiritless or soulless seems entirely ridiculous.  What really needs to be explored a bit further is the actual reason for this 3D reality. Why was it created?  We know from both a metaphysical and scientific view that what we can discern with our 5 senses is the result of a collaborative effort of intent and consciousness, forming matter through vibration.  If one wishes to maintain that this reality is the result of a single deity, they are free to do so, obviously…. but that belief turns a blind eye to new knowledge and wisdom that is being reaped and shared.  In any case, we can agree that an equally important – if not more important – question must be to consider why it was made.  An understanding of this question of “why” can be found in several ancient belief  and magical systems.  Unfortunately, for varying reasons, most westerners don’t take the time to examine the texts and writings associated with eastern thought and religion.

As mentioned in previous articles, I have a tendency to give more credence to wisdom shared, where kundalini is a factor.  From the far east, to the snows of Siberia, the mystery schools of the Mediterranean to the sorcerers of the Americas, each group was proficient in the use of the “serpent power”.  The Gnostics also recognized the great power of kundalini, and through their own efforts came to conclusions that were similar to the Hindus, Buddhists and Hermetics.  Their answer is that this holographic illusion of solidity was a place of teaching, learning and balance. It was not created for the benefit of “gods”… it was created to serve the needs of the souls who incarnated into human hosts.  This belief is, naturally, in direct opposition to what most western religious people assume, namely that this entire reality is both made and owned by a single “god”.

It is essential to know that there are always alternative perspectives to consult on any given topic or issue.  The Gnostics had a wholly “heretical” view on the nature of the soul, one of the many reasons early “Christianity” sought to destroy all evidence of this very empowering idea and its adherents.  They believed that many souls incarnated now are direct emanations of Primal Source and their true origins is the “pleroma”, essentially the highest level of reality.  Why is this significant? Because they believed that all of the “gods” were not only pretenders but created by entities that were created AFTER us.  Essentially, the soul spark within us is higher on the cosmic food chain than all of the entities posing as gods.

This, again, may well be a difficult concept to accept because it defies what many commonly assume.  Is there any evidence that the ” god” most commonly worshiped in the west is aware of this? Surprisingly, the Bible provides some blatant clues that many are unaware of.  The most obvious, initial  indication of deception occurs in Genesis 1:26:

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness…” 

The deception, of course, is the inherent belief that a single deity created – in the least – man and woman.  Clearly, IT is talking to beings just like IT.  Either creation involved multiple beings or a single entity – these ideas are not compatible nor do they make sense.  Perhaps this was a slip of the pen or a mistranslation… surely there can’t be any  more of these “mistakes”? Alas, there are.  Consider this one, found in the very first book of  the “inerrant word of God” in Genesis 3:22:

And the LORD God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”

Of interest to note is the designation “LORD God” or High God, clearly indicating some type of hierarchal structure. The words alone speak volumes… there was, in the least, great concern because man had now become “like one of Us”.  A final piece to add to this mixture, just in case more evidence is required. Consider this, allegedly spoken while the gods viewed the building of Tower of Babel in Genesis 11:6:

The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.  Come, let US go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”

These are not the thoughts and actions of omnipotent beings.  Let’s add another additional variable that is contradictory, yet highly informative, regarding the Israelite war god Jehovah and the beliefs associated with It. In the writing attributed to Enoch, available online for anybody to explore, we read of  a man who walked and talked with this same god.  Not only that, but this god actually took Enoch for a tour of the “heavens”, which he wrote about extensively.  Central to his writing and of most interest – for the purpose of this article – involves a group of beings known as The Watchers.  Of additional note, this same Enoch is one of only two people who never died a physical death and were taken directly to heaven. Strangely, neither Enoch nor Elijah have a book attributed to them in the Bible, written by them, and yet they accomplished something that is impossible for the rest of us. This is huge! And yet, the writings of Enoch remain heretical and Elijah’s story is told second and third hand.

If we factor in a possibility that Enoch was somewhat honest in recalling the actions of The Watchers, it becomes clearer why his writing emits animosity in many Christian circles.  These were angels who disobeyed “god”  allegedly and had the ability to do exactly the opposite of Enoch and Elijah. Instead of ascending, they “descended” into a physical form, from one of pure energy.  This could be an important variable in terms of what is playing out in this 3D reality.  Why? Enoch wrote that, while Gabriel slew their offspring, the souls of these hybrid entities were trapped in 3D reality – under direct orders of Lord God – and apparently still have the power to interfere directly.

Of final note, regarding The Watchers, one must consider the source and the potential for bias. Demonizing, destroying and vilifying both ideas and individuals that somehow angered their god has been a common occurrence with the believers in the god Jehovah/Yahweh. That statement is backed by facts and evidence and cannot be denied.  If these Watchers – claimed to be “angels” –  were created initially to be essentially the mediators between the realms and silent guides of humanity,  what could have forced them to “rebel”? Enoch claims it was predominantly lust but I would submit an entirely different set of reasons.  These angels became aware of the plans the gods had for humanity and took steps to help humanity defend itself.  It was love  for- not lust of – humanity that compelled them to take the unprecedented step of essentially losing their divinity as energetic beings to live life as a mortal, with a finite life span. No small decision, either way it is viewed.

With that said…

If we understand that this reality is truly created as a school yard, then lessons and learning must play a major role.  Seldom are nuggets of wisdom obtained without significant effort.  This suggests that there must be some type of force or energy that is designed to oppose us in our goals. Hermetic Philosophy states that this reality is based on polarity and this truth is readily evident. Often, we are given the illusion that we have only one of two choices – “support them or support us”, Coke or Pepsi, McDonald’s or Burger King, Apple or Microsoft.  In terms of this affecting us on a more personal level,  we contend with “right or wrong”, “truth or deception”, “friend or foe”, “black or white”.  Our perspective is entirely unique, obviously based on many factors but we each determine our personal truths.  The nature of this learning comes in many forms and many have seen their entire life literally torn apart, to realize in hindsight how valuable that incident truly was for them. Many believe, myself included,  that the greater the “catastrophe” the greater the need for change, in terms of the person’s life direction.  The Dalai Lama summed it succinctly, regarding these “life tornadoes”:

“The period of greatest gain in knowledge and experience is the most difficult period in one’s life.”

The point here, once again, is that there must be something or someone – or more – that provides the means for this to occur.  Essentially, there has to be individuals who play the “bad guy”.  If you’re on a spiritual path in service to the Light, how likely is it that you would agree to purposely harm another sovereign being, for any reason, let alone so they’ll “learn their lesson”?  I think it self evident, you would not even consider it.  So if your group of friends are in service to the Light, and you know there are numerous others globally with non-violence as a central pillar in their perspective life philosophies, who is going to be doing all the “bad” stuff?

Several suggest that not all humans possess a spark of the Divine Creator.  Dr. Joseph Chiapalone contends some incarnating souls are actually property of their respective “gods” that are harvested immediately after physical death. He further claims they are then” recycled” as needed.  You can listen to an excellent 45 minute interview, entitled “The War To End All Evil” , where he outlines in detail this concept.  Kyle Griffith, in his 1988 book “War In Heaven”, concurred and further added that the “gods” like Yahweh and Allah were, in reality, a group consciousness posing as a single being.  He called this group the “Theocrats” and they consist of soul fragments who have made some type of agreement to give ownership of their soul spark to an entity, after physical death.  Their opposition, known as the Invisible College, represents and is comprised of “free” souls, who have made no bargain or agreement with the pretender gods.

In the camp of the Theocrats, we find a host of potent weapons that have allegedly been controlling major world events.  Common sense dictates that if there is “evil” within our reality, there must be a source for evil… there must be some type of mechanism that can impact directly in this reality.

Organic beings, spiritless beings, soulless beings, Matrix Agents….. these are all terms that have been coined in an attempt to understand how very low vibration actions can be taken, without any apparent regard for conscience or empathy.  One belief that is shared by many is that there are humans, walking among us who have no souls, have tainted souls or are being influenced directly – as in possession.  Some, like Dr. Chiapalone, estimate that there may well be almost half of humanity which falls into the category of “opposition”, in relation to those on the ascension path.

If this is a possibility, the ramifications are extensive. With no soul, for example, their is no need for spiritual lessons because the 3D consciousness is dissolved in the astral after death. Some sources suggest that karma does not apply to these entities. Additionally, and of particular interest, is that spiritless beings do not have functional higher chakras, and traits like empathy and compassion are largely absent.  Often, they have a very polished exterior and well skilled at feigning emotions like compassion but these are merely props. They’re not here for spiritual advancement, they are here to simply survive, and devoid of higher awareness, they are masters.  Many also claim that these shells provide the transportation for the consciousness of entities not native to this reality, who then can interfere directly.

According to one source, listed below, there is another predominant group among humanity, a group known as “young souls” or ” souls that are still asleep”.  There is an interesting dynamic that becomes evident in the common belief of “cause and effect” when one views events on a world stage.  A firm understanding of this principle, in terms of what we wish to manifest in magical workings, is essential… if one employs integrity.  A good allegory would be the “fine print” attached to many legal renderings. It is imperative not only that one is fully aware of the effect they wish to create, but also able to articulate EXACTLY the effect to be created. There is evidence of many types of magic and manipulation in use in this reality.  In specific terms, as a relevant and current example, consider what is taking place in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. on the heels of manipulated and corrupted “colour revolutions” that left nations in turmoil with simply a different face to the tyranny that ruled. In these two other countries, however,  an effect has been achieved that does not bode well for the “opposition”. Instead of being intimidated, knowing full well the potential for death – or worse – was quite possible, they continue to show up to protest.  As in the brutal treatment of the Palestinians, there is still a growing energy that is igniting awareness worldwide.  People are waking up.  The point is that, while the intention of violence was for suppression and intimidation, it had an unintended effect of making people more  aware.  Consequently, the idea of souls still being asleep, with the potential to awaken, may hold considerable merit, if world events are any indication.


As with all things in this series, I do not push any perspective or philosophy on anybody nor do I seek to draw any absolute conclusions.  If we are truly here on a soul journey, with earth as our school, then common sense dictates that this reality would be set up accordingly, including forces and/or energy whose purpose is/are to obstruct or complicate the process. Hermetics debated their “Grand Paradox” and it has significant relevance, for the purposes of this article. It consisted essentially of this idea:  It is understood that the true “US” was the soul spark contained within a human shell. And yet…. because of this body, our only option for survival was to live and move through this reality.  As a consequence – and the paradox –  we know we are the soul spark but are forced to act and react as if this 3D was our true reality and the outer shell our true selves.

For additional reading on spiritless entities:



The story of the creation of Ganesha contains elements that are mirrored in the Bible. The account in Genesis 2, of how “god” used dust or clay to create Adam is identical to how Parvati “birthed” Ganesha. The myth claims that Parvati wished to have a guard to stand outside of her bathing area so she wouldn’t be disturbed. Her husband, Shankar, returned home one day and was barred from entry by a new, little god he’d never seen. In anger, Shankar used his trident and cut off the god’s head. When she saw her creation laying lifeless, Parvati was in anguish. Shankar sent his men out to find the head but it seemed to have disappeared.  Hearing that, he told them to cut the head off of the first creature they saw and bring it to him.

Here is where two distinct versions or interpretations occur and this is the focus of this short final addition. In one version, Shankar encounters an elephant-headed demon and cuts his head off… while another claims it was just a regular elephant that had its head cut off. So, the elephant head of Ganesha is either from a demon or an elephant.  In the west, we would likely see an enormous contradiction. After all, this god is highly revered as the remover of obstacles but one can’t write off the belief that a demon’s head adorns this god.  Should this make a difference?

While I may focus on the writings of the “abrahamic” faiths, I do so because those are the ones that most dominate western society and thought. With roughly 38,000 denominations of “Christianity”, the determining factor deals solely with interpretation of their sacred or holy text.  A demon’s head attached to their god would be unimaginable, further cementing the belief that all other religions – like Hinduism – is mere myth, while their’s is whole truth.  Meanwhile, a Hindu has no problem with the demonic connection and would suggest that because their’s is much older than the cobbled-together western religions, it has more merit, in terms of veracity and historicity.

It cannot be denied that the greatest force moving world events today is religiously motivated.  And it is no secret that it appears most western leaders have an undying loyalty to Israel and Zionism, often making decisions and taking actions that do not benefit the taxpayers or citizens but only that one country. Why? For any person, expecting a career in politics, it has been an unspoken rule that they must be “Christian” in some way.  There is some left over genetic residue that continues to motivate people, based on  belief in their particular god and a natural trust of those who claim the same ideals. We have religious leaders, with a huge audience base, claiming to be messengers of this god Yahweh and yet present messages and sentiments that are both non-biblical and non-Christian. John Hagee, the Zionist’s champion, is the peddler of Christian-Zionism and states that all humans MUST give their souls to “god” to enter heaven…. everyone except those who identify themselves as Jews. This is totally contrary to the teachings of Christ and even the apostles like Paul. Pat Robertson, last year, openly stated to his listeners that he condoned and encouraged assassinating the duly-elected leader of a foreign sovereign nation, one Mr. Hugo Chavez. Prohibition against  murder is supposed to be one of the greatest commandments ever given by this god, so how is it possible that a messenger of this same god can so easily disregard a command? Additionally, is there not another belief that world leaders are put in their positions by god personally?

The single most decisive factor that is fueling conflicts in the middle east is centered on religious differences and alleged promises by a god to an individual a few thousand years ago.  The story goes that Yahweh gave the entire land to Abraham and his descendants. Based on recent scientific developments, this creates an enormous problem.

What if it was discovered that up to 80% of those who identify as “Jews” have no genetic connection to Abraham? According to Dr. Eran Elhaik, an Israeli-American geneticist, this is exactly the scenario we face today.  The land of “Israel” was supposed to be for the descendants, the “seed” of Abraham, not simply followers of a belief in the same god. It must also be mentioned that the belief in a 6,000 year old earth comes from the writings of this group, found in the Book of Jubilees. For all intents and purposes, the majority of western “Christians” regard Jews as being the “chosen people”, by right of their descending from Abraham.  If the recent discovery by Dr. Elhiak and his team of geneticists is factual, where does that leave the denizens of Israel?

My intent is not to demonize any group or religion. My point is to focus on the apex of all of this confusion – the god known as Jehovah/ Yaldabaoth/Yahweh. One cannot state that this god is the creator of all and yet has absolutely nothing to do with what we define as evil. This is conveniently transferred to the created thought forms of “satan”, “Lucifer” and “the devil”.  The origin of the term “satan” alone would be a rather lengthy post in itself. I will add that, in its original usage, it was used by kings and priests to denote a human being… not any type of celestial entity.  When one reads the demands of this being, as detailed in the so-called Books of Moses,  there can be no doubt it is both the originator and instigator of evil.  Just a small curiosity here… Leviticus is alleged to have been written by Moses. How is it possible, then, that it details his own death? He didn’t write it obviously, so who did?

One final point and the crux of this short addition. The Gnostics believed that the Israelite war god Jehovah was an impostor that had the ability to implant a type of etheric virus into It’s supplicants. Carlos Castenada contends a similar thought, referring to it as the “foreign installation”. In either case, it is a type of energy that can be implanted in a  human’s energetic matrix that is directly connected to the pretender gods, referred to as “archons” or “flyers”.  It was – and is –  believed that this implanted virus could taint regular thinking, eliminate  critical thinking and reasoning and allow individuals to commit heinous acts, free of guilt. Why? Because it was somehow sanctioned by this “god” or It’s alleged messengers and therefore, acceptable behavior.

It’s time to confuse the issue even further and hopefully shed some light on the core issue of the one known as Jeshua/Jesus/Christ.  This is extremely significant, as it pertains to the reality around us and the effects of these Abrahamic beliefs, based on one central deity. Various schools of thought have varying ideas as to what or who this enigmatic being actually was. Some sects of Gnosticism believed the “Christos” to be the counterpart of the aeon Sophia, the entity that is earth’s soul. Others believe that the initial and true “Trinity” consisted of Father, a Mother they called “Barbelos” with their son being Christ. Still others believe  that the Christos energy is not a soul spark/entity as we typically think, but rather something much more significant. In fact, alchemists like Jim Self contend that there 13 “Christed Worlds” scattered throughout the many realities and planes of creation. In any event, many understand that the Christ Essence or Christ Light is something of great significance.

Here is a further suggestion: This Christ Essence incarnated as a human to counter the effects of Jehovah/Yahweh. It is no secret that those who studied Judaism, and hence followers of Jehovah, hated him intensely, as can be seen in their writings, especially the Jerusalem Talmud. They refer to his mother as a whore, Jesus as the illegitimate product of a sexual liaison with a Roman soldier, and that presently, he is boiling in a cauldron of hot excrement.  I am not making this up… this can be read and studied and verified. Rev. Ted Pike has spent years exposing the true face of Zionism, including articles on the Talmud, which is often referred to as Judaism’s holiest text.

This post has centered on the possibility that there are people among us who are not here for spiritual advancement. It has been seen, also, that devotees of this god Yahweh are capable of heinous and horrendous acts and they believe that their god is the Divine Creator. Can you see how maybe, some of the ideas mentioned in this post like “sleeping souls”, tainted souls or soulless beings could possibly play the role of adversity, and should we add, “evil”?

Thanks for dropping by.








The Nature Of Our Reality – Part One

February 19, 2013

“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force… We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”  Max Planck, theoretical physicist and originator of Quantum Theory

Building A Foundational Simulacrum

The word “simulacrum” refers essentially to a likeness or representation of something, and it  took on a new religious meaning around the 16th century.  Since then, one aspect of the definition deals with “copies” of deities, angels and other celestial entities.  As a starting point, in examining the nature of our reality, it is essential to build a foundation that eventually leads to an overall structure – one that is based on numerous sources and in the process uncover  distinctly non-human connections to the chaos we see transpiring daily.

To form this foundation, I reference the above quote by the eminent Max Planck, a man I place in the same genius category as his contemporary Tessla. He states that  whatever is behind or controlling the reality we experience, it is both conscious and intelligent and “…is the Matrix of all matter.”  For many, this resonates as truth and it is true – to some extent.  However, how many times have you heard gurus say, “Change your thoughts and you can change your reality“? If this crucial component is added to Planck’s observation, a whole new world of possibilities opens up.  Instead of simply a  creator god(s) allegedly shaping everything in this reality, it should be obvious that we also have the same ability to alter our reality. It is because of this one aspect that examining the nature of our reality becomes a daunting  task and fortunately we have some guidance from the ancients to assist us.

This series of articles will hardly be comprehensive due to the vastness of the subject matter.  Instead, it will have a central focus that will unveil, in a nutshell, how our reality is affecting those of us on a spiritual journey.  As a launch point, I’ll pose the following observations, which will allow several avenues of exploration to open.

Our reality – all those things which we can detect with our 5 physical senses – is the product of consciousness, which in turn is responsible for the varied vibrations based on intent. In its creation/continued existence, both human and non-human minds (creator gods) play a role.

 Laws of Physics and Universal Principles

If we establish a foundation for exploration based on the above stated observation, then a quick question must be asked and have received a satisfactory answer:  Aren’t there some restrictions in place limiting how much a given reality can be altered?  In 3D, a entire branch of science is devoted to the study of our physical reality called physics.  With the advent of the Renaissance,  great thinkers arose and established many laws that were immutable and ruled how our reality was arranged and configured.  An obvious observation is that all matter is subjected to specific conditions – rules essentially – that govern its formation, life and eventual “death”.  From a more spiritual perspective, we know that death is not the end but rather a transformation process.

Of interest to seekers would be a perspective that is ancient in origin and yet easy to comprehend and apply, with sufficient determination applied obviously.  Many of the ancient mystery schools had initiations that were similar and involved a comprehension and understanding of Universal Principles.  The most widely accepted by occult circles has been based on Hermetic Philosophy and understandable so.  These principles are not revealed to the student simply to understand the nature of our reality…  they were clearly defined rules that were crucial to the success of magical workings and alchemical operations.  Because of this, it is important to examine them briefly to flesh out our foundational simulacrum.

Universal Principles of The Kybalion

1) Principle of Mentalism“The ALL is Mind; the Universe is mental”   This principle states that all things created originate from the mind of The ALL and enacted through an agency known as SPIRIT, which they considered to be unknowable and undefinable.

2) Principle of Correspondence “As above, so below; as below, so above”  This Principle embodies the truth that there is always a Correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of Being and Life.

3) Principle of Vibration“Nothing rests, everything moves, everything vibrates”  This Principle explains that the differences between different manifestations of Matter, Energy, Mind, and even Spirit, result largely from varying rates of Vibration.

4) Principle of Polarity“Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths”  This principle is used very successfully by groups and individuals, in places of authority, who wish to see tensions rise.  False flags operations, especially in the US, have been shown to elicit essentially two vastly opposing views – those supporting gun ownership and those who have been brainwashed into believing the propaganda and oppose gun ownership. Remember, two sides to every story?

5) Principle of Rhythm –   “Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall”  This principle explains that there is a rhythm in all things created and if you look closely, it can be observed. We see this every day with the predictable rise and fall of our sun. The great Thoth, in his Emerald Tablets, considered the utilization of this principle to be crucial for predicting the future.  By observing the unfolding of events from the past, we can get a reasonably accurate forecast of the future, in general terms at least.

6) Principle of Cause and Effect – “Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.”  It explains that: “Everything Happens according to Law”; that nothing ever “merely happens”; that there is no such thing as Chance.

7) Principle of Gender“Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.”  This Principle embodies the truth that there is GENDER manifested in everything–the Masculine and Feminine Principles ever at work. This is true not only of the Physical Plane, but of the Mental and even the Spiritual Planes. On the Physical Plane, the Principle manifests as SEX, on the higher planes it takes higher forms, but the Principle is ever the same.

As you can see, reality becomes quite complex, when viewed through the added lens of ancient wisdom. In the least, it is comforting to know that, if these principles truly have merit – which I believe fully – then there is some type of order that limits any one entity – aside from The ALL –  from rearranging creation. There are some laws governing our reality that are immutable and cannot be ignored, bullied, bargained with or destroyed.

In summation of Part One, I’ll conclude with an updated observation of our reality, based on all the factors we have on hand.

Our reality and all created matter within it is the result of a conscious force – both human and non-human – that produces substance through intent and vibration.  All created matter is subject to the laws of created things.

In Part Two, we’ll add another crucial element – the involvement of non-human entities.

Namaste, Nick


Cosmic Rhythm and Hidden Hierarchies

September 8, 2012

This article will draw on wisdom and thought from a variety of sources, from both the east and the west.  While the title would lead one to believe there is little in common between the pair, you are about to discover that they are actually integral parts of each other – and the whole.  During the course of this piece, we’ll be consulting eastern mystical texts, Gnostic writings and thought,  Hermetic and Hindu philosophy, as well as mythology, most notably of Greek and Roman lore.  There are threads that bind these all together and can give us an additional tool of discernment when viewing present and even future events.

To establish a foundation to work from, it is essential one has a basic knowledge of Universal Principles from Hermetic thought.  With that in place, we can then begin to explore other avenues which uncover, like an onion, layers upon layers of created beings – essentially, hidden cosmic hierarchies.  Universal Principles include:

1) MentalismAll is mental, everything created originates from the mind of The ALL;

2) CorrespondenceAs above, so below; the micro affects the macro; as within, so without

3) VibrationEverything vibrates; nothing remains motionless

4) PolarityEverything is dual; everything has poles; all truth is but half truth; two sides to every story

5) RhythmEverything flows in and out; everything has its tide; kingdoms rise, kingdoms fall; the pendulum swing manifests in everything

6) Cause and Effect Every cause has an effect, every effect a cause;

7)  GenderGender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.


Put that aside for a moment and let’s establish the parameters for a cosmic hierarchy based on Gnostic thought.  Key to their belief was an entity known as Sophia, who it was said was the the creator or mother of a being they called Yaldaboath, who they further claimed was the Hebrew war god Yahweh/Jevovah.  In their cosmology, the very core of the omniverse – which has been called First Cause, Primal Source or Infinite Being – is known as The ORIGINATOR.  IT awoke and desired to explore Itself in an infinite number of ways and to facilitate these “creator dreams”, IT manifested a group of entities who they referred to as The GENERATORS.  These newly-created beings were tasked with organizing the will of Divine Creator, armed with the blueprint of creation, and in turn created another group of very powerful beings known as The AEONS. According to the Gnostics, the greatest of these was called Sophia, an enigmatic being who was trapped in the earth by her own offspring, clearly displaying an ideological tie with Greek and Roman cosmology.  In their version it is Gaia in that role and there are many today who use the names interchangeably.

The next created group in order are known as The ARCHONS and it is within this category falls the creator gods, ranging from El to Shiva, Yahweh to Odin. Each civilization had/has its own unique god(s) with specific abilities and knowledge. All gods from each religion are essentially Archons, created by a more advanced entity than themselves. They have no past and their entire existence is closely linked to cosmic cycles within this 3D reality. A further point of interest is that the Gnostics believed that kundalini was the only defense against the lies and deceptions of these Archons.

A quick review of the Roman version of the gods will complete the foundation we’ve built on and it is here that we can begin to look at a much larger picture. In the process,  you’ll quickly see the enormous role cosmic cycles  play in the unfolding of a Divine Plan, with stages that clearly display one dominant religious belief among the most powerful nation, at any given time.  Also clearly evident is that there have always been conflicting religious belief systems that often became the victims of God’s “love” at the point of a sword.  My point is that each religion, no matter the source, has risen largely because it had the powerful backing of and control over either the government or the military… or both.


The Romans believed that all things in this reality was formed by the great god Chaos, described by them as a “formless void”.  Its first creation was Gaia, who in turn created – and then married – Uranus and they had many children. They were said to have created powerful beings like the Furies and The Titans,  until she became weary of having to bear so many children.  She appealed to Uranus but it fell on deaf ears and her son Saturn stepped forward to assist. Using his sickle, he emasculated Uranus and then deposed him.  He ruled as king of the gods for what was considered a golden age before being deposed himself by his own son Jupiter.  One variation of this myth contends that Saturn, sometimes called Old Father Time,  traded one of his eyes for the gift of memory, in much the same way Odin obtained his special power.  In any event, this is an important point to keep in mind.

There are a few very fascinating insights within this belief system that are often over looked. In the story, Saturn is deposed by three of his sons, each representing – or specializing in –  a particular element:




The reason that Saturn, the god of time, was deposed is because these three elements were the only ones that time cannot defeat.  This does confirm that even these “high gods” had limitations.  Known to the Greeks as Chronos, I would place him as as type of cosmic “foreman”, who oversees specific aspects of creation as they pertain to time.  For at least an age, he was needed to propel this reality in a specific direction before fading into the sunset.  Just as an aside, Piers Anthony penned an incredibly fascinating collection of books which he entitled his “Incarnations of Immortality Series” that really opened my mind and stoked a lasting interest.  The story involving Chronos, called Bearing An Hourglass,  depicts this god living a timeline in reverse order, ending each incarnation as an infant. For the record, I would highly recommend this collection.

Of further note, the planet Saturn itself has a number of oddities, including dozens of moons, many named after the Titans, children of Saturn. What is even more interesting however, are the strange formations at both the north and south poles. At the north pole, we have an incredible and highly unusual hexagon, with storms blowing around it in a counter-clockwise manner. On the south pole, and just as enigmatic, is another oddity that resembles an eye.  Taken separately, they could easily be overlooked as mere anomalies but together, on the same planet, at opposite poles is highly unusual, you will admit. Not to mention Saturn’s famed rings, on tip of that.

For further clarity and to confirm the importance, a quick exploration of Hindu cosmology is essential, as it pertains to cosmic rhythm and cycles.  As you may well know,  the core is based on a sacred trinity of Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. Each represented and ruled certain “ages” of time in an endless cycle of birth, sustainment and then death, resulting in re-birth and beginning of another cycle.

In the west, many have been programmed to believe that only certain gods are accepted as “real”, and others not associated with their brand of religion are either imaginary or demonic.  What we see on a world stage today is a clash of these belief systems, and by extension a clash of these gods. The Principle of Correspondence tells us that an action on one plane will have an effect on a lower-vibrating plane… and vice versa.  In terms of percentages, it is obvious to anybody who is reasonably informed that there are presently four main groups holding the largest number of adherents.  The first three will be of little surprise to most – Christianity/Catholicism, Islam and Hinduism.  The fourth largest group, that seems to be growing steadily in popularity and numbers, is atheism.  This group, with its unique energy, has only become prominent in the last few decades but has made an enormous impact energetically.  They are literally helping to change the direction of our present timeline by often exposing the status quo with the use of facts and evidence.  Both George Carlin and Bill Hicks were confirmed atheists and yet I regard them as being very spiritually aware.  The mindset and inherent programming of religions has established energy aimed in a specific direction – towards their own “end times scenario” – with their own version/religion overcoming all others and reigning supreme with  their deity(ies).  With the advent of open atheism and even agnosticism, many drew away from their religion in search of answers.  These actions weaken not only the possibility of fulfillment in that timeline but also another, hidden component.

There is a specialized branch of magick that deals with construction of created beings.  The Buddhists call them “tulpas”, while most of us are more familiar with the terms servitors, constructs or egregores.  Whenever a group of people gather together, a type of energetic being is believed to be created.  The Bible, of all sources, provides perhaps one of the better examples for confirmation, if one looks a bit deeper into the magical/energetic component in Jesus’ words in Matthew 18:20:

“Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there will I be also.”

With willed intent, a magician can create a servitor. On the other end of the spectrum, an egregore is formed without willed intent by any group who gathers regularly with a common purpose… although it can be initiated by one who has sufficient wisdom.  As it relates to this article, it is imperative to understand that every belief system has its own unique egregore. In the case of the top three religions of the world, they have had many centuries to form and alter, as each new generation added more detail to the egregore as they refined their own mythology.  What some do believe is that the unthinkable has taken place…. and this holds enormous significance.

It has often been said that while the gods created man, it is equally true that man created the gods. One look at even the variations within Greek and Roman mythology, one can plainly see changes have taken place since its beginning. The “unthinkable” was posited by my friend Tom, over at and it makes considerable sense. In a nutshell, he believes that some of these creator gods, but especially the  one known as Yahweh, have taken over the created thoughtform of themselves – the energetic entity created by the thought energy of its adherents.  An easy comparison is coming into this incarnation believing that our body is the “real” us, and not the soul spark inside. All of the energy expended by followers of that god, as numerous versions, opinions and interpretations added more detail. So, it took this on like a new set of clothes, essentially becoming the egregore.


While history is most often written by the victor, and therefor can be reasonably assumed to be biased, we can still recognize cosmic rhythm at work. In recorded history, in the west, we see the rise of a nation or group, along with its associated belief system and individual gods. For a time, they reign supreme until the pendulum begins to swing in the opposite direction and the kingdom falls into ruin as a foot note in history. Each new cycle, where one group rises to prominence is accompanied by its gods. So not only is the nation growing in strength, but the gods of that nation are as well.  The question must be, then: What happens to those gods and their egregores who are defeated? Asking and answering that question is the crux of this article.

The actual egregore of a god, made by their followers, can deteriorate over time, if not fed sufficient energy. while others can remain in “meme space” for centuries and can be awakened by a new group who knows the activation code and whose core purpose is contained within the construct. As for the gods, they are  created beings who continue to exist, sometimes changing face or name, other times remaining in the background.

As for our present age, many contend that those religions stemming from the Egyptians, Phoenicians, Sumerians and Chaldeans are honoring those gods…. and not Yahweh and Allah.  In Roman mythology, we have the universal mind called Chaos, from which all life sprang, while the Gnostics referred to this intelligence as the Demiurge and were convinced it had been corrupted. Jim Self, alchemist and channel, provides a further point of enormous interest, based on his insight. He states that this universal mind – the cosmic architect of our 3D reality –  began to use its own light/energy to create, instead of using the Divine Creator’s energy. With the source finite, the created gods set up a type of feedback loop of energy from their adherents, which helped to both strengthen and sustain them. With no infusion of Source energy, the energy became contaminated, as described in the Bible in Genesis 6:5:

And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

This certainly does seem to indicate that “God” was being affected directly by the actions of his “children” and not in a positive way. Add to that at least two other occasions where “God” refers to Itself in the plural, both in Genesis 1:26 and 11:6, clearly displaying that It is talking to other beings that are just like It. The point is that there are many entities which comprise the “creator gods” and each are effected by the energy exerted by their respective followers. Proof of this interaction and the actual corruption can be seen in historical events like the Crusades and The Inquisition, where interpretation of “scripture” resulted in a belief that it was Christ-like to actually torture people to death. For anybody reasonably acquainted with the teachings of that entity known as Jesus, violence was not an acceptable form of spiritual expression. How could the church twist his teachings so beyond our recognition as to justify torture and genocide unless…. their real “direction” or guidance was being supplied by another god entirely.

It is believed by some that our modern-day versions of Judaism and its offshoots secretly worship Saturn, the god of time in Roman mythology, as their true God.

To some, that may sound outrageous so all I can do is provide a few variables here that will at least give you pause, before dismissing this idea out of hand. I am not pushing any of this – on anybody – as “the truth”.  If it annoys you to read this, stop reading it. Hopefully, you’ll stick around, though,  for a few more minutes while I detail some facts you may find of interest.

One of my favorite series of movies starred Christopher Lambert in the very popular Highlander role. What we can understand about his existence provides an excellent comparison for your initial consideration. His life follows a pattern of living, pretending to grow old and die, only to move away and start another life with a new identity. Additionally, the hierarchy of any large company changes over time, with specific individuals as the face or representative, who do the bidding of those a level higher on the company ladder. Similarly with governments, the faces we see on the news and in the public eye are only the sales people or representatives of invisible groups of men and women, who work far from public scrutiny. If organizations can be secretive enough to ensure the employees remain unaware of the true agenda of its owners, it stands to reason that the religions most prevalent today may also exercise a similar model? Yahweh and Allah may well be only the “front men” of much darker and more powerful entities.

The Urantia Book is a comprehensive text that details the true complexity of the maintenance and administration requirements to ensure a given reality proceeds on its path to fulfilling its unique role within a greater Divine Plan. While there are large parts of it that I find hard to accept, it outlines a hierarchy of entities and their duties, all leading back to a planetary prince called Michael, claiming him as the Son of God.. The point here is that western religions have a simplistic and unrealistic view of how the universe truly operates, imagining their god, reaching down with a big hand directing all events. In reality, there are numerous creator gods who are necessary for the continued maintenance and administration of this earth and its present timeline.

There are two associated symbols with Saturn that are quite noticeable in the Abrahamic religions. One symbol known as the “Magic Square”, is seen in the Kaaba Stone of Mecca, while some contend that the original version of the 6 pointed star – a hexagram – was associated with Saturn worship.

Consider also the naming of the moons around Saturn and the inclusion of Saturn as one of a series of rockets named after gods. NASA has been aware of the oddities of the planet for a long time, as well as its orbiting Titans. Is it possible they know much more about this mysterious planet than what they have stated publicly?

Although hardly conclusive proof, we must also take into account the fact that each of the Abrahamic religions contains pagan elements and rituals. These have been cleverly packaged and resold but any objective student of history recognizes them for what they truly are – pagan rituals, some having been used for centuries before being “adopted” by these religions. Blowing out birthday candles is an activity few homes have not observed. religious or otherwise. It is, at its core, a refined method of Candle Magic. Essentially, the parent is complicit in sending a tacit message to the child that by making a wish and blowing out a candle, they will receive what they wished for. This is hardly consistent with their Christian message and yet it continues unnoticed. The ritual known as Communion is also well-documented as an ancient pagan practice and the list goes on. As I stated, this is not proof that Saturn is the real “manager” of these Abrahamic religions, but it does display an inclusion of practices, beliefs and rituals that may well be honoring another deity entirely than the one being promoted.

To conclude, I submit that there are many layers to this puzzle of determining essentially who is really “in charge” of those religions most prominent today. If we entertain the idea that the creator gods which are most worshiped today are really only the “front men” for more powerful beings, it would indicate that there is a hidden hierarchy. Some contend that Saturn, as Father Time, is the real controlling power of these religions, while others claim it is the Demiruge or Chaos – the Universal Mind.

What is equally clear is that our future is not written in stone and is not the sole domain of any one belief system. There is a mass spiritual awakening taking place where earnest seekers search for answers that religion has failed to provide. Many are becoming aware of inconsistencies, conflicts and outright deceptions that seems to be inherent to these most popular religions. As a result, we see a refreshing new energy of exploration towards living a spiritual life, as opposed to a religious one. This takes enormous energy away from the direction our present timeline is heading and is literally changing our future.

Namaste, Nick

Mystics, Seers and Their Dark Visions

August 21, 2012

The Devil Is In The Details

There is an enormous body of both written and verbal accounts of individuals who could allegedly predict future events. Those who issue prophecies can be found in practically all civilizations, through our many ages of mankind and involve the near as well as far future of a given group… or humanity as a whole.  Many who are familiar with some, especially if attached to a belief system, would assume that these arrived from their God, through His/Her messenger via some type of psychic process.  Unfortunately, in the age of the internet, where enlightened minds are able to analyze objectively, it is very obvious there are other, more “human” factors which play an equal or  greater role.  Therefor, it is essential to uncover these factors. You will quickly begin to see that, by adding this additional  perspective, underlying “tones” and hidden symbology of prophecies becomes more apparent.

The Kybalion is an ancient text of Hermetic Philosophy and serves as a firm foundation for initiates into  many magical schools and mystery traditions.  Studied intensely and rigorously applied by the likes of Aleister Crowley, it outlines essentially the 7 Hermetic Principles, also known as Universal Principles, which are present on every level of reality.  To begin to unlock some of the mysteries inherent to  prophecies and even arcane texts, a basic understanding of these principles is essential.

1) Principle of Mentalism “The ALL is mind; the universe is mental”  – This asserts that all things in creation emanate from the mind of The ALL, with both Its permission and awareness.  The text is quite explicit in its assertion that if a student cannot grasp this principle, they cannot progress spiritually.

2) The Principle of Correspondence“As above , so below; As below, so above”  –  This states that there is a “correspondence” between events on different realities. What transpires on a higher vibrating reality will be reflected on the lower and vice versa.  A good example can be found in the methodology involved with the Law of Attraction. A crucial component is creating a reality, in some form, where one has already received their want/need/desire and are actively enjoying its use. To draw that “dream” into this reality, one must set up a correspondent energy that attracts that to them.

3) The Principle of Vibration “Nothing rests; Everything moves; Everything vibrates” –  The universe is never at rest and all objects in creation vibrate, the difference being in degree.

4) The Principle of Polarity “Everything is dual, everything has poles;  all truths are but half truths; Opposites are identical in nature but opposite in degree” –  Because we live in a polarized reality, it appears we face only two choices when making a decision on a given issue.  We tend to view events and people as being  good or bad, right or wrong and positive or negative.  Polarity is a reality and can be both a blessing and a curse, depending on whether a student uses this principle…. or is used by it.  A major part of the skills development of many alchemists is known as transmutation, the act of changing from one state to another.  This involved directly affecting the vibrations both within them and those around them to state in which the wild swings of emotional energy would be minimized.  Proverbs 15:1 could easily be considered an alchemical “formula” for this transmutation process and an excellent example of this principle’s application:

A soft answer turns away wrath but harsh words stir up fury.” (World English Bible)

5) The Principle of Rhythm “Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall” –  This refers, of course, to cosmic cycles, which transpire in a given reality dependent on its Divine Plan.  Kingdoms rise, kingdoms fall, summer follows spring just as night follows day – these are quick examples of rhythm.  By understanding that historical events have distinctive “markers” or sequence, it becomes easier to “predict” what may happen, based on recognizing and observing  them.

6) The Principle of Cause and Effect“Every cause has its effect, every effect has its cause; everything happens according to Law” –  This is integral – as are all these principles –  to ensure perpetual motion in the universe, where a given cause or stimuli results in an effect, which in turn becomes a cause itself, continuing the endless cycle.

7) The Principle of Gender“Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.” –  The Gnostics are good examples of applying this principle to their belief system and, hence, their very way of life. They recognized that “The ALL”  contained both male and female aspects and one of the major reasons that the many sects of early Christianity despised them.  This belief ran counter to their message that included female subservience and male dominance – not to mention a singular male god –  and they were ruthless in their persecution of Gnostics.

As you can see, the principles do provide an added perspective that may perhaps assist in unlocking  hidden meanings and messages.  Are there other “human” factors that we can employ? The answer is decidedly yes, according to many including the site Morgana’s Observatory.  She highlights a number of things that we tend to take for granted but in reality play a bigger role than we could imagine. They are highlighted below, along with my own insight or understanding

1) A thorough knowledge of the cycles of “history” –  I deem this to be crucial, not just long term but short term history as well.  This is all about recognizing patterns or events that precede or follow a directional change in this timeline.  Nothing is static and everything moves and changes, marked by our perception of  time.

2) Careful detached observation of the recent past and the present –  The key word is detached or objective.  It is easy to become emotionally stirred as a result of events but to find its truth – for us – requires that detachment for clarity’s sake.

3) More than a passing familiarity of human nature –  This really echoes the Principles of Polarity, Vibration and Rhythm, where the majority of people will react in a given way, when confronted with the same stimuli.  People can be somewhat predictable in their responses and hence, will often behave and react in a similar fashion.

4) Meditation, contemplation, ability to eliminate one’s thoughts, biases, desires – This really is only logical, given that we complete a task  more quickly when we can focus  both our physical and mental processes on it. Essentially, to be objective one is required to be clear-headed and free from preconceived notions or programmed and limiting beliefs.

5) Intuition, common sense and compassion – The importance of these factors cannot be overlooked or underestimated. We employ intuition on a regular basis, most often without full recognition on our part.  To me, however, from an energetic perspective, the inclusion of compassion is crucial. If we seek answers in state of low vibration such as anger or greed, the energy that we connect with reflects that and enhances it.  In short, we lose objectivity due to the low vibrational emotional energy. Compassion allows one to step outside of and above a given event, where the perspective is not one of laying blame but rather acceptance – acceptance that it has some purpose within a Divine Plan or blueprint and those involved are merely playing their own supporting role.  A further and essential addition here, from my perspective, is humility.


I urge you to  apply this knowledge each time you are confronted with prophecies and predictions. Ultimately, we  must decide what our own truth is and isn’t.  When we can identify the underlying and often hidden aspects of predictions of what is and will be happening, we have an added tool in our spiritual toolbox.  Contrary, to what many may believe, our future is not written in stone. Certainly, we each arrived with a role to act out within this divine play,  which some deem as proof that the future is immutable and cannot be changed, often because their god has decreed that.  It presents a paradox because those with this belief also claim we have free will, but one that is easily understood if the lenses of bias are removed.  While we do play a role, how we achieve that purpose is where our free will is involved. In other words, we can choose to fly, drive or take the train and along the way encounter experiences that are necessary to complete our cosmic contract.


Namster, Nick

The “Holy Guardian Angel”: Demonic or Divine?

February 23, 2012

This post is really a follow-up to a pair of my recent shows which I entitled “The Scarlet Council”.  Centered on a poem I wrote of the same name, which I narrated during the show,  my aim was to make people aware of some of the secret magic that is taught and practiced around the globe.  A common element in systems from both the east and west are the mystery schools of very ancient Egypt.  Numerous mystery traditions exist today, as do numerous schools of magic, many with a common goal – communication with and connection to their Holy Guardian Angel.  As one explores further, it becomes clear that the identity of this Holy Guardian Angel (HGA) has a very different meaning to different systems.  Not only that, but there seems to be a pronounced influence on many initiates to the mysteries to develop their Light Body, otherwise known as their Magical Personality.  The establishment of this magical personality is an essential component to accessing the higher mysteries in many systems; in fact, it serves as the magician’s representative form while engaged in activities in other realms and planes of existence.  The Egyptians believed that it was this magical personality – the Ba – which left the body at death and presented itself to Anubis for the Heart Weighing Ritual which determined that entity’s fate.

In order to fully understand the energy at play in our 3D reality, it is crucial to be cognizant of what type of arcane and sacred wisdom is available, especially if that knowledge involves interfering with the free will of another or using non-human and non-physical beings to perform negative actions which result in low vibration energy being easily available for these same non-human entities.  If you think your local cable company is stingy in its payment policies, they pale in comparison to the demands made of the witch or sorcerer on completion of these tasks.  Many do not want to consider the reality that there are people without conscience who willingly make such deals and offer sacrificial victims.  One needs only view the diabolical “war on terror” to see this in action.  These energy beings require a steady supply of low vibration energy, often attaching themselves to people or specific locations that harbor such energy in abundant quantities.  Pain and suffering emit a peculiar type of energy  and these are a literal feast for these entities.   My point is not to make any type of political statement, but rather draw to public notice the awareness and insight that magical wisdom has existed in many forms in this reality for a very long time and yet has been largely inaccessible to the general public.   Throughout the ages,  much of the “High Magic” wisdom has been used by priests, kings and emperors in secret, the most well-known being the famed King Solomon.  Many sources, including one said to have been penned by him and known as The Testament of Solomon,  provides a thought-provoking perspective into his entry into the dark magics.

To understand one concept of the HGA,  we have to understand that communication with the spirit realms is a birthright of humanity,  well-recognized on ancient Atlantis, if the legends are true.  And there have been places of higher metaphysical education that taught this wisdom to prospective magi and sorcerers,  some of which still survives today.  In one form,  the famed Alistair Crowley began the Great Work, as the operation is called, to connect with his HGA, but stopped and used another way to achieve the same results.  Based on the writings of the enigmatic Abremalin the Mage  in his Sacred Magic compilation,  completion of this Great Work included a detailed regimen that a magician must adhere to for several months, with the result being a direct connection not only to his/her HGA but a host of other entities as well. Crowley summed it up like this:

He must then occupy two months in almost continuous prayer, speaking as little as possible to anybody. At the end of this period he invokes a being described as the Holy Guardian Angel, who appears to him (or to a child employed by him), and who will write in dew upon the Lamen, which is placed upon the Altar.  After a period of communion with the Angel, he summons the Four Great Princes of the Daemonic World, and forces them to swear obedience.
On the following day he calls forward and subdues the Eight Sub-Princes; and the day after that, the many Spirits serving these. These inferior Daemons, of whom four act as familiar spirits, then operate a collection of talismans for various purposes.

You can now see a bit more clearly why I am writing this article in particular.  Granted, this ritual takes no small amount of diligence and determination to complete,  but think of the possibilities this holds for a student who is not spiritually grounded with integrity.  One legend of the Celts tells of a great battle of Druid wizards during the reign of a chieftain called Cormac mac Airt.   The famed Mogh Ruith faced off against a group of Druids in the employ of this same chieftain and had their butts handed to them by the crafty wizard.  He was said to have used the spirits of the earth to defeat the rival wizard army. Another tale contends that he joined forces with the famed Simon Magus and they built a flying ship in the desert outside of Jerusalem, powered by lightning.  There are even earlier examples of this type of technology being developed in the far east.  Hinduism holds sacred many texts containing rather detailed instructions on how to make a vimana powered by very advanced power sources.  The point is that an enormous amount of arcane knowledge has been kept secret to some degree that clearly point to some incredible possibilities if a person was able to communicate and interact with the real makers of that technology, whether they were in physical or spirit form.

I completed an initial short synopsis on The Book of Enoch for a past article, not completely understanding why it hadn’t been included as part of the Bible. After all, this guy supposedly walked with God himself and never encountered death.  As a spiritual seeker, I would be highly interested to find out what his life involved to accomplish something so unprecedented.  After a more detailed review, it became very clear.  In many ways, on many levels, it contained information that was contrary to what the emerging “Christian” system had as its core doctrine and beliefs.  It was deemed to not be “divinely inspired”, despite this incredible feat and being quoted by the likes of Jude and the early church fathers Iranaeus and Justin Martyr. among others.  It tells a tale of a race of immortals who terraformed earth and cloned copies of themselves – early humanity –   to serve essentially as slaves.   And then for some reason, these beings led by “God” needed to go away and leave the Watchers behind to supervise their property and investment.  Upon returning, this group is furious that the guardians had given both knowledge and technology to the lowly humans, as well as the secrets of magic.  This is where the notion that “God” is an all-seeing, all-knowing being is shattered.

Genesis 1:26 states, “And God said, Let US make man in OUR image, according to OUR likeness.”  Clearly, this entity is talking to others who are just like it and must include both male and female genders.  If this was truly the One Creator, how is it possible that It didn’t know about the activities of these Watchers and take steps to stop them? If more proof of this is needed, consider the solution this  loving “God” comes up with – send a flood to kill every living thing except a select group of humans and animals.  Their crime was to allow themselves to receive knowledge of the secrets, especially of warfare,  from the “angels”.  Enoch regards these Watchers, led by Azazel’s efforts to enlighten humanity, in a negative light, obviously out of deferment to this “God” character, which is even more complex.  According to his text, what we call “God” was the creator of physical humans through genetic manipulation. In order to them give them true life, another entity entirely was needed whom he called “Lord of the Spirits”.  Add to this confusion, he also references “Ancient of Days” as God, as well as a being known as “Son of Man”.  This  being(s) who was so infuriated with the actions of these Watchers knew full well that the offspring known as the Nephilim, were immortal and that a decree had been made to essentially chain their spirits to the earth realm until a future day of judgment.  They knew that, while the physical bodies of these Nephilim could be killed, their spirit would be trapped but able to interfere directly in the affairs of mankind.  In the least, if the Biblical flood account has merit, this displays a measure of what can only be called incompetence on the part of so-called Gods. Long after the Flood is alleged to have taken place, there were many sources that corroborate that the Nephilim bloodlines continued.   At the other end of the spectrum, it shows a blatant disregard for humanity and a very dark, unevolved side to this so-called “God”.   The point is simply that a credible source has detailed some of the disembodied spirits that are available to a magician for contact.

Clearly, there is a great deal of activity taking place that seems to be partially designed to elicit anger, worry, fear and envy and the potential does exist for a human being to take advantage of these dark forces if they hold the keys of knowledge to do so.  To people like Crowley, the HGA was an divine entity that allowed a magician access to the skills, wisdom and power of non-human beings.  This is only one version, however.

In other mystery traditions,  the HGA essentially refers to one’s Higher Self Essence, the CPU that coordinates the activities of all aspects of itself in all realities.  In order to fully access It and these other fragments at work on other planes of reality,  development of the Magical Personality (MP) is essential. As mentioned earlier, this is the magi’s representative to the spirit realms and the vital link to greater wisdom and knowledge, not to mention assistance.   In this case, there has been a significant grounding both spiritually and metaphysically for a student to have full cognizance of using this wisdom and connection with integrity when they reach this level of advancement in the mysteries.  Some believe that there is still potential for connection to a type of Anti-HGA, referred to as the Evil Genius by some.   Who or what is this Evil Genius?

The writings of magical visionaries like Crowley and John Dee include a common element – a being each feared and regarded as the “evil of all devils”.  Known as Choronzon,  one perspective contends this a group entity while others claim it to be a demoness, associated with the number 333 as half of the enigmatic 666.  It was claimed that it was possible that a  student could inadvertently connect with this entity – and not his real HGA.  If it can happen under the conditions prevalent when the rituals are performed in a presumably protected area, it stands to reason that a magi could use it and connect purposely with this false HGA.

In a piece published by the Ogdoadic Journal of the Western Mysteries, they provide likely the best description of true magic I have encountered:  “The heart of all true magic resides in the quest and the ongoing work to fulfill one’s divine purpose.”  It should now be apparent that there is potential to use ancient wisdom for selfish aims but equally for results that could assist mankind.  The key is the foundation one has built during the journey.  The terms demonic and divine are entirely subjective for at some level they combine as one,  a notion that many would vehemently disagree with but has been an accepted fact of many philosophies.   The Magical Personality link above also includes a fascinating comparison of the western and Egyptian mysteries, as it pertained to the Ka and Ba.

A commonality that we all share on this magical journey of soul perfection is the awareness that we are continuous students.  Many ancient texts make reference to man’s inner yearning to communicate directly with the gods, which many contend is the soul making itself heard and felt.  A deep longing as we look into a star lit sky,  our imagination drifting to wonder at what is truly out there.  To some in recent times, a belief has arisen that earth has been seeded with souls fragments of beings from other galactic species, including angels, ascended masters and even dragons.  Mozart was a rare example of his time, a period of enlightenment, but that type of genius is now becoming commonplace.  Children are displaying some incredible talents, some observed personally by Drunvalo Melchezidec and writers for OMNI magazine in China.  Special schools were even established to train these “super-psychic kids”  and their abilities were quite incredible,  breaking the laws of physics as we understand them.  It has been said that during times of greatest darkness on the earth,  a great surge of souls are incarnated.  These times of darkness they well recognize as the times of greatest spiritual education and perfection, including the karmic aspects and the chance to balance the scales.  At these times, as well, when the Principle of Rhythm takes full effect,  it has been quite effectively used as a means to keep the masses unbalanced.  But inevitably, as history records the rise and fall and nations,  this age will swing back like a pendulum from the dark polarity to that of the Light.  NASA confirms that our sun is radiating unknown particles and that there particles “invading” our solar system from a source they cannot determine which are helping to alter our DNA.  It would seem we are receiving a helping hand in this ascension process.

This post was written to bring awareness and insight into the forces we face, who use this type of magic for personal gain and greed.  They have a vested interest in stopping this process, both the human and non-human elements.  One other essential component to students of Hermetic Philosophy, the foundation of Egyptian mystery traditions,  was the development of one’s ability to love.  There are many varying degrees of love but they deemed this to be crucial to a student’s training and  development.  Some scholars contend that the one known as Christ revealed his mystery school training with his marked focus on love and compassion.

So how is this all going to play out?  For words of wisdom and strength, few rival that of Thoth in Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean:

Then shall there come unto man the great warfare
that shall make the Earth tremble and shake in its course.
Aye, then shall the Dark Brothers
open the warfare between Light and the night.

When man again shall conquer the ocean and fly
in the air on wings like the birds;
when he has learned to harness the lightning,
then shall the time of warfare begin.
Great shall the battle be twixt the forces,
great the warfare of darkness and Light.

Nation shall rise against nation
using the dark forces to shatter the Earth.
Weapons of force shall wipe out the Earth-man
until half of the races of men shall be gone.
Then shall come forth the Sons of the Morning
and give their edict to the children of men, saying:
O men, cease from thy striving against thy brother.
Only thus can ye come to the Light.
Cease from thy unbelief, O my brother,
and follow the path and know ye are right.

Then shall men cease from their striving,
brother against brother and father against son.
Then shall the ancient home of my people rise
from its place beneath the dark ocean waves.
Then shall the Age of Light be unfolded
with all men seeking the Light of the goal.
Then shall the Brothers of Light rule the people.
Banished shall be the darkness of night.

Namaste, Nick xxx

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