I greet you Dear Ones, with love, compassion and gratitude from the Most High. I approach you today with great joy, for your efforts have indeed borne beautiful fruit. During this last week, all of you were exposed to very high intensity energy that triggered you to take specific actions. Many of these you do not even consciously recall and this is the way of things quite often on your spiritual journey, when you honor your sacred agreement with The Creator. It is not essential in some cases that you do remember; what is important is that you have chosen and continue to choose a path that can often make no sense to you. Your willingness to do so has allowed a whole new set of souls to be awakened from slumber. Let me explain.

Consider this analogy: You have worked at a specific job for several years and your efforts are noted, as is your ability to take on more responsibility. A competent boss will note your potential but will often make very little reference to this fact. Without your knowledge, however, that boss will typically look at your attendance record, how you relate to co-workers, your willingness to go the extra mile to ensure a task is complete and most of all, if you have the capacity to change and diversify. A position becomes vacant and there you are, being informed that an opening – a promotion of sorts – has appeared and you are being strongly considered for this new position.  Certainly, you may encounter an interview, possibly a detailed review of your job performance but, essentially, it has been your efforts to date that have brought you to this spot.

So, your are given the promotion and find yourself perhaps moving to a new office or even a new location. It is all quite exciting but by leaving your old job, you have created an opening that somebody must step in and fill. And here rests the point I wish to gently stress to you, Dear Ones. Your new duties often require some type of additional training or orientation, while the job you just vacated requires you to pass on your wisdom and experience to the one taking up that old position you held with such distinction. Can you see the relevance here? You are required to be both student and teacher and so it is with your continued journey on this ascension path. How you educate the incoming co-worker will have a lasting impression on them and influence them in some way. Will you be a taskmaster and display annoyance because they cannot grasp the finer points of the job as quickly as you did? Or will you choose to exercise patience and calm and give them every opportunity to learn and grow into that job at their own pace? Certainly, there can be other factors including time but generally, the choice of how you pass on your wisdom is entirely up to you.

Now let’s advance that scenario. A new job and a new area of growth and development has arrived. To your dismay, you find the person teaching you to be rude, opinionated and seemingly oblivious to the virtue of patience. It is a stressful orientation that can leave you wondering if the change was really worth this new level of anxiety and frustration. After all, you’re leaving behind co-workers that you understood and a job that you grew into and was comfortable for you. There is much to learn and it seems nothing you do is ever up to this person’s standards or expectations. This new teacher is displaying none of the patience that you think you deserve and frustration and resentment can set in quickly, even before you begin your new duties. You think to yourself: “The boss has chosen me, so I must have at least the rudimentary skills needed for this position. So why is this person making me reconsider my decision to accept it?”  

Now, Dear Ones,  think closely on this for it is essential that you understand some important components. You have all been chosen for a crucial task in this lifetime. Quite often, you are brought into new positions or stages of service where it seems you have barely the time to get oriented. New challenges arise with increasing frequency and intensity. Unlike the job, however, you were the one who made the choice to advance and it has been on a timetable established by your soul, your Higher Self. Certainly, The Great Creator presented you with the opportunity and your guides, teachers and mentors will ensure that you do receive the training and experience needed to fulfill your role but the choice always remains with you.

The greatest key of wisdom that I can offer you is to simply give up your expectations of how you think you should learn these important lessons. Trust in your own wisdom, for your Higher Self is not only an extension of you… it is you, and it is very aware of what is required for your advancement. You must understand that not everybody that you encounter as teachers will treat you with courtesy and respect and many wish to remain in a place of comfort and familiarity. When you arrive at their tier, or rung of the ladder, you are a reminder to them of the obligations they may have chosen not to fulfill. Send each one love and compassion and above all, express your gratitude for the opportunity they have presented you with to learn and grow.

One final point, Dear Ones, that bears mentioning. Always remember that your purpose is singularly unique. Nobody else in physical existence has the skills, talents, abilities or life experience to fulfill your exact role and mission of service. Many will come to you with necessary knowledge and will have expectations that you will apply this new wisdom exactly as they have. Many will even display displeasure or annoyance that you do not choose to do so. Rest assured, that each new nugget of insight you receive will be applied by you in manner that reflects your role, not theirs. Once again, I ask that you simply offer them your compassion and gratitude.

This last week has ushered in a very intense type of energy that has awakened many. A lot of you, as you have already been made fully aware, are now actively working on the higher planes during your sleep periods. Follow the suggestion you have been given and set an intent, every evening if you choose, to connect with these realms and the teachers and loved ones who reside there. It is extremely important that you begin to fully realize how truly interdimensional you are. And don’t forget, as well, Dear Ones, to request the occasional evening off to ensure your physical body is granted the chance to get a restful night’s sleep.

We are very pleased with your progress, Dear Ones. So many of you have chosen to honor your soul contracts and move on to places that are unfamiliar territory, despite the mounting obstacles that you encounter. Keep your energy high, continue to connect with others who walk the path of Light and be gentle with yourself. And most importantly, allow us, in the angelic realm, the privilege of assisting you. It has been often been said that while you may walk your personal path alone, you need not do it alone, Dear Ones. Know that you will succeed. I leave you with immense love and gratitude from our Great and Divine Creator and those of us in the angelic realm, who love you beyond measure.

I am Raziel, Keeper of Celestial Mysteries


(Channeled by Nick Nash – Nov. 15/09)

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