Posted tagged ‘Nick’

Astral Musings – Jul.17/11

July 18, 2011

This show was initiated with a narration of two of my favorite poems, which I wrote some years ago –  The Sacred Gift and Immortal Visions.  I ran across an oddity at one of my favorites sites Crystalinks, which provided significant evidence that the “number of the Beast” as threatened by the Christian religion, is not 666 but rather 616.

A quick review of possible past life influence in our present incarnation was followed by an examination of “deja vu” and its related components.  Faux spirituality is on the rise and it is essential that we are able to recognize the games played by those who exert enormous influence from the shadows, just outside of our time/ space reality.

A completely different perspective of our true history can be found within the Urantia Papers, ostensibly written/channeled by various groups of soul races including one known as The Melchizedeks.  We briefly touched on one paper entitled “Seraphic Guardians Of Destiny”. There was some fascinating info and insight regarding how one is assigned specific “guardians” and even a Thought Adjuster.

That’s it for today. Thank you for dropping by.

Namaste, Nick xxxx

Sorcery and Sages – Links for Jul. 01/11

July 1, 2011

My poem, Knight Over Dark, presented an excellent seguaway for the focus of this show. What is meant by astral physics and timespace?  If we each have an “etheric body” that interconnects the physical with the realm of spirit (ethereal), it becomes clear very quickly that this could be a source of enormous wisdom.  I expressed – and continue to  – express grave misgivings about the entities who interacted with Dee and Kelly. Trithemius was a sorcerer of great renown, who penned much of his experimentation and rituals in a number of texts. We walked through the preparations of the his ritual to draw an entity into a crystal.

The Coral Castle has stirred enormous interest over the decades, almost as much generated by humans who have displayed unusual physical manifestations like the stigmata.


Happy Canada Day, my fellow Canadians… and those who wish they were…LOL.


Namaste, Nick xxxx

Links and Notes for May 29/11 Show

May 30, 2011

This show was an attempt to unravel a thread between established religious beliefs systems, their version of the “End Times” – complete with their own unique “Messiah” figure – consisting largely of the slaughter of any who are not “believers”.  The legend of Shambalha speak of a final king, who will ride forth and conquer the world, leaving behind  two kings to rule as his regents. The Kalki Avatar – the alleged avatar of “God” – also uses a massive army to conquer the world and rid it of “non-believers” or “mlecchas”.  Judaism does not recognize Jesus but do believe in a coming “Messiah” who will rule a world government from Jerusalem.

Additionally, we looked at the similarities between “Christianity” and Islam, as it relates to the “Anti-Christ” of the Bible and “al-Mahdi” in the Quran. In our neck of the woods, indigenous peoples of central America believe in the return of Quetzalcoatl, the winged serpent god.

Where does this all lead? As I have contended many times, the metaphysical knowledge that is available today had to have come from somewhere.  Our awareness of other realities has been documented for thousands of years, complete with a supposed “King List” which details the reign of kings, which begins with.. “When the kingship descended from Heaven.” There are undisputed parallels not only among religions and “End Times” scenarios but also the “Alien Agenda”.  Is there a Master Plan that ties it all together?


That all, guys. Thanks for coming by!


Namaste, Nick xxxx

Links and Notes for May 28/11 Show

May 28, 2011

This component of our exploration of Gods, Legends and Supernatural Oddities picked up from yesterday, examining the purpose of that ringing we often get in our ears.  Often, we  think our angels and guides have no understanding of what we are presently going through, because of this Ascension. Like Ronna Herman, I believe that our angels really do know because they have undergone this process them,selves, as part of their ongoing education.

Rev. Ted Pike has some incredibly open-minded assessments of present-day religion and how far it has strayed from the “true” path, especially in its blind subservience to Israel.  Almost as corroboration – but in a different way – I had to re-visit an organization that claims a special dispensation from “God” to expel demons and even murder and maim other living human beings. This is not a misprint… this is not a joke. This group actually believes that, as integral parts of “God’s Army” it falls on them, as its generals, to take over the “Seven Mountains” of society before Jesus will allegedly be able return.

And we just got started on the “Alien Agenda” info… tomorrow should be interesting.

Namaste, Nick  xxx

Notes and Links for May 27/11 Show

May 27, 2011

We covered a few different areas in this show, beginning with an interesting form of protest by women in Saudi Arabia.  Another form of protest was obvious on the  Palestinian “Nakba” recently, resulting in several deaths and many injuries but a new optimism arose from the terror.

There has been intense debate over the decades since the The Protocols appeared, which is allegedly a blueprint for world domination.  Denounced by Zionists and their allies as a forgery, it has, nonetheless, been the object of intense scrutiny.  Part of the “objective” of these protocols was to devise a means to show that all religions were wrong and had been deceiving mankind, to clear the way for a one-world religion and a one-world spiritual leader.  In that vein we took a look at the possibility that King Solomon may well have been Rameses II, and that Joseph could have been the mythical Imhotep.  As for the veracity of The Protocols, it seems they were discovered in the possession of an Illuminati agent, who had allegedly been struck by lightning.  And Henry Ford was made to apologize to the  leader of the American Jewish Committee … not for saying he believed The Protocols to be real but simply that he had observed that they “seemed” to be playing out in world affairs.

On a lighter note, an “affliction” it seems we have all encountered: What is that ringing in our ears?

We’re going to take a look at our reality from a gnostic perspective tomorrow, especially as it pertains to non-human, non-physical beings who are interacting with us – both to help and hinder.


Namaste, Nick xxx

Links for May 14/11 Show

May 14, 2011

Our journey, on this show, began with an astounding fact that the Vatican named its Arizona telescope “Lucifer”.  Speaking of which, we examined the origin of the 7 headed dragon from myth and legend.

We took another look at the “Lucifer Rebellion” as described in the Urantia Papers. 

Dreaming the Future examined glimpses into the results of future life progression.

Lauren Gorgo filled us in on some of what we are presently enduring on this ascension journey and then we ended with a Wiccan viewpoint of Christ and his teachings.

Namaste, Nick xxx

Show Notes and Resources for Feb.05/11

February 6, 2011

The following constitute both the references and direct links to the material I covered during the show on Saturday. I will make an attempt to continue to provide this material here, after each show, in the future.  This show, of course, is part of my series entitled “Exploring Mystery In Metaphysics”.

To set the stage, with the objective being a more complete picture of how this ancient knowledge impacts on us today, in the world around us… there are minute threads of evidence which, taken on their own, may appear to have little or so significance. In another context or perspective, however, the importance may be of enormous significance. One such common thread encountered, in terms of modern-day Christian beliefs, involves  the Knights Templar and their very unique contribution of innumerable mysteries that may well never be answered with any degree of real accuracy. The piece I opened with actually came from a newsletter subscription I receive from the International Order of Gnostic Templars.  The link will take you to a page with a great deal more information about their mission and history.

We also examined the misleading prophecy of Isaiah 7:14, which has been quoted for centuries as proof of Christ’s imminent birth. As the article describes in some detail, that is a false and misleading determination because that verse is taken entirely out of the context in which it is found. That particular “prophecy” was directed toward King Ahaz of Judah and heralded the coming of his own son.

This leads in to a piece that discusses very different viewpoints of Mary and Joseph, and are introduced to Jahoshua ben Pandera – one source claims that this was the real name of the one we call Jesus.  So who were Jesus’  “real” parents? The piece is quite lengthy but highly informative. From another viewpoint, we also examined how Jesus was regarded in the Rabbinic Traditions.  Next, we explored another key thread on the mystery, that of the bloodline of David, through Solomon and then, allegedly, to one of Christ’s parents.  The intrigue mounts because, attached to the line of Solomon, there is a family curse.

We concluded with Solomon, from a Wiki entry, a short descriptive piece relating to ancient magical grimoires alleged to have been written by him called the Keys Of Solomon.  A fascinating read for any avid history buff of the paranormal, the Testament of Solomon is a definite eye-opener, if you haven’t been exposed to the “wizard” side of Solomon before.

We’ll pick up from there on Sunday’ s show and tie these fragments of the puzzle into a cohesive form… hopefully. I’ve got a piece from Allison Rae to help bring some clarity, as well as Johan Calleman and his assertions that we are entering the 9th Underworld, according Mayan prophecies. Hope you can drop by and share your light in the chat room… if not, I’ll post the show notes and links shortly after its conclusion.

Namaste, Nick